Help!! I feel like I'm killing myself and getting nowhere!?



  • gs09
    gs09 Posts: 8 Member
    1200 is too little. It's too little for ME to eat, and I'm only 5 ft, 105 lbs. You're starving yourself, no wonder you feel like you're killing yourself! Go to:

    Fill this out, hit calculate, then subtract 20% from the number it gives you. That is the number of calories a day you should be eating to safely and sustainably lose weight. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how many calories you can eat and and still lose weight!

    this says I can eat over 4000 cals?!!?! Think I've done something wrong somewhere!! lol!
  • curejenn
    curejenn Posts: 70 Member
    when i asked my gym bout that they suggested to drop a few more kcals and do more cardio

    I would not follow that advice at all.... Whoever is instructing you is not well versed in nutrition.... I would run from that advice but that is just me....

    Ageed!! It is astounding to me the advice that some doctors give. This is NOT good advice at all. What are they teaching some of these people?!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Also, since you say you feel like you're killing yourself, you're probably experiencing a lot of stress which throws off your hormone levels and prevents weight loss. I think you need to take a step back and relax. This isn't a race.
  • kaylinn9
    kaylinn9 Posts: 112
    I think you're reaching a plateau - the best way to get rid of this plateau is to eat a lot for one or two days, because apparently that somehow gets your metabolism confused and gets you to burn off your fat that won't budge before.

    I am not sure how it works, but it does! I've had the same problem as you for a while.

    But not too many days of binging or you'll end up gaining all the weight back.

    Good luck.
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    Hi Super teacher
    I am 5.3 and i eat about 1290 cal's a day and i do cardio at least 5 days a week and yoga 6 days , i eat a lot of veggies that really help me as they are great for low calories and i make sure that i get good Fats like Avocado and coconut oil in my diet. i do add 200 or so Calories to my diet on my long cardio days and long is an hour for me. And then once a week or so i will add an extra 300 calories so about 1500 total for one day then i go back to my 1290 and i also make sure i eat a lot of good clean protein and clean food i hope this info helps you out best of luck and do give up just eat Clean and more.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    absolutely not.

    Folks, the OP is not eating early enough to support herself and some of you are telling her to eat less?

    No. Please don't give awful advice.
  • bjornsdottir
    bjornsdottir Posts: 1 Member
    At this point you may want to eat at whatever your daily maintenance caloric intake is (ie mine is 2400). Let your body realize that it's getting what it needs and that it doesn't need to horde calories any more. You will put on scale weight as carbs are converted to glycogen (essentially the body's first choice for 'go juice'), but it won't be fat weight. Give it a few days to a week, then start at a nice 10-15% deficit. You should see results, especially if you drink plenty of water and limit the amount of sodium you take in.
  • i used to struggle with high bodyfat and eating as dictated to by a formula.

    I decided, to rest more and let my body recover and its worked, i work out less frequently maybe 3-4 times a week, and rest and recover.
    i have also cut down on crap but if i feel hungry i will just get a balanced meal and eat.... if i feel hungry sometime after i'll do the same, Listening to our body will help.

    I beleive in quality of food rather than quantities.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    You didn't mention how long it's been since the scale hasn't budged.

    I always have to remind myself:

  • purplekty
    purplekty Posts: 57 Member
  • curejenn
    curejenn Posts: 70 Member
    when i asked my gym bout that they suggested to drop a few more kcals and do more cardio

    I would not follow that advice at all.... Whoever is instructing you is not well versed in nutrition.... I would run from that advice but that is just me....

    Ageed!! It is astounding to me the advice that some doctors give. This is NOT good advice at all. What are they teaching some of these people?!

    OK I thought this said gyn and not gym. Either way, not good advice.
  • nje444
    nje444 Posts: 62
    when i asked my gym bout that they suggested to drop a few more kcals and do more cardio

    I would not follow that advice at all.... Whoever is instructing you is not well versed in nutrition.... I would run from that advice but that is just me....

    Ageed!! It is astounding to me the advice that some doctors give. This is NOT good advice at all. What are they teaching some of these people?!

    And while you are at it, invest in a new gym. The trainers there seem to be off point!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Agreed! I've been eating according to the info in that topic for nearly a year, and have had the best results since doing so. I've been steadily dropping fat and inches, as well as pounds. Excellent advice!