INSANITY WORKOUT starting feb. 17 , 2013!!



  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member
    I've read many of you asking about what kind of shoes. I've been ok with my running shoes, but I've heard plenty of people say how they've had issues with running shoes. Most of what I have read recommend cross trainers. With all the jumping and bouncing around you need something that will give you good support. Insanity is no joke and you need to listen to your body as you adapt to the intensity of the workouts. Unless you are already in very good shape don't try to keep up with the people in the video. If you watch you'll see most of the also need to take additional breaks. Listen to your body, don't over do it, but dig as deep as you can!

    Also, read about someone not recommending eating too soon before the workout, uh, yeah, good idea!! lol I normally will only eat a banana or drink a glass of almond chocolate milk shortly before my workout and have no belly issues. Hope that helps.
  • Tried minimalist running shoes once... Quickly paused the video and switched shoes...
  • I tried a few weeks ago, but got discouraged because I couldn't keep
    Up :(. I'm going to try again, after reading all the posts I think I need to try and just go at my own pace. Thanks!!
  • ShannOliver
    ShannOliver Posts: 11 Member
    Good morning everyone how we feeling today!? I completed cardio power and resistance today . I didnt mind it! I liked it better than yesterday lol. I feel sore today but I feel great :)! I just feel so happy after I workout ( all the endorphins I suppose)

    To my fellow insanity worshipers I have a few questions:
    1) do you use shakeology?
    2) if so do you find it benefits you
    3) do you eat back your excersie calories

    1&2) Yes. I absolutely love it. I follow the 5 mini meal plan Insanity suggests, so when I just don't have time to make a meal (especially breakfast), I just blend up Shakeology and BAM, breakfast. The chocolate is really good with banana. I'm totally addicted to it now. I also use P90x R&R for my after workout drink. That's awesome too, really helps with my soreness. They were both recommended by my trainer.

    3) No. Sometimes I'll be a little over and the exercise calories will make up for that, but I don't intentionally use them.

    Also, pro-tip, the #1 thing I would recommend is investing in a HRM. The one I'm ecstatic over is Polar FT60, totally changed the game and keeps me motivated to keep going as I watch my burned calories go up and up! If I could recommend anything, it would be that.
  • ShannOliver
    ShannOliver Posts: 11 Member
    I started this last Monday.
    I lost about 90 pounds 4 years ago and just took off another 25/30 lbs after two more babies (I have 5 kids and my last one was born July4. 2011)
    At my highest weight I was 270ish. Right now I'm around 160-165 and I am 5'8''. I really like to get to around 135-140.
    I need lots of motivation! I have 5 kids all under 8 years old, a lazy husband, and a third shift job.. oh yeah and I take full time online courses too!
    The first day of actual workout was tough for me, yesterday was a the cardio circuit... some of the things I couldn't do. I just did what I could or subbed them for something else. Today will be my cardio recovery. I need it. The bottoms of my feet hurt SO bad. I am scared to go to sleep after work in fear I wont be able to move!! I hope it'll be worth it though!

    Also, what kind of heart monitor do you guys have?

    Oh wow, good for you!

    I mentioned it in my last post, but I highly recommend the Polar FT60 for a HRM. It's definitely pricey, but totally worth it imo.
  • brownie0424
    brownie0424 Posts: 31 Member
    So, today is my day 4, I will be doing Cardio Recovery. I must say so far I am sore, but far less sore today than I was yesterday. I am up 2 pounds but I'm not worried. I have been drinking water like I have been stranded in the desert for weeks!

    I'm surprised at how much I am looking forward to my workouts as crazy as that sounds :laugh:
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Week one done! I got my heart rate monitor today...465 calories on plyo cardio circut. And i could already do more than tuesday! Little sore still...but Its all good!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    Well I did nothing today on my rest day! Busy getting ready to head back to school so that took over my time ill get my crossfit in Tomo night plus insanity so that'll be better :) good work to everyone
  • ajones1227
    ajones1227 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm excited to be starting insanity. I will be taking the fit test today and beginning the workout tomorrow. Feb. 25. I would love to have more friends currently doing insanity as well.
  • I'm excited to be starting insanity. I will be taking the fit test today and beginning the workout tomorrow. Feb. 25. I would love to have more friends currently doing insanity as well.

    Aiming to take Saturdays off I see.

    Today is my off day and my fitness test is tomorrow. Almost messed up my weight loss by switching to a carb heavy diet. Switched to eating sweet potatoes everyday and the weight started going up. going to start consuming a lot of broccoli instead for potassium.
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    Back on track! Took a "break" from insanity for three days, though I worked my butt off doing other things. Was super pleased that I didn't have to press the pause button this morning.
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    Well I did nothing today on my rest day! Busy getting ready to head back to school so that took over my time ill get my crossfit in Tomo night plus insanity so that'll be better :) good work to everyone

    Woah, crossfit is tough! I'm super impressed you do both.
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    Well I did nothing today on my rest day! Busy getting ready to head back to school so that took over my time ill get my crossfit in Tomo night plus insanity so that'll be better :) good work to everyone

    Woah, crossfit is tough! I'm super impressed you do both.
    I might die ! Haha jk me and my roommate do crossfit it's our 3rd month anniversary with crossfit :)!
    Day 8 was accomplished today! I feel good and strong even tho I had to wake up extra early to get it in before the long drive back to school . I might hold off on the crossfit tonight and just do yoga depending what time I get back to campus :)
  • brownie0424
    brownie0424 Posts: 31 Member
    Finished day 5 Pure Cardio. I don't even know what to say about that workout. I finished strong. I'm extremely happy that most of my soreness has gone away :)
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    Finished day 5 Pure Cardio. I don't even know what to say about that workout. I finished strong. I'm extremely happy that most of my soreness has gone away :)

    Awesome! Way to keep pushing thru!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    On day 14, a rest day. Lost 8 so far, its brutal.
  • cairee
    cairee Posts: 95 Member
    Day 1: fit test!
    my fit test numbers
    switch kicks: 44
    power jacks: 44
    power knees: 63
    power jumps: 21
    globe jumps: 6
    suicide jumps: 10
    push up jacks: 13
    low plank oblique: 45

    well by the end of that I was quivering. my heart rate stayed right around 180 the whole time, my max is 185 so thats pretty freaking good! tommorow I am eating breakfast after the workout (something simple like a protein shake) I ate an hour before workout today and I threw up after cool down.
  • Videogirl15
    Videogirl15 Posts: 14 Member
    I also started on the 17th! Yayy! What a challenge for me, WHEW! I, however do not plan on doing a second workout in the same day. But I am looking forward to seeing someone else's progress who's on the same page. I am 46, and about 45 lbs overweight...but I'm stoked! I love this workout...I hate it when I'm doing it,,,ha ha..It's week 1 so I'm doing pushups on my knees, and moving a little slower at times, but I keep moving. I also need the fresh air coming in the room, and drink ALOT more water than I was. I have also at the same time changed my diet. I know this may sound crazy, but after 1 week, I can't believe how I feel different already! I wasn't going to weigh myself, but I couldn't wait. Lost 1 1/2 lbs...That is miraculous in itself! Honestly, my goal is to comfortably wear a pair of shorts in the summer and also to have more energy throughout the day. Looking forward to reading your posts in the future! Best of luck to your new self!
  • brownie0424
    brownie0424 Posts: 31 Member
    Day 1: fit test!
    my fit test numbers
    switch kicks: 44
    power jacks: 44
    power knees: 63
    power jumps: 21
    globe jumps: 6
    suicide jumps: 10
    push up jacks: 13
    low plank oblique: 45

    well by the end of that I was quivering. my heart rate stayed right around 180 the whole time, my max is 185 so thats pretty freaking good! tommorow I am eating breakfast after the workout (something simple like a protein shake) I ate an hour before workout today and I threw up after cool down.

    I hear you with the throwing up. I was okay with the fit test but after doing plyo cardio circuit I felt like my body was humming and my stomach was flip flopping after.
  • I'm just looking into the Insanity challenge as I to seem to have hit my plateau and need something to boost my body back into action. Reading all of the posts here it sounds very encouraging and I can't wait to get going :)