30 Day Shred.. Starting 1/28/13



  • Resa52
    Resa52 Posts: 182 Member
    Wrapped up Level One Day 5 today. I'm actually able to do all 30 seconds of all the cardio each time which I couldn't on day one or two.

    I took a day off to rest my thigh muscles because my legs were wanting to just collapse doing lunges. Better today, but definitely not 100%!
  • IAmPersuaded
    IAmPersuaded Posts: 48 Member
    Lol...I so agree with you about Level 2! I was so relieved on Day 10 of it! Level 3 not so bad! I will need a break from this when I finish on Tuesday. I think I might start up P90X again just because I need something I can do at home. P90X is hard but seems a whole lot easier after getting through Level 2! :-)
  • IAmPersuaded
    IAmPersuaded Posts: 48 Member
    Level 3 Day 2, im sore again so im actually happy about that.
    I cannot do the jumping portion like the rock star jump so i do oblique twists or buttkicks
    Not sweating as much as level 2, but im so happy to be out of level 2 i dont care.
    level 3 is fun.

    Havent had much results with this program though, is anyone going to repeat it after theyre done?

    Lol...I so agree with you about Level 2! I was so relieved on Day 10 of it! Level 3 not so bad! I will need a break from this when I finish on Tuesday. I think I might start up P90X again just because I need something I can do at home. P90X is hard but seems a whole lot easier after getting through Level 2! :-)
  • cookiemahnster
    cookiemahnster Posts: 60 Member
    Oops I was AWOL for a week but back at it today! After 7 days of Level 2, I skipped ahead to Level 3 today. Not bad! I was watching on Youtube and lost internet connection twice (?) plus it skipped at one point, so that was irritating and I wasn't 100% into it. I'm always tentative the first time I do a video anyway. Looking forward to improving on Level 3!
  • myfitnesslife75
    myfitnesslife75 Posts: 163 Member
    I`m starting up today! Again! lol I did it back in December and I feel ready to try it again.
  • cookiemahnster
    cookiemahnster Posts: 60 Member
    Level 3 Day 2! Definitely sore in my shoulders in a bit in my back but today was good - did a little more (like all those mountain climbers!) but still have to follow Anita for a couple moves. Onward and upward!
  • IAmPersuaded
    IAmPersuaded Posts: 48 Member
    DONE!! Just finished my 10th day of Level 3! Totally done with the 30 Day Shred! It feels so good to have finished it. I have never worked out for so many days in a row! I feel like my endurance has been strengthen. I even wouldn't mind doing a little running now. I measure tomorrow. I am really hoping the scale moved but if not I can certainly see a difference in my body! Thanks for starting the group!
  • HTOCHE2013
    Started yesterday! Little sore but nothing too bad yet! I've heard level 2 is killer?
  • MirandaK62
    I'm with ya! I'm starting the 30 day shred again starting in March. :happy:
  • lwrwtw
    lwrwtw Posts: 27 Member
    Level 2 Day 5 in the books, after 5 days off for two very good reasons, o excuses!
  • RevCO30
    RevCO30 Posts: 176 Member
    Yesterday 2/28 completed 30DS with the following results: 6lbs lost and a total of 8.75" over all! I am pleased with these results. Those of you in level 1 or 2 just stick with it. It is effective!
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    I finished the shred on 3/2 (started 1/28) I took a few breaks obviously.
    Result = minus 6 pounds and amazing calf muscle lol I took a day off today but starting tomorrow again, however I will do lvl1 lvl2 lvl3 lvl1 lvl2 lvl3 and will be taking offs on sundays

    I also use a treadmill for 5-6 times a week and bowl twice a week though
  • alishawesomesauce
    I just started Level two today. I'm really excited to get better at all the moves!
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Day 3 level 10, todays my last day -- anyone going to do it over again? Or find something else
  • alishawesomesauce
    Question for people taking rest days- if you take a rest day are you still counting it as a day towards a level? I mean, if you don't then you don't finish in 30 days. So is it then done in like 34 days or whatever? Just wondering how other people are doing this. I have ended up taking a couple rest days even though I didn't plan on it and I am considering just adding them onto the end at Level 3 before I post up my results.