My job is sabotaging me!!!!

I don't know what to do anymore. I try so hard and wake up every single day in the right mind set. As soon as I go to work, I feel like I am battling with my cravings and my goals. Okay, so I work with food (if you couldn't tell). I bake cookies, croissants, cinnamon buns, muffins, truffles, fried chicken, fries, bacon, grilled cheese and burgers ALL DAY LONG. Oh, and my co-workers snack ALL DAY LONG.

SOMEONE HELP! I am so close to quitting either my job or this journey.


  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    its so friggen hard!!! i know- before i switched to new team in my office, i was working long hours in a very high stress job- and people constantly thought it would lift the move by baking and bringing in tons of food. so we stress ate- and i gained 15 lbs in 4 lbs. horrendous. now i plan ahead and have been making better decisions (plus im a shift worker now, so i happily miss many luncheons and food fests when im not on day shift)

    u are going to have to learn to live with it- as hard as it may be. no use of running from the real world. remember how much this means to you. drink water, chew gum, plan ahead. if you want a treat when at work, maybe factor 200 cals of a treat while u work, so u dont feel deprived. but make it worthwhile-- and stick to one serving.

    im continuing to learn that its just food, and it will be there tomorrow.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Something will always be trying to sabotage you. It's everywhere. If it's important to you, you'll find the willpower to resist. Take healthy snacks with you or get them in whatever way you can, and if you must have some of the goodies at your job, have them in moderation.
  • Joe7178
    Joe7178 Posts: 105
    if you work there do you know the calories and macros if so you could fit one of those choices into your daily calorie intake somedays
  • roselee1213
    roselee1213 Posts: 8 Member
    I met a women at the pool a few weeks ago and I followed her advice, and she knows this from her doctor and has lived it and succeded in loosing over 300 pounds. She told me to eat a low fat protein every two or three hours and your hunger and craving will go away. Stay away from junk food and sugar, it will trigger you to want to eat more.

    I was loosing very little until I did this, my last weigh in at TOPS was 7 pounds. I count my calories, and eat mostly vegetables, and protein meals. I snack on a small amount of nuts for one snack, and another I snack on 1/2 of a protein bar and eat the rest later in the day. I do like my nutriBullet and I will add whey to it to add in the protein.

    I work in a grocery store and I check in the express checkstand, so what do people mostly buy when they shop in the express, junk food. Instead of seeing and wanting it, I think to myself this is garbage and poison for my body.

    I ask God also to help me to eat better, and I tell Him I do not want to eat foods that defile my body like Daniel said in the bible.

    God Bless
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I'm coming up on a year of successful lifestyle changes (more commonly known as dieting). I work at Domino's Pizza. I have unlimited access to free pizzas that I can make and eat as I wish, along with stuffed cheesebread, lava cakes that ooze warm chocolate sauce, etc. Every day I go to work and have to make an effort to combat the urges. I promise it does get easier over time!

    Some of the things I do includes eating before work, bringing food to work with me (no point in wasting my time cooking food when I have some ready made), and making some of my co workers aware of my goals. This is surprisingly helpful. When I know they are watching me eat, even if they never say anything, I expect that they expect that I will eat healthier foods. I actually have a close co-worker/boss that knows everything about my lifestyle change and will (nicely) mention something if I grab a slice of pizza.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Have you just started the job? Because I had a job as a short-order cook in my teens and it didn't take too many late shifts, clearing the grease from under the griddles and changing the dirty oil to put me off any of the food that was made there, ever.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Sabotage happens when you have NO CONTROL over the situation. While you can be tempted, you aren't sabotaged unless you engage in consuming.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • TEAJAY002
    I was in the same situation a few months ago, when I stopped working in Retail, where all my breaks were at the exact same time everyday and I worked from 9-5. (30hrs per week) NOW I work over 50hrs and don't get home until 8:30pm, at a Pizza shop and a local cafe.There is food everywhere and the 1st couple of months were SOOO HARD!! honestly I think my work mates were/are trying to make me fat and I had considered changing jobs again, but I LOVE what I do and the people I work with. I made the decision to be organised.

    #1 breakfast - make it big and healthy and filling - much easy to say no to treats if you are full and satisfied.
    #2 Sleep - I don't sleep enough but when I do it makes a big difference to my cravings.
    #3 exercise - any, just do something
    #4 add a daily treat in - when im at the cafe I know there will be a treat or two and a free lunch ( somedays I don't know what this will be so I over estimate)

    AND now for the horrible part, one day after struggling with what to do, I took a look around at my workmates, and as much as I love them, I don't want to be them, mostly over weight, tired and always going on about how they should be on a diet.

    Losing weight is a crappy process, but if you love what you do, you'll find a way to make it work.

  • UsernameStillLoading
    if you work there do you know the calories and macros if so you could fit one of those choices into your daily calorie intake somedays

    Cheating the system properly :happy:
    You can try to make yourself a healthy snack. If you bake the stuff yourself, you know exactly what goes in there so you can learn how to bake something to your dietary needs. Some of the stuff you mention can be healthy foods if you tweak them the right way.
    That or chew gum. Gum seems to help me with my cravings (most of the time)
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Something will always be trying to sabotage you. It's everywhere. If it's important to you, you'll find the willpower to resist. Take healthy snacks with you or get them in whatever way you can, and if you must have some of the goodies at your job, have them in moderation.

    This..all day long.
  • elizarou
    elizarou Posts: 35 Member
    I've been working at this place for about two years now. My lack of willpower is what made me get to the weight that I am now. I have been so good in staying within my calorie limit and eating more wholesome food. Constantly reminding myself that I CANNOT have these things is honestly mentally exhausting. I am very mindful of how many calories there are in foods/drinks and which choices are better, and I really prefer the better choices when I am out and about. It is when I get bored because it is slow or when I am tired (I do not close until 12am) that it becomes difficult.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    It would probably help to keep healthy snacks on hand :protein bars, yogurt, etc on hand to keep the hunger down and then the cravings as well.
  • jakkidoodles
    Sabotage happens when you have NO CONTROL over the situation. While you can be tempted, you aren't sabotaged unless you engage in consuming.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Kinda what he said, but it is easier said then done. When you say no, you actually feel better, more powerful. But that is going to take some time-Until you have changed your lifestyle and got used to the healthy side of life. I don't know what to suggest apart from maybe start looking for a different job??? Either that or make sure you're having enough exercise to counter it xxx
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    No one is forcing food into your mouth. Try harder and be responsible for your own choices.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    No one is forcing food into your mouth. Try harder and be responsible for your own choices.

  • th04
    th04 Posts: 32 Member
    Oh trust me I know how this feels! I have my own burger van which I work! It can be a nightmare, but what I've been trying to do is keep some of my favorite cereal on the van and take a good lunch that I know I enjoy! Sometimes I will cave and have a bacon and egg roll or something but in those situations, I make it, cut it in half and throw half in the bin so I can only eat half of it! I haven't yet been desperate enough to go hunting through the bin! :) just try and make sure you always have some of your favorite healthy snacks with you, if you really feel the need to eat something bad, force yourself to have something healthy before hand, for me this always makes me think twice!
  • haines99
    Good advice on the protein aspect - it has been working for me. Be inspired by the people around you and say " I NEVER wanna be like that again"
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    I've been working at this place for about two years now. My lack of willpower is what made me get to the weight that I am now. I have been so good in staying within my calorie limit and eating more wholesome food. Constantly reminding myself that I CANNOT have these things is honestly mentally exhausting. I am very mindful of how many calories there are in foods/drinks and which choices are better, and I really prefer the better choices when I am out and about. It is when I get bored because it is slow or when I am tired (I do not close until 12am) that it becomes difficult.

    Don't tell yourself you CANNOT have it...that is going to be exhausting. Tell yourself that you DO NOT WANT IT. Big difference :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Bring in a sack of fruits and veggies. Eat.
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    Girl, I'm in the same boat. I work in a chain restaurant and everyone snacks ALL DAY LONG. I started bringing my own snacks. Yogurts, healthy sandwiches, oatmeal, etc. You have to mentally say "I will NOT eat this, I WILL eat this instead", and a lot of the time I'm angry and I eat it staring at someone scarfing down the food I want, but once I've eaten MY healthy food I'm usually full, satisfied, and not missing the junk food all that much. Just make sure you MAKE the good choices, drink lots of water, keep busy, and don't deny yourself a treat here and there.