New looking for UK folk doing 5:2 diet



  • ajfc1971
    ajfc1971 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi I am from Liverpool and I am looking to start this 5:2 diet myself. I have been on 1200 for 6 mths and lost 3.5 stone. However I have plateued for the last 2 mths and it is starting to bug me when I now I am doing everything the same but the weight is not moving.
    Feel free to add me ......
  • boboff
    boboff Posts: 129 Member
    Just finished 3 weeks of 5:2, although actually did last two weeks as 4:3.

    I find it great as you can have a good weekend.

    In terms of feast days, they do day 2 at 500, 2 at 10% less than your TDER or what ever its called, then a couple at it, and one "binge day" should mean you loose 1lb a week.

    I finished a fast yesterday, just water and Tea, which was ok actually, off for a Bacon Sandwich Now!
  • maz000
    maz000 Posts: 5 Member
    I've started the 5:2 as well. I am finding the fast days ok so far and have lost 1lb this week. I would probably have lost more if i had eaten a bit more healthier on my non fast days!
  • jangibbo1
    jangibbo1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I am new been using the site for 2 weeks and have lost 7lb next weigh day is 2 days away. I am also using a Fitbit one it and co-ordianting it with the site its brill.
    i have a long way to go but am actually for once looking forward to the challenge.

  • jangibbo1
    jangibbo1 Posts: 3 Member
    Your 5.2 must be different to the one that i am on as I am allowed up to 1.000 call on the 2 fasting days
  • jangibbo1
    jangibbo1 Posts: 3 Member
    I would be beside myself if I could only have 500 cals that is far too restrictive to get all the nutrient etc that the body needs

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Well that's why it's really important to eat well on the other 5 days!

    Which approach are you using that allows 1000 calories? Has it got a name or do you have a link for it?
  • Loving 5 2 so far!

    Been following clean eating plan along with 5 2 and have lost over 10lbs so far - dont have a huge amount to lose so fairly happy with this!

    Most of the time I'm quite strict on my non fast days - still eat clean, nothing processed and no alcohol etc but if I do have an occasion or a night out its good to know that I can have a couple of drinks or dessert and not have my diet plans derailed! Always have a fast day following a day or night of excess and it seems to put me back on track!
  • Hey there,

    Im not doing the 5:2 diet ( dont know what it is) but i am from the UK Glasgow :)

    All uk people feel free to add me.

    Im starting out on clean eating and would especially love any1 who knwos anything about this :)


    I follow a clean eating diet - what is it you want to know? : ) x
  • Gianna5587
    Gianna5587 Posts: 59 Member
    Started today!

    I'm only logging on fast days from now on (kind of weaning myself off the calorie counting!) so not the most active on MFP, but really interested to see how others are getting on with it and gather as much info as possible.
  • KKnaggs
    KKnaggs Posts: 3 Member
    Hello fellow fasters! I've been doing 5:2 for a few weeks now (just had my 11th fast day yesterday) and I'm finding it relatively easy and I've lost just over 5lbs so far. I set up a blog when I first started to track my progress and act as a kind of diary - it's got recipes, ready meal suggestions and food diaries, as well as an honest account of how I've coped with each fast day. There are also links to articles about the diet. Come over and have a look - I also set up a FB page yesterday - Hope they help! :-)
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    Not in the UK, but from there originally and only over the sea in Ireland!

    Been doing 5:2 with my wife for 4 weeks now and we've both had great results so far. Anyone please feel free to friend me for mutual encouragement. Today's a fast day, and I'm finding it harder than usual as it happens - just so hungry, which is unusual. Must go and drink some more water...
  • Hello fellow fasters! I've been doing 5:2 for a few weeks now (just had my 11th fast day yesterday) and I'm finding it relatively easy and I've lost just over 5lbs so far. I set up a blog when I first started to track my progress and act as a kind of diary - it's got recipes, ready meal suggestions and food diaries, as well as an honest account of how I've coped with each fast day. There are also links to articles about the diet. Come over and have a look - I also set up a FB page yesterday - Hope they help! :-)

    I just checked out your blog - it's excellent! Are you a graphic designer? It looks fab and the recipes look amazing too! I've subscribed : )
  • KKnaggs
    KKnaggs Posts: 3 Member
    Hello - and thanks! No, I'm not a graphic designer - it's just a WordPress template. There's no way I'd be able to lay it all out myself! Thanks for subscribing - really glad you like it. Let me know if you try any of the recipes. :-)
  • TSDPete
    TSDPete Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I started last Monday 18 Feb. Was a bit daunting but getting into the flow. Managed to keep below 600 cals Mon & Tue last week and less than 500 yesterday!

  • mandster
    mandster Posts: 95 Member
    Hi, I've just started too - 1 fast down and went well.
  • lindanufc
    lindanufc Posts: 5 Member
    Loving the 5.2 so far. I've lost 14 pound since Jan add me if u want
  • healthierlifestyle
    healthierlifestyle Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in UK, north west. I would like to try the 5:2, will look into it.
  • jb1164
    jb1164 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi. I've been doing it for about 5 weeks. I have to plan what to eat on my fasting days but it seems to suit me. My diary is open if you want to have a look. I tend to fast on tue/thurs each week, but not this week, as I'm on holiday! Not eating over my daily calorie, though! Feel free to add. Jan :0)