Women - Menstrual Cycle and Weight Gain



  • pichiPurinsesu
    pichiPurinsesu Posts: 776 Member
    i go up anything from 2lb to 6lb it seems! and this happens around a week before i'm due on u___u weighted myself this morning and i'd put on 4lb overnight - don't think so haha
  • Rachshuv
    Rachshuv Posts: 21 Member
    Cheese n salty foods- I use rice crackers when I'm menstruating spread with light Philadelphia... Much less fat and calories then cheese and crackers yet even more satisfying. X
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i am awful on my cycle :grumble:
    i only lose weight 2 times a month! :noway: yes just after ovulation and just after period but i ALWAYS gain around 6/7 lb just before them and tend to pig out alot more too! then lose weight who knows my body is screwed up! lol :bigsmile: but it's still losing right! :drinker:
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I always have 2-5lbs gain with mine. I have a mirena IUD so don't actually have a period (just some spotting) but I still get the monthly gain. Usually lasts about a week.
  • Gummyb34r5
    Omg I'm so happy to see this ! I've been doing the Intermittent fasting for 3 weeks now and have lost 5 lbs. But last weekend I cheated and ate outside of my eating window, and today I checked my scale and I'm 110!! Now I know it's just because I'm on my cycle. :):)
  • Muidar
    Muidar Posts: 1
    Me too. Lots of women saying the same thing on other sites.

    The food cravings are your body trying to replace the lost cells. Research shows intensity of food cravings are linked to a set of hormones we all produce in varying amounts depending on genetics. Make a point of eating quality nutrient rich stuff like avovadoes and beets and high iron meat. Be careful of veggies that block iron uptake and it helps curb the cravings. I find taking a for women multi vitamin helps too.
  • sarahmonsta
    sarahmonsta Posts: 185 Member
    It depends on your body. When I weighed more I would gain like 10lbs. Now It is the best time for me to take advantage of losing weight lol. Lots of women gain water weight and feel heavy, also if you gorge yourself with food you can gain from that as well. lol It just depends.
  • petitegreek
    petitegreek Posts: 144 Member
    I've made the mistake of stepping on the scales a couple of times. Even though I KNEW it was temporary, it still really upset me. So now I know enough to not get on the scale until 2 days after the end of my period. For me it's just not worth it.

    ^^ THIS!!! I just went through this last week and I won't do it again.
  • FitCrystalLina
    FitCrystalLina Posts: 50 Member
    It makes me feel so relieved and happy that Im not the only one with this prob.
    Ive been working out hard and I feel like im about to start me period and I gained 3 pounds :(
    I haven't started yet offically yet i just feel like im about to.
  • honey223344
    honey223344 Posts: 1 Member
    So glad to see this. My period is just now ending today. I stepped on that scale and I've gained 2.5 lbs. I am very sad/mad right now and from now on I will NOT weigh myself during the week of my period. Glad to see I'm not the only one going through this.
  • emboslice94
    emboslice94 Posts: 60
    Totally common! I know overeating is common, but I try to limit that. I do however, allow myself one "cheat" meal/treat around my period that is hormonally driven (so basically the food that I absolutely crave and would kill for at the time), it's one of my three a month.

    If it freaks you out to see the scale, then up to 4 days before, and about a week after, don't weigh yourself. No point discouraging yourself, I know I would gain like 5 pounds in water weight and be super bloated and be super down on myself if I got on the scale, so just avoid it, try to stick to your food plan, but let yourself have a treat if when you're on your period, just try not to go overboard. And don't beat yourself up about it :).
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Can someone tell me how my cycle is going to affect the scale. I'm doing so good these last two weeks and weighing every couple of days. I think I read a post one time that said we gain weight during our cycle. Does anyone know? Is it best to stay off the scale until I'm off? Thanks!!

    My cycle has never affected the scale. I lost 60 lbs a couple years ago and weighed in regularly. Usually I lose just the same as I did previous weeks. It has never gone up because of my period.
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    I'm slightly different from most of you here. I've found that for 3 weeks I barely loose anything, the week before my period I may even go up, then during my period I drop anything from 1 - 3kg (I'm going for slow steady weight loss). So I figure that I retain water from fairly early on in my cycle and its only truly reflected about the time of my period, I used to get so frustrated with weeks in a row and the scale not moving - now I know that's how my body works and look forward to seeing just how much I actually lost that month. I'm thinking of moving to only weighing myself once a month because of it,
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    You'll gain water weight. This is part of the burden of directly repopulating the planet. The important thing to do is NOT try to change up your routine (assuming that its a good one) like most people do or eat less or do more exercise when they see a weight gain. I say weigh yourself every day multiple times a day and through your cycle so you can see just how unpredictable and inaccurate a scale can be. It will help you break this fear of weighing in or the emotion that comes with these relatively useless numbers you see appear. Appetite increases because you're feeding for the possibility of two. Lets not over-react or make this more complex than it is.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Best advice don't weigh yourself the week of your period ugh water retention is likely to occur and may cause discouragement!

    Don't seriously! Lol

    4lbs is average water weight gain during this time it will come off though as long as you don't binge!
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Best advice don't weigh yourself the week of your period ugh water retention is likely to occur and may cause discouragement!

    Don't seriously! Lol

    4lbs is average water weight gain during this time it will come off though as long as you don't binge!

    If you did binge, why would that effect the water weight?
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Best advice don't weigh yourself the week of your period ugh water retention is likely to occur and may cause discouragement!

    Don't seriously! Lol

    4lbs is average water weight gain during this time it will come off though as long as you don't binge!

    If you did binge, why would that effect the water weight?

    I'm saying the water weight will come off unless you binge like over eat like crazy

    Your a dude don't you think this is a subject for women no offense! Hehe

    Some women get munchies bad during this time duh and there discipline weakens for some not all!
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Best advice don't weigh yourself the week of your period ugh water retention is likely to occur and may cause discouragement!

    Don't seriously! Lol

    4lbs is average water weight gain during this time it will come off though as long as you don't binge!

    If you did binge, why would that effect the water weight?

    I'm saying the water weight will come off unless you binge like over eat like crazy

    Your a dude don't you think this is a subject for women no offense! Hehe

    Some women get munchies bad during this time duh and there discipline weakens for some not all!
    I was asking the question as a means to show a flaw in your logic. Yes I'm a dude. No I don't think this is a subject for women. Women thinking there's something different going on with them is part of the reason we're lost in this industry as a whole.
  • PolacaFL
    PolacaFL Posts: 213 Member
    I'm glad I found this post. I haven't lost weight this week even though I haven't gone over my calories. I hope this means water weight...I also readjusted my diary so that I may monitor my sodium intake. Lets see next week :)
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    I go up anywhere from 2-5 lbs but I still weigh every day. It is all part of the process of my learning how certain foods and situations impact my weight. Plus, I love to see the number go down afterwards since it usually is lower than when I started since I still work to meet my calorie and activity levels.

    Since I know snacking is a big problem during my TOM, I try to plan activities in the evening (my prime snacking time) that have nothing to do with eating. Like tonight, I am painting our bedroom. Needs to be done and it's on the opposite side of the house from the pantry. :)