Are you looking for new friends? Start here :)



  • Tori011578
    Tori011578 Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to add you. I've just recently joined MFP but I don't know how to add friends...could you help?
  • Tori011578
    Tori011578 Posts: 5 Member
    I would love new friends. I'm struggling with weight loss too and my motivation is lacking. i just don't know how to add ppl on here!
  • I have used MFP once before and have just now started using it again. I am 41 yrs old and weigh 322.2 lbs. I am tired of living inside this fat suit. I was always in about a size 13-14 in high school and in my senior year I was in a size 16. I got pregnant in 1991 and was 180 lbs. I rapidly gained 45 lbs during this pregnancy sending me up to 225 lbs and a size 22W. I was horrified! I then became pregnant with my second daughter only 4 months after giving birth to my first. I gained another 22 lbs putting me at 247 lbs. I tried losing the weight but at that time, taking care of a toddler and a newborn, exercise was out of the question. I continued on a downward spiral with my weight and 2 1/2 years later I was pregnant with my 3rd child. I tried doing things a little different and watch what I ate so I only gained 15 lbs with her, but I was already 250 lbs before I got pregnant, so here I was...265 lbs and 3 children. I was so unhappy with myself so I went on a diet pill and lost down to 200 lbs. I was amazed! Wow I could finally fit into a size 18 again! Little did I know I would get pregnant with my 4th child so I had to stop taking the diet pill and I watched what I ate and exercised daily so I gained only 12 lbs, but being in an abusive and unhappy relationship, my depression got the best of me and I used food as my way of being happy, so the more I ate, the happier I was. Now I am at a whopping 322.2 lbs. I am in a new and loving marriage and have a wonderful life, except for my constant struggles with food and weight. So here I am, starting a new journey to a healthier me! With everyone's support I know I can do this! So here I am, my story is out and I am ready to make a change to live a happier, healthier life! Please add me as a friend, for I need all the support I can get!
  • jamielr84
    HI everyone! I'm not new here, but restarting. Add me and we can support each other!
  • 4sandrad
    4sandrad Posts: 283 Member
    Feel free to add me Guys and Dolls!!! Let's do this!!!
  • astralweeks82
    astralweeks82 Posts: 230 Member
    Been here less than a month. 14lbs down but I started needing to lose about 150lbs so it's a drop in the bucket. Still, excited and motivated to get healthy, would love friends that feel the same, feel free to add me!
  • GlassSlipperGurl
    GlassSlipperGurl Posts: 117 Member
    Hi everyone I am brand new to my fitness pal .I am a 29 year old female. I have a long journey ahead of me of about 80-100 pounds. Would love to make some new friends to talk to and find support and motivation from as well as motivate them. I have tried many times to lose weight but I am determined to stick to it this time. Anyone can add me if they would like.
    You can add me :)
  • lizzie3126
    lizzie3126 Posts: 10 Member
    added you :)
  • tobethinagain13
    Hi looking for friends just started on MFP at the start of Feb. I have been doing good so far and have lost 12lbs. My goal is at least another 60lbs. If anyone would like to add me that would be great.
  • TLynRenee
    Hi there! I am just starting today! Looking for friends for motivation. Thanks for your support and I hope to be of support to you too!!
  • krissielynn87
    krissielynn87 Posts: 214 Member
    added you :)
    anyone can add me :D
  • ACountryCupcake
    Hi You Lovely Folks!!

    I am not completely new to this whole dieting 'malarkey' but this time I've really bumped up my willpower and I'm hoping I can keep it up.

    I'm 22, definitely overweight....and in comparison to my friends, I'm the fat one. I've always felt alright about it, no real issues. Until the dreaded Dissertation in my third year at Uni (last year). That's when the stress eating kicked in MAJORLY!... I can still taste the bags of Haribo, Cheese Savouries and a Truckton of chocolate!

    After handing that little bad boy in, I weighed myself and found that the weight I lost during my time on Cambridge Weight Plan was all back on, plus more. URGH! *pokes belly fat* wobble!

    So... Now, I'm a week into healthy eating and Turbo Fire Exercises (holy crap it's hardcore!) and I feel better already, BUT (big butt ;)) I wouldn't mind some friendies to keep me going and vice versa.

    After all, we are all on the same boat... A big boat. It would have to be big, my butt wouldn't fit into a small one!

    Feel Free To Add Me!!

    Anyone Welcome :)


  • trishy0530
    Hey everyone I am 28 years old and over the last year i lost over 50 lbs. I have hit my plateau and have heard great things about MFP. Can't wait to get started. Looking for great clean eating advice. I have just began my fitness journey also by joining the gym and really working out hard. Love new ideas
  • jenniferswooten
    jenniferswooten Posts: 137 Member
    I'm always looking for new friends for support, motivation, encouragement and a kick in the butt when I need it. Add me :wink:
  • Bison008deleted
    Looking for friends and support. Feel free to add me for the same or anything else..I've got a few recipes up my sleeve too
  • Dezmodus
    Dezmodus Posts: 68 Member
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    I'd love more friends - the more support the better!

    I'm 35, 5'2", and have been overweight since I was a teenager.

    My big goal is to start eating healthy, and get fit. I want to lose around 20-30 pounds.
  • Jaxxy_Fae
    I have a lot of weight to lose. Just started anew on my journey and would love some interesting, supportive friends.
  • chall0688
    chall0688 Posts: 15 Member

    Eeep, I love Sherlock!

    Maybe I could be the Watson to your Sherlock? :) I don't have friends either.
  • LaurieLynn
    LaurieLynn Posts: 58 Member
    I just signed up for FitnessPal and am hoping to get into the habit of daily use. I am a full time working mother of two teenage boys, we billet a Junior A hockey player and my husband's niece lives with us. With the hockey player we need to eat a lot of pasta and I have to make meals everynight. I need a healthy way to eat and have tried tracking before. Anyone that would like to add me, please do. We can be support and encouragement for each other.