Weight loss completely haulted

When i started my weight loss journey i weight 272 and I am 5'11. I started working out and eating really well. I lost 18 lbs in about a month in a half.. For the past couple of days I have hit a plateau and I do not know what to do. I don't want to give up and stop working out like i have in the past. MFP has been so an inspiration. I see so much success on here and sometimes I fear that I will give up. I want to keep going but how do I avoid failure?


  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    first off- i wouldnt call it a plateau until its been a few weeks. im guilty as well of wanting constant results- but its not realistic. 18 lbs in 6 or so weeks is fantastic, but its bound to slow down a bit from here on out. stay with it though!!! it will be worth it!!

    are you doing the same things all the time? if so, its a good idea to switch it up so your body doesnt get used to doing/eating the same things.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I really don't think a couple of days constitutes a plateau. Take a chill pill, weigh yourself once a week or month and follow the healthy lifestyle of the person that you want to become.

    Best of luck.
  • Pamko57
    Pamko57 Posts: 182
    You're doing something right, so I'd keep doing what it working. My pattern of weight loss has been to start off big--with five or six pounds, then the next week, I'll drop a pound, then maybe nothing, then 2 and then another 4 pound loss. Don't let a few days get you down. Look at the weight loss over a month.

    If you're working out, you could be adding muscle which is heavier than fat, but that muscle causes you to burn more calories and ultimately leads to weight loss.

    Hang in there!
  • sundy2603
    sundy2603 Posts: 29 Member
    ok i will chill out! I am so use to me losing weight really fast but I will not stress myself out! Thanks for the advise.
  • yami0385
    yami0385 Posts: 70 Member
    Its better to lose weight slowly.
  • yami0385
    yami0385 Posts: 70 Member
    Be patient with weight loss.