30 day shred not working?



  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    I got stronger on it but it didn't help my weight loss in any way either :(

    I feel you! Even though I did lose an inch, I am on level 3, so I doubt ill lose much more. I think it might be because this DVD gives me such bad shin splints I have to replace some of the exercises with others.
    After I finish 30DS Im doing ZCut with Zuzka Light, you should get it and do it with me and see if that helps!
    It's 15$ on Amazon. Maybe well have better luck with that.
  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
    Seven days is not enough time to see ANYTHING. Take pictures, take measurements, eat right, then come back after 30 days.
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    Seriously? You need to see the program through. The first time I did 30DS, I lost every week.. last month when I did it, it took about 19-20 days before the inches started coming off.

    If you are focused on the number on the scale, this workout is not for you because you will see more of a loss in inches than lbs. Losing an inch is better than nothing and if your macros/eating is on the ball, perhaps you need to be more patient

    I would recommend maybe trying Natalie's moves if you aren't already or increase the dumbbell weights. Last month I used 4lb weights, now I am up to 7lbs to make the workout harder. Also, go for a run, walk, jog or hit up your local gym and lift heavy. This month, I do 30DS, some lifting then HIIT on the treadmill.

  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    Seven days is not enough time to see ANYTHING. Take pictures, take measurements, eat right, then come back after 30 days.

    ^ This too.
  • angeliqueann
    angeliqueann Posts: 213 Member
    That sucks. but I think you should see 30 day shred all the way through. I saw great results on it. and I honestly didn't even do the advanced moves... it's hard on my knees.... and everyone is right. Take Pictures!!!! the first time I did it, I did it with 4 lbs. and the second round 5. This round, I'm doing it with 2.5 lbs ankle weights on each ankle and 6 lbs dumbells.
  • GypsyNrs4Evr
    GypsyNrs4Evr Posts: 49 Member
    Not thrilled with the results of 30DS either so I'm trying a strength training workout 3 days a week I found at Nerd Fitness.

    I'm also struggling with the whole eating enough or not enough and out of complete frustration have completely fallen off the wagon the past week.

    I'm trying to prepare myself to start this week strong with new workout plans and a cleaner menu for the week. I'm hoping if I pay more attention to what I'm eating instead of how much it will make a difference in conjunction with the exercise.

    On a positive note....I did enjoy how much tighter my muscles felt and how I just felt stronger in general during the first 20 days or so of the shred.
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    I saw great results.... I did it 4 days a week intermixed with running over the course of 2 months, lost 2 pants sizes and almost 30 pounds. That said, I had to eat more and drink crap loads of water.
  • Tannis77
    I didn't notice results from 30DS until I was on my third week, after 1 week you wont notice great results from any new workout. I find 2-3 weeks is always around the time I start to notice. So try not to worry about it and stick at it!

    Same for me, totally discouraged, then week 3, I noticed my jeans fit better and thesaggy tummy started to melt away, I know people on here say its for beiginners and too easy, but you have to start somewhere.... My arms burn just thinking about doing it! Go to Level 2 and stick it out, Good Luck!
  • seif0068
    seif0068 Posts: 193 Member
    I have my calories set to 1500 a day though I usually average closer to 1300. I some times eat a few of my calories back from exercising.

    I'm no expert, but I would say this is your problem. If you are adding a vigorous workout but not eating your calories back, and that puts you down around 1000 to 1200, you might not be getting quite enough fuel and that's why your body is not responding. If you set it up correctly, MFP will tell you what your NET calorie total should be at the end of the day once factoring in food and exercise. Coming in below can be just as detrimental to your progress as coming in above. I made the same mistake at one point - got carried away by how exciting it was to come in under every day - and my weight loss completely stalled. Once I started trying to be within 75 calories of my daily goal, the weight started coming off again.

    Another piece of advice with 30DS - make sure you are really giving it your all during the cardio. Are you keeping up with the same pace as the "advanced" gal in the video? Can you push even further?

    Good luck!
  • ScreamingUnicorn
    ScreamingUnicorn Posts: 83 Member
    Okay, so I have read through what every one has had to say so far and have decided that I will see the 30 day shred through to the end but I will only do it 4-5 times a week and try to get some cardio in on off days. I don't think I am too advanced for it but it doesn't look like it alone will be sufficient. My diet has been working splendidly for me thus far up until this weeks debacle so I will continue it as normal.

    I know the numbers on the scale don't necessarily determine my progress. I know that my results can be measured in photos and by taking my measurements and I do all of these things. I read these forums often to try and learn as much as I can about how to achieve and maintain my goals but it can be difficult to weed out the good information from all the different (and some times much debated) opinions. I know that different methods work for different people and that I should not compare my progress to that of others. And of course I know I should listen to what my own brain has always known to be true all along. To give it time. I suppose I just got my hopes up from all the quick results I've seen posted by other users and was put off when my own efforts did not show the same rate of success.
  • bearforlife0607
    bearforlife0607 Posts: 9 Member
    I have heard that if you are wanting to lose weight and get toned you need to add some time of cardio with the 30ds. The 30ds is good for losing inches but more weight will come off with cardio. I am going to try adding cardio 3 times a week with 30ds when I start it tommorrow. Add me and I'll let you know how its working for me
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    I have heard that if you are wanting to lose weight and get toned you need to add some time of cardio with the 30ds. The 30ds is good for losing inches but more weight will come off with cardio. I am going to try adding cardio 3 times a week with 30ds when I start it tommorrow. Add me and I'll let you know how its working for me

    I would be careful with that. I started training for a 5k while doing 30ds and ended up with a strained groin muscle from overuse....
  • DekkaTwoOneWizzy
    Not likely. Denovogluconeogenesis: at worst, given your total caloric intake, your excess protein is just expensive carbs. Meaning that after the average TEF of 30% for protein, you MAY be converting any excess into glucose.
  • hilldiggity
    hilldiggity Posts: 166 Member
    If a trainer gave me advice like the poster above, I'd probably throat punch them and walk out because they have no idea what they're talking about.

  • Jess11Gold
    Jess11Gold Posts: 154 Member
    I have heard that if you are wanting to lose weight and get toned you need to add some time of cardio with the 30ds. The 30ds is good for losing inches but more weight will come off with cardio. I am going to try adding cardio 3 times a week with 30ds when I start it tommorrow. Add me and I'll let you know how its working for me

    2 weeks into 30DS (just finished yesterday) I started mixing in 'Burn Fat Boost Metabolism'. I was able to kick off my plateau and it was JUST what I needed! BTW I LOVED 30DS! I am currently continuing with BFBM until I purchase 'ripped in 30' tomorrow :)
    Good luck on your journey!
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    If a trainer gave me advice like the poster above, I'd probably throat punch them and walk out because they have no idea what they're talking about.

  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    i didnt realise you were supporsed to have a break so i did 30 day shred for about 22 days straight. i figured it was only 20 mins of my life so i would get cracking.i got the flu then took a break for a few days. i was losing weight each week and inches slowly came off. i got bored with it when i started up again and not Cos i found it easy it was still hard. i now mix it up with different work outs on fitness blender. i think its a great workout to start with. keep going.