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People who eat the same things every day



  • I cook for one, which means I usually have at least 2 portions of things. I tend to freeze things so that I can have more variety. I also look for recipes that can easily be reinvented. For example, I make a big batch of meatballs then have them with:
    brown rice, veg and maybe tomato sauce
    pasta and tomato sauce
    by themselves with tomato sauce and veg
    on a bun as a slider
    in broth with veg and noodles or barley or rice
    But yeah, essentially, I eat a lot of the same thing.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    People on here take one incidental thing you say and blow it all out of proportion! I do make healthy choices and I don't eat croissants or skip meals on a regular basis. Everyone eats a treat now and again, I am no different from anyone else.

    LOL too funny you are allowed to have a treat, EVERYONE states that, it's just how much of the treat you eat. LOL I see what you mean on how people are running with it lol.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
  • I have a bunch of "go-to" healthy snacks that I've been "going to" daily for the last month or so. Eventually, I'll probably get sick of eating a clementine, 10 almonds, and ostrim jerkey as my snack every day. But I'm willing to wear em out! It's really helpful when I'm working for 8 hours and want to avoid the vending machines at all costs. If I have something on me, I'm way less likely to rationalize in my mind going for some Doritos or other junk.

    For my other meals, it varies. But at least for dinner I always enough to give myself one day's worth of leftovers. So I may eat the same thing two or three days in a row, but not enough to get sick of it.
  • Smoni2008
    Smoni2008 Posts: 30 Member
    I try to switch it up for the most part but tend to eat the same meats day after day and that helps me stay on track. I generally eat fish, chicken or turkey and pork is not a favorite of mine so I don't buy it. Everybody is different. However variety is good if you can handle it. :)
  • ttiiggzz
    ttiiggzz Posts: 154 Member
    I eat a heck o' a lot of the same stuff, especially breakfast and lunch. Dinner breaks it up somewhat, but that's usually somewhat repetitive, too. Ah well... when I get in the mood to change it up a bit, I do!
  • erinpd
    erinpd Posts: 96
    I did this even when I wasn't trying to lose weight. I had to do it because I have a pretty strict food budget and can't afford to shop frequently. Occasionally I'll get coffee or something, but that's about it.

    It really does help to plan your meals, both from a health perspective and a budgeting perspective. I will even repeat meals for dinners during the week if I have extra food.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    i'm a creature of habit and tend to stick to the same breakfast, mid-morning snack and supper but have a change for lunch and dinner - it tends to make things simpler for me grocery and work wise.

    i can definitely see where your coming from though as my daughter has joined me on here and all she really likes for dinner is chicken - there's only so much you can do with it :(
  • Bean5
    Bean5 Posts: 84 Member
    I always eat in cycles. I'll get on a tuna kick and eat everyday for weeks. Then all of a sudden I get sick of it and switch to something else. But I've always been like that. If I have a spur of the moment craving, I'll log the food before I eat it to see if it fits my macros. If it does I eat it. If not I might still eat it lol
    ^^This. I do the same thing. For about 3 months I had a green smoothie for breakfast every day. Now I'm running more so I'm eating Greek yogurt with nuts, berries, chia, cinnamon, and a little honey. Soo good it feels like a treat every morning, but it's less than 400 calories and over 20 g protein. I'll vary the berries and the nuts. But overall it's just easy, yummy, and it fits right into my cals for the day.
    Sometimes it's nice to have a plan and not over-think what I'm going to eat for breakfast. I rotate lunches and then make avaried dinners for the family. At least the morning is simple! :)
  • chica6578
    chica6578 Posts: 76 Member
    i like a routine. because if i dont have one, i get overwhelmed. Perfect example: a month ago i tried to make a three day meal plan so i could have variety through out the day to last me for maybe two weeks. well, its been a month and i still have food left over lol. if i over think everything and try ot add variety it doesnt work for me. I feel like i have too much food and im like "ugh! i have to do soemthing about this!" lol
    so simple items like tuna or turkey for lunch, rarely do i eat eggs on the weekdays for breakfast, usually its fruit or protien shake. and i've noticed my sugar cravings have gone down alot too since i started eating more fruit and drink protien shakes. if i make my shakes into meals i get full and eat a sweet treat without too many refined sugars, so its a double win for me :-) Get me shake and 'eat' it too lol
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i take a prenatal vitamin and a super B everyday. Im just not a food person so i tend to eat whatever's cheap and easy and relatively healthy.
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    I tend to eat a lot of the same food... I do get bored but it takes awhile. It is easier for me grocery shopping because I can run through a list of ingredients in my head. Also I am not a cook and frankly I hate cleaning up and doing dishes so much I avoid anything complicated. Sometimes it takes me a few times to get things right... ah.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I cant' do that.. I never know what I will have in my fridge each week. Or what my guy will have a craving for. lol. I eat what I want. But I only have healthy foods in my place, so no matter what it is, i'm pretty much guarenteed to keep it healthy. The effort needed to go out and purchase the unhealhty stuff if I thinkI want it, is often too much for me. lol I'm a bit lazy. Plus I don't like spending money whenperfectly good food is sitting in my fridge. So I cook.

    I do however eat the same or similar breakfast most days. It's easy before work otherwise that would be different too.
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    My days can be quite same-y.

    I generally have fruit with yoghurt for breakfast.

    A salad with meat or cheese for lunch.

    Then a dinner of meat or fish with vegetables and sometimes potatoes.

    But I get a lot of variety from within that and sometimes I do have really different things. These are just the easiest things to fit into my life. I enjoy it, I think I'm getting the correct nutrients, so I don't see it as a huge problem.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I have a couple of different things I always switch between to eat for breakfast and lunch. Dinner will be something different most of the time, but it's usually the same type of stuff... just different enough so I don't get bored and get tempted to get something bad just to mix it up a bit.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I do not eat the same thing every d ay..but I eat the same kind of foods - chicken, vegetables, steak, pork, eggs, whole wheat, brown rice, quiona, etc....I have built my lifestyle around these foods....now, every once in a while I will eat some pizza, buffalo wings, etc but I make them fit into my daily goals..
    If I want something, I will adjust my macros around it.

    This is me in a nut shell.
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    I tend to eat the same things for breakfast and lunch and snacks, but have a dinner different each night.

    ^^ this. I tend to have the same breakfast, lunch and snacks for a few weeks in a row but I like to vary my dinners. I also plan out my food the night before so I can fit in things I want, like dessert or pizza and I make sure I'm hitting my macro goals too.

    Right now, I like to have:
    Meal 1: cottage cheese and a piece of toast with peanut butter & jelly
    Meal 2: overnight oats with strawberries
    Meal 3: Garden veggie burger with a nice, fluffy white bun and sugar snap peas & red, yellow & orange peppers
    Meal 4: greek yogurt with walnuts and a little stevia and an apple
    Meal 5: dinner varies but is in the 300 calorie range with 20+ g of protein
    Meal 6: post workout-PlantFusion protein shake with soy milk, string cheese and an apple

    This is about 1800 calories a day, 130-160g of protein, 85-100% or my iron, a little less than 50 g of fat (I have to go easy on fats because I have Crohn's disease), 40ish g of fiber and maybe 200g of carbs. I mainly focus on calories, protein and iron and let everything else fall into place.
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    I do a version of this for many reasons:

    1. I cook for myself only. It's easier to make four servings of something and eat the leftovers instead of just making one serving.
    2. I tend to cook on the weekends and eat what I cook throughout the week. This saves time on busy weekdays.
    3. I plan my meals in advance to help keep me within my calorie range. It takes the guesswork out of what I'm going to eat and helps me stay on track.
    4. It saves money! I buy what I need for the meals I'm cooking that week and end up wasting less food.

    That being said, I allow flexibility in my food choices but I ALWAYS plan ahead. It helps to keep me within my goal. Twenty five pounds later, I'd say it's working. :-)
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I usually eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch during the week, just for simplicity and time saving. I have whatever I want for dinner, usually anything I want will fit because the pre-planned breakfast and lunch leaves me plenty of macros left.

    I find that on the days I don't plan ahead, I do go over. This is a learning process for me, and I am still learning how to eat on the run.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    People on here take one incidental thing you say and blow it all out of proportion! I do make healthy choices and I don't eat croissants or skip meals on a regular basis. Everyone eats a treat now and again, I am no different from anyone else.

    well I think some of us found the orignal post to be confusing ...as you stated that it seems that people who eat the same thing everyday have a problem on hoidays, etc staying within their calorie goal, but you then proceeded to say that you do not eat the same thing every day, but then find that you eat something and do not know the caloire count and then go over your cals...

    It was not an "incidental" thing that you said, it was more how you framed the post...