women around 150 lbs when you started

How long did it take for you to see results?
Did you go by measurements or mainly just the scale?


  • XxSarahKatexX
    I started at around 148. I did cardio 60 mins a day for a week then got sick and took a few days off, then kicked back into it again. Within a few days of drinking lots of water, eatings 1200 cals, and exercising I can definitely see that I am slimmer. My stomach isn't as poofy since i been drinking water. Its most likely just water weight, but i'm going to take my measurements tomorrow. I'm excited to see the results :)
  • melissanorth35
    melissanorth35 Posts: 33 Member
    SW 153#s 5'9"
    5 Weeks later (today), I'm at 147#s

    I go only by the scale, no measurements because I already work out, so I'm pretty fit, I just need that last layer of fat to come off.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    I started right at 150 lbs (5'6") last June. I've lost about 8-10 pounds in that time, which may not seem like a ton, but I've also lost over 5 inches around the widest part of my stomach, a couple inches around my hips, an inch or two off my thighs, over 2 inches off my natural waistline... etc etc. My body fat percentage has gone from something over 30% to around 26.5%

    If I had only watched the scale, I might have been disappointed (that's like one pound a month!). But since I looked at all the stats overall, I could see the changes much more clearly.

    The key for me was to be regularly active (a mixture of sports/cardio/weights/walking/etc) and make sure I eat enough. I eat 1500-1700 calories when I don't exercise, and more when I do

    I'd still like to get my body fat down to maybe 23-24%, to be fit but not to an extreme, but I'm not in a rush. Patience :)
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    5'4, and my starting weight was around 147-ish.

    It took about three or four weeks before I could see a real change when I looked in the mirror, but I was losing weight from week one. I only measure every few weeks, but every time I do the number has gone down.
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    I have been exercising regularly for 3 weeks now and changed my diet quite a bit. I'm 5'2" and started at 156 four weeks ago. So far I have lost a total of 8 pounds and a few inches. I can definitely noticed a difference when look in the mirror...more definition and not as "soft" in the belly area! I will be taking pictures at the end of the week to see the difference a month makes! I would suggest doing weight and measurements because if you gain lean muscles your weight may not change drastically but your measurements will!
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i was around 160 when i started in Jan of 2012. It took me 2.5 months to lose 13 lbs- but then i started fainting so i put back about 5 lbs. It was too much too quick for me. Im at 149ish now which i really like

    Im 5'9.5"
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    I technically started at 152 with only exercising for a month, then when I had only lost about half a pound consistently from that number, I realized food might have something to do with it, and I joined myfitnesspal. That was about a week ago. I lost almost a pound in that week, but I looked everywhere to ensure that my numbers were right for me (bmr, etc) and I try most days to keep my sodium low. I go by the scale for now, but a few days ago I took my first, half-assed measurements because I know those will keep me motivated if the scale does not.

    I still don't really feel smaller than I was, though, but I've broken 150 in a about a month and a half!
  • jadeorchid217
    I'm 36 years old, 5'7 1/2" and I just started last week at 150 lbs. I'm starting slowly with the weight loss and really just trying to reach my first weight goal of 145 lbs. Toning everything is most important to me, as I have to buy a new bathing suit this year!

    I have an auto-immune disorder that caused me to gain weight in the first place, so I know that's always working against me. Nonetheless, I've lost almost 2 lbs since this past Thursday...probably water weight, but that's ok. Motivation is motivation.

    I'm really watching my caloric intake now and 9 days ago, I started doing the Brazil Bum Bum workout. I love it and I'm determined to see it through to the end. That should put me around the 3rd week of April. I'm already seeing some results!

    Good luck to everyone on their quest to get healthier!! :bigsmile:
  • alondrasilva10
    I started at 155lbs (right after I had my first baby in November). Didn't truly start eating healthy/exercise until early Januray. Since then I have lost 15 pounds. I go by the scale mainly but that is because I am trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight (135lbs) before I start lifting weights and such which I am sure will make me gain muscle weight. Once I start doing that I will go by measurements.

    It's also important to know how tall you are btw. 150lbs can look different on a person depending on their height.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    Going by height is a better question...I currently weigh 172 lbs and probably won't ever see 150 lbs, but I'm also 5'11".

    It really depends on what you are doing with your diet and exercise routine, plus where you are in your journey for how fast things change. It took me a year to go from a size 14 to a size 4/6 and in that time I lost ~30 lbs. But I was always more focused on body composition than scale weight.
  • Brie4me
    Brie4me Posts: 238
    I am 5'9" (with a small frame) and I was 147 pounds when I started in December. I've lost as much as 6 pounds in that time, but have had an annoying 3 pounds that are yo-yo'ing. However ~ I did take my measurements back in Dec., and I've lost many inches (Yay for that!).
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    5'4" I started at 153. I really wish I had done pictures and measurements in the beginning but to be honest, I really didn't have high expectations that I would stick with it. Since I only had about 20 lbs to lose, I would say that I did not really notice it until I was down about 10 lbs. At that point my size 12s were too big and I could fit into my size 10s. My goal pants, which were size 8 took another 5 lbs and now I am wearing either 6 or 8 depending on the brand/material/cut of the pants. I have not lost any scale weight in about 3 months but I am still losing fat from my middle--I can see it in the mirror--but it is VERY slow now. I am happy where I am at now, though, so I consider myself in maintenance.
  • rylovesty23
    I technically started at 152 with only exercising for a month, then when I had only lost about half a pound consistently from that number, I realized food might have something to do with it, and I joined myfitnesspal. That was about a week ago. I lost almost a pound in that week, but I looked everywhere to ensure that my numbers were right for me (bmr, etc) and I try most days to keep my sodium low. I go by the scale for now, but a few days ago I took my first, half-assed measurements because I know those will keep me motivated if the scale does not.

    I still don't really feel smaller than I was, though, but I've broken 150 in a about a month and a half!

    I am about EXACTLY in your situation. I have lost 1 pound in a week but 1/2 an inch! The measurements are much more motivating!
  • rylovesty23
    THANKS FOR YOUR FEEDBACK EVERYONE! you are right hight makes a difference, I am wii lil 5/3 curvy girl- much different at 150 then someone who is 5'8.
  • Annelies11
    Annelies11 Posts: 174 Member
    I am 5'10" and started at 150 lbs. I wanted to lose just a little weight, but mainly fat. I've lost about 2 lbs in 2 months. I am ok with that... because I don't want to eat less than 1500 cals a day. It is going really really slowly but I should be at my goal by the summer when I need to get back into a bikini :)
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Not me. I finished at around 150
  • Annelies11
    Annelies11 Posts: 174 Member
    Not me. I finished at around 150

    Great job!