240lbs and not sure where to start



  • artex1024
    artex1024 Posts: 119 Member
    When I first decided to lose weight (I weighed 265), I decided to start with my diet. I ate a lot of sweets and fast food, and rather than wean myself off of them slowly, I decided to go cold turkey. I bought the book, "the biggest loser - 30 day jump start" and followed it for a month. By the end of the month, I was down 20 pounds, my cravings for junk were gone and eating healthy was second nature. I won't say it was an easy month, but 30 days was manageable, and it was worth it. After I got the eating habits down, I turned to exercise. It's a lot harder to motivate myself to work out than to eat right. If you just want to lose weight, fitness isn't a huge must, since a good diet will do a lot, but I've always hated being in horrible shape. The best ways I've found to motivate myself to exercise is by setting goals. Sign up for a 5k if you're a beginner or a mud run/color run if you're not. Training for things like that will keep you going. Fitocracy is a fun site to track your work outs and you can level up and receive props from your peers. Nerdfitness.com is a great site for info on how to stay fit without a gym, and the community there is really supportive about fitness and diet. You can also sign up for weight loss challenges, either in your area or online at sites like dietbet.com to help stay accountable to your eating habits. All of those things have helped me. I'm currently 188 and still going strong! :) and feel free to add me as a friend. I always welcome extra support.
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Today is day 1, log everything you eat. Log everyday. Today is day 400 for me and down 71lbs.
  • amandafelts
    Ok ok
  • Getyourshineon
    Where I started this time ~ getting my mind right first about the necessity of losing weight for my health and my future and how it could affect my family.. Once that was done I became committed to logging in every morsel I stuff in my mouth, to me, that's the most helpful tool on this site, other than my incredible motivational friends. I started cutting out sugary drinks, like my beloved Dr. Pepper and sugar & cream laden coffee. Slowly I started cutting my portions, started using more turkey, changed most of my pasta and bread to whole grain, started making healthier choices like eating sweet potato fries instead of regular fries, eating black beans instead of refried beans, eating Special K cereal instead of skipping breakfast... I'm still working on increasing my water intake and activity level but I can see a big difference in the way I feel and how my clothes feel.. I still have my fav things that I keep in my diet but I try to keep everything in moderation. Start now, my dear. Because for me, at the ripe age of 46, it's much more difficult to lose.. it's much slower to come off. If you start making permanent lifestyle changes slowly that you can live with now, you will be a healthy woman living a long, rewarding life..

    Take advantage of interacting with some of these wonderful people who will help keep you motivated and grounded!!

    I know you can do this!
  • dolphincrazy5
    dolphincrazy5 Posts: 11 Member
    You may add me as well. I'm about 240 pounds right now, so I know how you feel.
  • crazy4fids
    I know how it can be....there is so much info out there it can be overwhelming. I am in a different boat than you. I have never been excessively overweight. Most of my life I have been tall and skinny. Over the past decade as I have been creeping closer to 50 years old, my metabolism has slowed down and now I am unemployed. In Nov. I hit 185 and decided it was time to get healthy.
    I have now lost 18 pounds. I jumped in with both feet. Unfortunately, my body does not agree with exercising 60 minutes a day six days a week. Right now I am healing shin splints.
    Along with the calorie deficit on the road map, here is my advice;
    Ease into a workout plan if your body has no experience with being active in the past decade =)
    Start off easy with lots of walking for the first month, and light weightlifting. Weightlifting is important so when you loose the fat, you have lean muscles underneath.
    Good luck!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 557 Member
    But I'm having a hard time getting motivated. The depo has killed my energy to get up and move, school takes even more time out of my schedule and now I'm stuck.

    What are you guys doing to stay motivated? I'll take any tips you can send my way! This seems like such a supportive community and I'm glad that I get the chance to meet you all! =)

    So here's my advice on how to get started :)
    1. set some goals and mini goals :) I find this helps instead of looking at the big number and makes it easier to stay on track
    2. set some rewards for when you get to those goals, this will help you stay motivated.
    3. take some photos and measurements. This will do two things; help you get a grasp on what you are starting at, and act as motivation if the scale starts to slow down.
    4. skip the fad diets. Many of these tend to produce results fast, but then they don't stay. You need to attact the source, become more active, decrease your portion sizes, and eat healthier :) Focus on loseing 1-2 lbs/ week. This is a healthy rate and losing at a healthy rate you will be more likely to keep it off :)
    5. find your TDEE, and from there figure out how many calories you should eat. I use this calculator. http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
    6. PLAN- if you have a plan you will be more likely to succeed. I like to plan my meals the day before, this will help you balance school and nutrition. Also plan in healthy snacks, make sure you have these handy.

    Best of luck :)
  • amandafelts
    Ok ok.......I know that I'm going to get blasted on this but...............When I find myself gaining weight, the first thing that I do is change up how I dress. I'll immediately retire the cute jeans and opt for that sweater that is just a little more loose-fitting and those pants that were a bit baggy a couple of months ago. Aaaahhhh.......that feels better, right? Eventually, when I go shopping I'll buy a bigger size because it just feels better.......Right? (Please tell me that I'm not alone in this.) One day, I recognized that I can cover up a lot of "extra ME" with clothes.

    Sooooo..........the absolute BEST thing that I did for myself (don't laugh) was popped in a P90X DVD and exercised to it completely NAKED! Yep, I waited until I was home alone and I jumped around in the naked. (It was NOT a pretty sight!) Wiggle it 'til you jiggle it, baby! It will motivate you! I give this advise to all of my girlfriends who say, "What inspires you to go to the gym everyday?" I say the thought of me naked! If I find myself LETTING myself gain (it is a choice), then I strip down to my birthday suit, pop in my trusty plyometrics DVD, and I'm immediately motivated to jump back on that wagon, with both feet!!

    Other than that........Know that you're sexy!! Know that you're toned!! Know that you're a fierce athlete!! You might have a layer of YOU covering up all of these things. But.......you ARE all of these attributes already!! You just have to shed the pounds to uncover them!

    Just like I KNOW that there is a six-pack under my belly roll!! I just have to find it!! GOOD LUCK!!
  • geogirl67
    As so many have posted, little changes, small comfortable steps. Don't expect to meet your goals overnight, but embrace every stride made in the right direction! There will be days in which you feel like you blew it, but you can't let that stop you, "git back on the horse'!

    What has helped me on my journey (3 weeks in) is to:

    a) Be accountable every day. MFP is great place to track food intake and calories. As far as exercise I invested in an interactive pedometer (FitBit - One) that syncs to MFP and adjusts my calories based on my activity level. Between the two there is no escape for me, no place to hide! It doesn't hurt that I am stuborn, but i won't go there.
    b) Don't focus on how far you have to go as much as how far you have come, and be very proud of that achievement! Get plugged into the community here, Facebook, etc. and soak in the support, esspecially on days when you like or have slipped.
    c) Learn from past mistakes. The biggest awakening for me was when I started logging my meals was not that I was eating terribly (had already switched to chicken and turkey, lots of veggies, staying away from most dairy) but that I was calorie bombing left and right! I am learning everyday how to make the most of and spread out my calories out.

    You've alreay made the most important first step! Welcome! Please "pal" me if you wish a companion on this journey. :bigsmile:
  • dizzzy33
    dizzzy33 Posts: 31 Member
  • mamamcneil
    mamamcneil Posts: 14 Member
    Try the Ideal Protein diet if you have the cash to spare! It's a great way to jumpstart a weightloss program!! Feel free to friend or contact me. I have had success on it with loosing 30+ lbs and am becoming a coach!
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    Where you start is really, truly one foot in front of the other, one step at a time. You will make it. I try to always say, focus on the actions and let the results work themselves out. Staying motivated is equally as challenging as getting started. Just pushing through and remembering, one bite at a time, one workout at a time will get you to where you want to be.

    Good luck to you! You are welcome to add me if you want.
  • beckyboo19721970
    You can add me I have been on this for couple weeks and I'm finding it hard to keep motivated but every day I try my hardest to stick to my good intentions lol
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Try the Ideal Protein diet if you have the cash to spare! It's a great way to jumpstart a weightloss program!! Feel free to friend or contact me. I have had success on it with loosing 30+ lbs and am becoming a coach!
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    realize it has taken a lifetime to put the weight on. it is not going to come off after a few trips to the gym.

    also understand this isnt a three month/1 year commitment. you have to change your lifestyle and habits or else you will fall right back into the same cycle