Follow me in my journey of being a Raw Vegan!!!

Hello MFP,

I started my first day of my journey getting back into the lifestyle of being 100% raw vegan. Please follow me in my journey through my blog!


  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Following!! Stay strong!!
  • Mmart
    Mmart Posts: 2
    Excellent. Only raw foodies can truly appreciate the difference in love grown vs corpo-agri-business grown. Your tongue thanks you!
  • SherahLovesHealth
    SherahLovesHealth Posts: 49 Member
    Mmart, you are so right! I had the best homemade avacodo dressing!! Never thought I would be making my own salad dressings lol.
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    okay..... fill me in what is 100% raw vegan?
  • beccasetsfire
    Me and my roommate may be trying to go raw soon... not yet, but soon!
  • beccasetsfire
    okay..... fill me in what is 100% raw vegan?

    Vegan - No dairy, No eggs, No animal products
    Raw Vegan - all that ^ and everything raw...
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    More power to you. I tried this and I ended up gaining weight, having no energy and feeling horrible.

    I wish you the best of luck.

    Do you have a plan to get in your protein requirements?
  • SherahLovesHealth
    SherahLovesHealth Posts: 49 Member
    Protein is not something that only comes from animals products. I workout constantly so I use raw protein powders. Hemp protein powder is a good option and so is Garden of Life Raw protein powder. But protein can come from nuts, seeds and beans. It is really not hard to get the protein requirement being a vegan. Also I know people who eat meat and unhealthy foods and they still dont meet there protein requirements. What did you eat when you were a raw vegan? I have actually lost weight since yesterday, probably water weight but still. You were probably feeling horrible due to the detox your body was going through, I feel it right now. Can you tell me what you typically ate?
  • alex8118
    alex8118 Posts: 22
    That's so exciting,.. I hope to be 100% one day or at least 95% raw.
    How long did it take you to transition before you decided to go 100%? I want to go 100% raw RIGHT NOT but I don't know if that's the right way,.. so I taking it slow. At the moment I am about 80% raw(or at least I try to be)
  • SherahLovesHealth
    SherahLovesHealth Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Alex8118 I actually decided one day that I was going cold turkey lol no pun intended. But I really didnt eat much meat anyways. I mainly ate fish and rarely some beef. I decided to go cold turkey because I felt that was the best thing for me. I am currently going through the detoxing stage of going raw and its not fun lol but I can see the rainbow at the end of the tunnel. Good Luck with transitioning and it is so exciting to be making a positive change in my lifestyle.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    No dairy, no eggs, no animal products!? I couldn't imagine going raw vegan, It's definitely not for me, but good luck to you Rahshe03. :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Pardon my bluntness but .....

    What is the point of going raw vegan?
    I understand those who want to cut processed foods. I get that take.
    What's the draw of raw vegan-ism? or benefit rather?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Pardon my bluntness but .....

    What is the point of going raw vegan?
    I understand those who want to cut processed foods. I get that take.
    What's the draw of raw vegan-ism? or benefit rather?

    People go VEGAN because they care about animals and don't agree with using animals for personal gain or entertainment. The way animals are treated in feedlots, battery cages, and slaughterhouses is down right despicable and vegans don't want to put their money to abusing animals. Animals raised for human consumption lead horrible lives and aren't even that healthy so why would you want to put them inside your body is beyond me. Cows have no room to move, they stand in crap all day long, they don't get to eat grass which they are naturally made for, their babies are taken away from them, they are slaughtered in very painful ways. Chickens never see the sun, they are fed sugar water to fatten them up as quickly as possible. Pigs are treated just as bad as cows. Egg laying chickens live in a small cage about two feet by two feet with 4-6 other chickens, they never go outside, their feathers fall out, they are overworked and hang themselves in the cages. Dairy cows are treated like horribly and support the veal industry, their milk is so full of nasty puss bacteria that is why its pastuerized. Most factory farms don't have veterinarians looking after their animals - if an animal becomes useless they just pop a bolt action gun to the head a couple times to kill it. Then they send it to the refiner guys who will take anything where they grind the dead animals (other animals as well - dead dogs & cats come here) and make what they call animal protein & then also skim the fat for makeup & stuff. The animal protien is then sent out and made into dog food, cat food, and sent to factory farms to feed back to the animals we eat. These refiners take anything...doesn't matter how sick the animals are.
    Factory Farms feed the animals so much antibiotics that the virus keep getting stronger and stronger and that is why we have mad cow disease, bird flu, swine flu, e.coli, salmonella. We created this mess. The feed the animals growth hormones and little 10 year girls have boobies now.
    Other than all of the health reasons to go vegan it is right. I'm not sure how someone can see things that happen or call themselves an animal lover or even say they are an environmentalist but still continue to eat meat. Meat has feces in it for goodness sakes!!!!

    People go RAW because at 115F the enzymes inside of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and grains are broken down & the food is dead. The enzymes are gone and at this point your body can't break it down and considers it a foreign object - not nurishment. Each fruit, veggie, grain, seed is crafted in this magical way by mother nature to provide all the enzymes in balance so your body can use them but when they are processed and/or heated these go away and the body is taxed to do something with this stuff.

    Taken from
    Fresh uncooked foods will supply the body with a superabundance of all the food factors we require and with all the vitamins, known and unknown. Cooking foods diminishes nutritional support.

    Food consists of those substances which are useful in building the body (as in growth), in the healing and reparative processes which sustain life, and finally, as a source of sufficient energy for the performance of metabolic purposes, and for fuel to maintain body temperature. Seven million new blood cells must be produced every second we live. The material from which these must be manufactured is food.

    Optimum nutrition can be obtained when the food eaten is optimum in all nutrient values. These food values are optimum in freshly-picked, organically-grown, ripe fruits and vegetables and eaten uncooked and as soon after picking as possible. These freshly-picked whole foods are rich in all food factors properly proportioned as designed by nature's wonderful food factories, the living plants.
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    So you NEVER eat ANYTHING cooked? So even the nuts you eat are raw etc.?
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    this is interesting. i have never heard of a "raw vegan". i don't think i could ever eat that much fruit in my diet, i'd be so bloated and gas-y no one would want to be around me. :laugh: not to mention the massive amounts of just fruits & veggies that i'd have to eat in order to sustain myself. i love my fruits & veggies but i definitely need more variety.

    other than the "save the animals" (which i do respect those opinions) is there anyone else out there who sees any other benefits to eating raw vegan?? are there other benefits? i know someone mentioned something about having to have food at a certain temperature- i guess i'm not understanding this very well. I'm just really curious about this. not that i'm very interested in it...but just wanting to learn more about others' lifestyles. do you get very bloated on the diet? are you allowed to eat grains?? how do you find variety in your meals? not to sound rude, but doesn't eating the same 3 fruits and the same 5 vegetables get a little old? i remember coming across a girl in one of my college classes who would eat like 5 cups of mashed bananas for breakfast and then just bits of lettuce with dates & tomatoes for dinner. 5 cups of mashed bananas! That seems crazy to me. it just doesn't seem like enough or a variety of things to sustain your body. how do you eat enough to sustain an intense working out lifestyle, like for those who are doing marathons?

    anyways, i'm honestly not trying to be rude, i am curious. :)
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Wow, how many calories are you getting in?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    @LoveMy4kids - yes the nuts are raw - you can purchase them raw in many stores

    Raw Vegan is one thing - people can also be vegan or raw without the other. There are some people who follow a raw diet but also consume raw animal products (milk, meat & such) although the majority of raw foodist do not do this.

    As far as bloated & gas-y. This is an issue for some however very easily fixed. Food combining is important in any diet not just raw foods. It only become apparent in raw foods as you become more intune with your body.

    --are there other benefits? no cancer, no premature aging, healthier, more energy, feeling amazing, never depressed, low cholesterol, no heart attacks, environmentally friendly

    --i know someone mentioned something about having to have food at a certain temperature- i guess i'm not understanding this very well. I'm just really curious about this. not that i'm very interested in it...but just wanting to learn more about others' lifestyles.

    Cooking creates diseases on several counts. The most salient are as follows:

    Cooking deranges and destroys nutrients. To the extent that this occurs, we are denied needed vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential fatty acids and other nutrient factors.
    The deranged nutrients become, via cooking, unusable substances that are toxic in the system. This is readily evidenced by the doubling and tripling of the leukocyte count in the blood in half an hour to an hour after eating a meal of cooked foods. Any poison or drug taken into the body occasions the same body response.
    The body must expend tremendously of its nerve and other energies to expel the offending substances of cooked foods and to clear itself of their contamination. Cooked food eaters have "hangovers" and "withdrawal" symptoms just as do drinkers of coffee, tobacco smokers or other drug addicts who forego their regular round of stimulation.
    The body cannot build really healthy cells and tissues with poor quality materials. That which must be cooked to be palatable is not worthy of the human diet. Cooking makes it less so! Shun cooked foods and guide your clients to raw foods. Living foods of our adaptation are the road to magnificent health, and anything less than the ideal results in development, growth and functions that are less than ideal.

    Thus cooked foods as articles of diet are pathogenic in that they poison us on one count and result in deficiencies on yet another count.

    RAW foods are not just for weight loss they are for HEALTH.

    --do you get very bloated on the diet? no, proper food combining needs to be used

    --are you allowed to eat grains?? I personally don't but many do. I follow lfrv and also follow hygienic practices.

    --how do you find variety in your meals? not to sound rude, but doesn't eating the same 3 fruits and the same 5 vegetables get a little old? Well I love the fruit I eat and don't really care for something that will weigh me down. I eat to live not live to eat. Food addicts are rough but once you get over them its very liberating

    --i remember coming across a girl in one of my college classes who would eat like 5 cups of mashed bananas for breakfast and then just bits of lettuce with dates & tomatoes for dinner. 5 cups of mashed bananas! That seems crazy to me. it just doesn't seem like enough or a variety of things to sustain your body. how do you eat enough to sustain an intense working out lifestyle, like for those who are doing marathons?
    I eat about 4 cups of banana for breakfast with water & blended its amazing, easy to digest, and full of energy. I then have dates for snack, another banana smoothie maybe with mangoes in it for lunch, more dates, then a huge salad full of greens, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes - whatever I want. I eat a ton of food to provide energy. I am never hungry and feel satisfied. Bananas & mangoes make me smile. I consume about 1700 calories a day which is on point for what I do. There are many LFRV who consume 3-4K per day - these are your marathoners....check out Harley - AMAZING!! He eats up to 70 bananas a day. He bikes across the world.
    Harley - bike rider :
    Freelee - female athlete :

  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    As far as variety I don't eat a wide range because I don't want to. Bananas & mangoes grow in my yard so I'm not going to pay for other stuff when I have all I want for free. But here's a list of stuff you can eat: (this list is very small)
    Bell peppers
    Bok Choy
    Brussels sprouts
    Collard greens
    Green beans
    Green peas
    Mushrooms, crimini
    Mushrooms, shiitake
    Mustard greens
    Romaine lettuce
    Sea vegetables
    Squash, summer
    Squash, winter
    Swiss chard
    Turnip greens

    Star Fruit

    Hemp Seeds
    Pine nut
    Pumpkin seeds
    Sesame seeds
    Sunflower seeds

    Brown rice
    Whole wheat

    Sprouted beans

    +Herbs, spices, superfoods, and SO MUCH MORE
  • lydaugherty

    Brown rice

    Raw? thanks ;) lol
  • sailady
    sailady Posts: 26
    I wouldn't go with sprouted raw brown rice but thats my personal taste, sprouted wild rice which isn't a grain but a type of grass is really really gorgeous and nutty.
    Grains that are sprouted are really good and filling and a great way of creating different texture in salads etc.