Eating uncontrollably



  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    We're in the same boat, lady. I'm a huge, huge fan of food, and it's also always been my comfort and easy option for when I'm bored. I know how difficult those cravings can be, and even sometimes I'll end up giving in. I realize if it's something I've given into earlier in the day, then later on I'll have to make an exception and say, not have that full fat yogurt later.

    But when it comes to late at night, that is my hardest as well. The best thing is to just not have any of it in the house. If you find yourself ready to go buy it, talk yourself out of it as much as you can. Distract yourself with something else to do. Chug a huge glass of water. Want anything sweet? Have fresh fruit on hand. This is where the willpower and strength comes in - the more you flex that, the stronger it'll get. Don't deprive yourself though or else you may end up on a full out binge later on.

    Honestly, calorie counting is what helps me the most, but if I snack at night it's only in moderation. Hypothetically speaking, if I have 1300 calories consumed and say, 150 left to go to reach my max for the day (1450), then I'll treat myself to that 150 calories of whatever snack I'm craving, even if it just ends up being 2 bites of ice cream, or 2 oranges. But then you need to gain the self control to say "Okay, I'm done. No more sweets, I allowed myself that exception, now get your dirty hands off of that ice cream pint, McButter Pants." That'll help the deprivation factor many of us may feel. :)
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    2 things are sticking out to me in this thread : 'Commit to be fit" and McButter Pants!

    I am going to think of both of these next time I get the binge pangs!

    Awesomeness :)
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    bump to read later
  • xprettyreckless
    xprettyreckless Posts: 297 Member
    this is EXACTLY my problem. I always start the day sooo well and up until right after dinner, I'm usually
    perfectly within my calorie limits and with 200 cals to spare. and then I'm in bed, and watching a show and...
    BAM! one little snack leads to eating everything remotely tasty in my room. I have no self control.

    I guess just not having bad food in your house/apartment would do the trick.
    my problem though is that my friends brought me delicious and expensive candy, and I have so much of it
    so I'm not going to throw it away.

    Ugh! Let me know if you figure something out other than practicing self-control :P
  • I have that problem to, but whats worst is I know I'm doing it and that it won't benfit me in anyway but I continue to do it. I have found that if i chew gum I can't eat food to. Silly I know, but it works. I'll go to purse for a piece of gum instead of the vending machine and it has helped quite a bit.
  • I do the same thing! I am a black and white thinker as well, and once I go over my calories for the day, I will just go crazy and plan on being better the next day! Grrr.
  • jenniferswooten
    jenniferswooten Posts: 137 Member
    I saw a dietician about this and she explained to me that I am the type of person who needs to eat every couple hours. Before I was eating a healthy breakfast and lunch with no snacks and by the time I got home I was starving. Eating every 2 hours or so keeps my blood sugar from spiking and crashing and I actually am satisfied. The end of day, eating the knobs off the cabinets is gone. Good luck!
  • nanimoose
    nanimoose Posts: 60 Member
    It helps me to record what I'm about to eat before I eat it, and then see how much exercise I have to do to allow it into my daily calories.
  • NiagaraCheryl
    NiagaraCheryl Posts: 56 Member
    For me, I'm often hungry by the time I get home from work and if I don't have a good meal ready to eat, snacks end up filling the void. I have found that I either need to get the slow cooker going in the moring, or start a quick dinner the moment I get in the door. If I end up having a good dinner I usually have some calories left for an evening snack.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Plan plan plan. Figure out what you are going to eat before you binge, and tell yourself, e.g. "I am going to eat veggies and hummus when I get home. Then I am going to eat chicken soup for dinner." Figure out what your trigger foods/times of day are, and avoid them. Also, it helps me to think of food as fuel, instead of just 'tasty'. Even with all of this I still struggle, but take it one day at a time and good luck!!
  • AnnDenny
    AnnDenny Posts: 172 Member
    I have just stopped buying unhealthy things to eat! If it is not in the house..I can't eat it :)

    Lol I tried this, but living on a college campus doesn't help. I literally compulsively can use that vending machine or walk to get junk food on campus. :P

    THIS!! I eventually stopped carrying around cash so that I wouldn't buy any junk. :blushing:
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    There are two things that I do:

    1) Put the junk in places I am less likely to go to for snacks (I put it in a drawer with junk and letter mail) that way I remember I have it when I randomly go searching and am usually not in the snacking mood when that happens.

    2) Have snacks that need to be made (cooked/baked) in order to be eaten or enjoyed. If it takes longer to make your snack then it does to make dinner then why wouldn't you just make dinner instead right?

    Hope you find a way that works :)
  • Ashellini
    Ashellini Posts: 95 Member
    I do the same thing! I think I need to add some snacks into my day as when I get home I tend to go crazy and pig out. I'm also an emotional eater so I find when grocery shopping I sometimes can't help myself and end up buying some junk food. Ugh.
  • I have just stopped buying unhealthy things to eat! If it is not in the house..I can't eat it :)
    This! Allow yourself a cheat day will help too.
  • Supern0va81
    Supern0va81 Posts: 168 Member
    I can completely relate to this it is just dangerous having some things in the cupboards, and it takes ages to not waste the food that's there if you eat in moderation. I have stopped buying some things all together and have asked hubby to do the same. I joined mfp in January and through taking one day at a time and not beating myself up I've lost 9.4kgs so far. Quite a bit to go yet. Would love some extra support! :)
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    I have just stopped buying unhealthy things to eat! If it is not in the house..I can't eat it :)

    This ^^^ plus the mantra/quote idea. A health professional told me to say before choosing to eat something I shouldn't "I can eat it, but I don't want it". I used to have to say this up to 5 times to myself outloud and put it down. Apparently because youre telling yourself you CAN have it but following it with I DONT want it is a psychological thing whereby youre not eliminating it completely by saying "I can't have that" and then your body wants it more, it just simply changes your way of thinking. Give it a try. The people at my work would sometimes think I was crazy lol but I didnt care!

    My partner is doing the opposite to me - he's bulking! So its hard to not buy some unhealthy stuff or full fat/heavy carb things in the groceries sometimes, so I buy things i know he likes that I dont like ie. chocolate i get choc mint or turkish delight (I dont like them so I wont be tempted, etc.)

    Im the same, I do well at brekkie, lunch, snacks and then afternoon tea/dinner comes around and dessert and I find it difficult to not enjoy something sweet whilst watching my fav TV shows! My partner monitors me lol
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Well here is a thought if you must eat sweets eat fruit and eat them with the rest of your meal ,make it balanced so your blood sugar doesnt sky rocket.When that happens it can cause you to feel hunger more and well starts the cycle again I suffered from gestational diabtetes during my last pregnancy and found if I kept my meals balanced not only would I my sugar not sky rocketbut it helped me stay full longer.Also only eating fruit or a glass of juice or something else with carbs help since carbs are sugar basically. If you have choices like a cookie or pie or ect you can make the choice to eat the healthier one.I eat something sweet most days and or dont eat them so much use them in moderation you may find that the less you have them the less your sweet tooth becomes.
  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    Set minor goals for you that will eventually (after a long time, I won't lie) enable to not crave sweets as much or at all. For example, I haven't had a sweet (any type of cake, chocolate, gum, or anything remotely sweet) in 7 days! The only sweetness I get is from the fruit I eat. Whenever I'm my sweet tooth gets really bad, I trun to grapes or jam on a slice of whole wheat toast. I will try and maintain this "detox", if you will until my birthday on Tuesday. And I have to say that I am amazed that I've made it this far without any binging or unhealthy eating, since there are sweets in my house. So try and set a few simples goals for you that can escalate as your will power and restraint grows stronger.

    You are doing great :flowerforyou:
  • I lost about a hundred pounds before i started using myfitnesspal. Now I am a competing weightlifting athlete, and I have a couple of hints for you. Before you leave for work or whatever activities in the day, have a few snacks prepared for when you get home. In right portions. They must be something you absolutely love!

    Have your dinner ready to cook, so it's really easy to get started. It's important that a healthy meal is absolutely labor free when you get home from work.

    Then, when you get home in the evening, eat one of the snacks (whatever it is that you absolutely love, in about 150 to 200 calories portion), and put that pre-prepped dinner in the oven or microwave. THEN hang up your coat, and play with dog, or whatever while the cooking is getting done.

    Then sit down and eat. If the rest of the family isn't ready, just tell them dinner is on, and you are eating. eventually they will get the idea that they need to be on time. Be firm. Eat your meal. Then clean it up and take a few minutes to pamper yourself or do a little exercise.

    If you still want to binge, wait an hour. Then eat another of those very small snacks.

    While this may put you a little over in your calorie goals for the day, it will keep you from eating uncontrollably.
  • choosingsara
    choosingsara Posts: 98 Member
    My mantra is -- Don't give up what you want most for what you want now.