Embarrassing gym moments



  • jennmariepantoja
    jennmariepantoja Posts: 145 Member
    oh you guys have me laughing so hard! I think everyone farts at the gym lol
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    I pulled a bench on top of myself and had to be rescued. I was pulling it backwards and there was another bench in the way and I kind of tripped over my feet, fell backwards but didn't let go of the bench and yanked it up and on top of me. The stand thing was resting on my ribs and I was managing to prevent it from crushing me (the benches were quite large) but I couldn't do more than hold it up and couldn't escape (possibly may have been able to wriggle away if I'd had a bit more time). Two men came sprinting over to help while another one dropped his weights because he couldn't stop laughing :embarassed:
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member

    here goes.............................

    one time i farted on the treadmill it was bad

    then another time I was "backed up"

    hadnt gone for two days

    and I did an hour long treadmill session

    and then pooped after

    The problem was that is was REALLY bad, i was backed up so it took me like anhour with MULTIPLE curteousy flushes...

    *ALSO* it was in the floor bathroom, the one that is right on the gym work out floor, surrounded by cardio equipment

    I did not feel as though I had time to make it to the "poop" bathroom

    which is in the basement and where all the polite poopers go...

    Sorry fellow gymians....:(

    this reminds of the last gym i belong to one stinkin toliet in the mens room it was akward useing for a number two small change room so no good ventalation it was horrible
  • zebrawatch
    The two worst ones for me were at my old Virgin Active gym.

    Was doing bench press with not that heavy a weight tbh and was beginning to struggle, rested the bar on my chest and this guy near me asked if I wanted any help. Me being a man of course said no, I'd be fine. Cue a dramatic 20 second struggle of me trying to get this damned barbell back up with the guy eventually coming to help me. Think I just muttered a sheepish thankyou and left lol.

    The other time I was on the treadmill and lost concentration managing to stand on the side bit that doesn't move. Obviously this made me fly off the back of it onto the floor. Women next to me stopped running and asked if I was ok, I just said yes thankyou and again left. I contemplated telling her I'd actually meant it and that dramatic dismounts from the treadmill were actually part of my routine but I don't think she'd have bought it...
  • The two worst ones for me were at my old Virgin Active gym.

    Was doing bench press with not that heavy a weight tbh and was beginning to struggle, rested the bar on my chest and this guy near me asked if I wanted any help. Me being a man of course said no, I'd be fine. Cue a dramatic 20 second struggle of me trying to get this damned barbell back up with the guy eventually coming to help me. Think I just muttered a sheepish thankyou and left lol.

    The other time I was on the treadmill and lost concentration managing to stand on the side bit that doesn't move. Obviously this made me fly off the back of it onto the floor. Women next to me stopped running and asked if I was ok, I just said yes thankyou and again left. I contemplated telling her I'd actually meant it and that dramatic dismounts from the treadmill were actually part of my routine but I don't think she'd have bought it...

    I saw some chick do that, I turned my head and laughed and felt soooo bad about it.
    But the guy next to her helped her.
  • kmc979
    kmc979 Posts: 99 Member
    ahh the elliptical farts, sigh, good times. i'm not sure what exercising does to me to make them smell so much worse than any other fart but it is so embarrassing. luckily if it happens its only when i do an evening workout. it never happens with my morning workout.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Another fart story here. I usually don't do it, but when I do they are silent...but...you know. Not something a lady would do. Usually my husband is with me and so he takes the blame, but one time when he wasn't with me it slipped out in a crowded space and there was no one else to blame but myself. I made a face and pretended to be horrified just like everyone else, so maybe I got away with it. I'm glad it was me that did it, though, because if it had been anybody else I would have been forced to run for fresh air. Sorry everyone - I didn't do it on purpose - it was a surprise to me, too. :embarassed:
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    Going for that last rep on flat bench without a spotter and then having to tilt the bar to each side to drop the weights off... pretty embarrassing.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    I was bench pressing about 100kg which I was struggling with. I did most of my reps and then I ran out of steam. The bar was resting (squashing) my chest and I couldn't lift the damn thing. My embarrassment turned to anger when no one came to offer assistance. It happened a few times. But that was five years ago in another state.
  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member
    Dropping my iPod like 6 times in front of a bunch of cute boys while trying to lift. Like I'm already not enough of a dork. Needless to say I finally bought one of those armband things the next day :blushing:
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Yep farts happen. Okay, I don't have a fart story but here goes:

    1. Was doing combat and, of course, I am in front row...I went to shuffle step but not to side to back because that's where we were going (New sneakers I wasn't used to) and, yep, tripped over my own foot (I think part of problem-shoelace wasn't tied and fell into the chick behind me! UGGH. Yeah, pretty embarrassing. Luckily most of those people know me. I was laughing at myself, of course, after apologizing.

    2. Was on incline bench took a couple of 20s and went down to lie back and do chest presses. Well...the incline wasn't fully set properly (swear person before me did this on purpose just to pi$$ me off. Whatever, so I go slamming down trying to be dignified holding weights up so I don't kill myself. What a nightmare! No one really saw me do it except two hugea$$ heavy lifters (I pick things up and put them down guys) who just heard the noise. Yeah got out of that room in a hurry and I don't think I went up near those guys for probably a month. So awful.
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Yesterday I was doing chin + 35# with a dip belt. i thought I had weights secured but on last rep they somehow came off and slammed on floor..talk about LOUD and everyone was looking at me..I was like my bad...that sucked ....
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Yesterday I was doing chin + 35# with a dip belt. i thought I had weights secured but on last rep they somehow came off and slammed on floor..talk about LOUD and everyone was looking at me..I was like my bad...that sucked ....

    It doesn't help that the sound just echoes...yeah, you just can't hide it..sux
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I have grip issues, so my trainer and I did a session to increase my grip strength.

    Afterwards on my way back to my car I dropped my drink bottle twice. The second time it rolled under a parked car.

    I left it there.


    Another is I thought my OHP PB was 45kg so after my warm-up I loaded 40kg onto the bar.

    I managed 2, but the third one was so ugly that a guy came rushing over to help me.

    Turned out that my PB was 40kg.

  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    didn't understand the picture or directions for the nautilus ab machine at the gym in college. Got myself into it somehow upside down and backwards, moved the weights and extended somehow, and then was stuck suspended in mid air - the weights were holding me up and I couldn't disentangle myself, even by relaxing or "dropping" the weights. My friend couldn't get me out of the machine alone (and was laughing pretty hard). A stranger had to literally come and hold the machine while my friend helped me out of it. I would have minded more if I wasn't laughing so hard I couldn't stand up (my friend and I couldn't' stop laughing, either, so after a few minutes everyone in the gym was smiling if not laughing). Apparently this happened with some regularity, a few months later they put new stickers on with better pictures and directions. I still smile when I see a similar machine in other gyms.

    Now I stick to free weights if I go to a gym at all, so just the standard weights flying off, dropping the bar awkwardly, ripped blister bleeding kinds of embarrassing moments.

    Ahahaha, I basically did the same thing with those machines. I got stuck in one that was supposed to work my quads (don't even know which one). and it took me FOREVER to get out. Now I just do free weights, because I still don't understand those instructions. And I'm in nursing school.. For shame.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I've also managed to trip and fall off the treadmill, because I started to zone out like a do when I'm running on actual roads. Doesn't work on treadmills, because if you get to close to the front and hit the non-moving part, your shoe catches and you take a nosedive into the belt. It's super sexy.
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    Getting my headphones caught on a machine while trying to leave.

    Then it was "Hey, everybody! That loud noise you heard was my phone trying to commit suicide by jumping out of my pocket. Have a nice day!"
  • caribear1984
    I was doing a workout with my trainer using the "strength ropes" (still not sure what they're called). I was having "one of those days" anyway. When it was time to do my set of uppercuts, I accidentally clocked myself in the chin with the metal rope end. I pretended it never happened, and luckily my trainer is enough of a gentleman to pretend he never saw it.