Embarrassing gym moments



  • roadmapmaker
    roadmapmaker Posts: 120 Member
    Long time ago I barreled my way thru the door cause it was really windy, then i tripped on the entry rug where I landed face first into the welcome desk which I managed to clear the whole countertop with one flailing arm. I wound up with a bloody nose and bruised ego for sure.

    The next visit the counter man ran to open the door for me! :blushing:
  • SailorSarah311
    SailorSarah311 Posts: 172 Member
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member

    PS I have never farted in the gym, I am a classy broad

    You are a liar, is what you are :)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    The two worst ones for me were at my old Virgin Active gym.

    Was doing bench press with not that heavy a weight tbh and was beginning to struggle, rested the bar on my chest and this guy near me asked if I wanted any help. Me being a man of course said no, I'd be fine. Cue a dramatic 20 second struggle of me trying to get this damned barbell back up with the guy eventually coming to help me. Think I just muttered a sheepish thankyou and left lol.

    The other time I was on the treadmill and lost concentration managing to stand on the side bit that doesn't move. Obviously this made me fly off the back of it onto the floor. Women next to me stopped running and asked if I was ok, I just said yes thankyou and again left. I contemplated telling her I'd actually meant it and that dramatic dismounts from the treadmill were actually part of my routine but I don't think she'd have bought it...

    I have a female friend who tried to do a casual flying dismount to impress a guy next to her and broke her ankle in the process. Don't think she landed the guy.
  • iceey
    iceey Posts: 354 Member
    Another fart story. Did my first Body Combat class, which involves kicks and shuffling side to side moves. I crop dusted all my neighbours with amazingly horrifyingly smelly farts going side to side and every kick. Naturally I pretending it wasn't happening and luckily the music was loud enough to cover up whatever toot noises were going on!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    barbell bulgarian split squats are quite difficult to stay upright. I now stick to db's :blushing:
  • nurseellen1120
    nurseellen1120 Posts: 2 Member
    My sister calls farting "the barking spiders" so if you are at the gym and some one gives you the look. You can just say "sorry the barking spiders are chasing me." :laugh:
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    What have you done at the gym that makes you just want to crawl under a rock?

    Walked in and attempted to exercise. That was 25 years ago. I haven't been back since.

    Edited to add ... I might try again in a year or two, after I am strong enough to actually get my money's worth while using the weights. :-)
  • Katetw
    Katetw Posts: 188 Member
    I was on the elliptical when I realized my gym pants felt weird in the butt area. Turned out there was a HUGE rip on the seam right down the middle of my pants. undies showing for sure. I was SO embarrassed.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I have no shame. Today, I went to do DB chest press with 40lb DB's, done it plenty of times before..... well, did it last, so arms were trashed. Went to put them up, and got them half way up, they started to go backwards, and I said ah well and tossed them behind my head LOL. Stood up, picked them up, and tried again.
    I've dumped weights off barbells, failed at DL's, farted, about everything. I don't care. I know what I'm doing, and if I fail, I fail, ain't nothing, I'll try again!
  • McCelmer
    McCelmer Posts: 99 Member
    I've fallen off the step in step aerobics class several times.
  • lellerman126
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I fell off the treadmill once. It was when I was a real newbie runner, and I just sort of zoned out and flew off the back. Luckily not many people were in the gym at the time to see me. I had skinned shins from the belt and everything (still have the scars).

    My iPod has fallen off several times on the treadmill lately... I like to keep it up on the ledge so I can change the music (too lazy to make specific playlists) and apparently when I am running fast I hit the belt pretty hard, everything vibrates, and it knocks the iPod off. It flies back and hits the treadmill behind. Luckily I haven't put anyone's eye out yet!
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I rip *kitten* all the time. I run on an indoor track and blast the walkers. Can't say I'm really embarrased, though, that *kitten* is funny!
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    In a circuit class we were doing a group competition - where we are split into four smaller groups and have to complete a mini circuit of some sort, first team to finish and get into a plank wins.

    We were JUST in the lead and I was the last one running back so in my haste/desire to win I wasn't looking at where I was going enough - landed my foot on a VIPR, rolled my ankle over (sprained it) and went head first into the wall (bust my nose). Everyone was very concerned and nice to me but for me that's just all the more embaressing, I would rather pretend to be fine and carry on/make a swift exit but the blood from my nose kinda prevented that heh
  • LoonyLovegood8
    Well I'm just a walking embarrassment haha but,

    When I had a treadmill at home I got off and left it running and forgot I left it on, so I when I went to get back on it I flew back into the cupboard behind me and scraped my leg up and I was stuck for a few seconds between the end of the treadmill and the cupboard, and now my leg has a scar on, oops. At least it was at home when no one was in.

    At the gym I've opened my water bottle and it's exploded all over me. Water all over my top and all over the floor and machine. The person next to me usually gives me a look haha. I do this frequently.
  • vavromc
    While in a group abs class we were doing mountain climbers (where you hold your body up with your arms like a push-up and alternate steps to your chest with your legs). Something felt strange...I looked down...sure enough, my balls were hanging out of my shorts (I exercise on those cheap swimming trunks with the nets). The instructor might have noticed...hopefully no one else did.
  • EverythingIsTakenAgain
    Bump for later :)
  • BaileyP3
    BaileyP3 Posts: 151 Member
    I've fallen off the step in step aerobics class several times.

    Broke my ankle falling off a step during class. Of course it had to be on a day my least favorite co-worker was taking the class.:laugh:
  • MrsKTillman
    when i first started using the treedmill at the gym.... i learned a hard lesson. I loaded my ipod up with good work out tunes, during a very hard work out i was rocking out to "cupid shuffle"... lets just say DANCING to the song while on the treedmill is a NO NO... i stepped to the left to the left... and went *kitten* backwards off the treedmill and onto the floor! the gym was full and a few other people had to stop there workouts because they were laughing too hard to keep walking.... i was laughing on the floor once i made sure i could still move everything!

    Yes... i still work out to that song... but no.. i dont dance to it anymore. ~lesson learned~