INSANITY WORKOUT starting feb. 17 , 2013!!



  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    So, Week 1 is in the history books for me! I feel great! I'm so excited to start week 2. I'm waiting until friday to step on the scale. How's everyone else feeling?

    Awesome girl! Keep it up :)!
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    I'm super impressed by the improvements from others here! I barely managed to scrape through the pure cardio today, but DID NOT press pause! What exercises are you guys finding the hardest? By the time the vid gets to "ski jumps" I'm usually dead!

    I cant tell you about the pure cardio yet ( bad disk) but I can say that the tricep workouts on the cardio power disks I cant do. I can do the dips and a couple of the one leggers.. but the squatting V things. noway. Hopefully Ill work my way there. I try them and then do pushups or more regular dips in place of them :(

    Oh yes! I forgot about the dips! One leg dips - who the heck does those??

    We're truly crazy.
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    I started insanity in september. I did 2 rounds of the 60 day challange and I still use the videos along with other work outs. I was in great shape 4 years ago in high school , I lived to play lacrosse and volleyball. well I got out of playimg sports andwent from 108lbs to 147lbs (im 5'2). with doing insanity I lost 20lbs. It got me in btter shape then I was in highschool. I love and tell everyone i know who wants to get in shape to try it. Its worth being sore, out of breath and sweety.

    That's awesome! Out of curiosity, when did you start seeing the changes in your body?
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member

    There is no reason you won't melt that stomach a little, or even a lot with insanity. If you want to look I have my before and after pics up on my beachbody profile. You can search me out there under this same screen name. Just remember that 80% of the battle is in nutrition. I loosely followed the insanity elite nutrition guide using all the recipes that I liked. Sometimes making minor adjustments for taste as I needed.


    I don't have the food guide! My dad gave me his insanity and he can't find the nutriorional book! I think my mom trew it out by accident. I live paleo so normally i eat very well:) except today cuz me and my roommate made paleo cupcakes and I had three! Oops they were just tasty this is why I don't normally cheat haha but fortunately there only 70cals each. Oh well Tomo
    Will be better .

    Hey btw, my friend runs a paleo-foods company and a recipe / food blog if you're interested: and
  • cairee
    cairee Posts: 95 Member
    just finished cardio recovery, what a nice mid week break, though I feel like I should be doing more, perhaps I will run with my dog.
  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member

    There is no reason you won't melt that stomach a little, or even a lot with insanity. If you want to look I have my before and after pics up on my beachbody profile. You can search me out there under this same screen name. Just remember that 80% of the battle is in nutrition. I loosely followed the insanity elite nutrition guide using all the recipes that I liked. Sometimes making minor adjustments for taste as I needed.


    I don't have the food guide! My dad gave me his insanity and he can't find the nutriorional book! I think my mom trew it out by accident. I live paleo so normally i eat very well:) except today cuz me and my roommate made paleo cupcakes and I had three! Oops they were just tasty this is why I don't normally cheat haha but fortunately there only 70cals each. Oh well Tomo
    Will be better .

    I have a friend that follows the paleo diet and workouts out like mad also. She has managed to lose 4 pounds over about 2-3 weeks working out with cardio as well as weights, and she has very little to lose eating 2500cals/day. I think you will be just fine! Don't worry about the cupcakes, we gotta indulge every now and then. I gave in to a reese egg yesterday and have no regrets! :)
  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member

    Squashyhelen - The hardest workouts come in month 2, and I think max cardio circuit is the hardest, yet that one is my favorite as well


    OMG what?? @_@ I already have to prep talk myself each time before I click play - "Helen you can do this, have faith, look at all those other people who go insane results." Hopefully by the time month 2 rolls around I'll be better able to handle harder. Right now I'm just trying to not drown!

    Don't worry you will be fine! Month 1 preps you for month 2. You will do a fantastic job!

    You asked someone else about when they saw changes - for me, the pics really started to show it 6 weeks in. I knew with the inches I was losing that everything was working, and I could see some of those results in my looser fitting jeans in just 2-3 weeks. My 6 week progress pics tho was where I stepped back and said wow, this really IS working. Now in my 11th week of insanity, and for the first time in my life, I can see the beginnings of a '4pack'. With a little more lower ab fat to lose I'm hoping to someday change that to '6pack'!
  • mhendrix75
    mhendrix75 Posts: 11 Member
    I have been doing insanity for almost a month. I will not lie, it is hard. But SO SO worth it ! Good luck.. you can do it ;)
  • mhendrix75
    mhendrix75 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in week 4 now. I can not believe I am going to say this but I look forward to my workout each day. It becomes addicting.
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    I don't have the food guide! My dad gave me his insanity and he can't find the nutriorional book! I think my mom trew it out by accident. I live paleo so normally i eat very well:) except today cuz me and my roommate made paleo cupcakes and I had three! Oops they were just tasty this is why I don't normally cheat haha but fortunately there only 70cals each. Oh well Tomo
    Will be better .

    You can find the food guide here: Nutrition Guide.pdf
  • Bison008deleted
    I was set to go on it..actually started it but found out I have a torn ligament in my ankle so back to the bike. Its hard on the joints but it can be done.
  • cairee
    cairee Posts: 95 Member
    I was set to go on it..actually started it but found out I have a torn ligament in my ankle so back to the bike. Its hard on the joints but it can be done.

    shame you had to stop, but still a good choice. definitly shouldnt do insanity with an injury.
  • brownie0424
    brownie0424 Posts: 31 Member
    Is anyone else doing a roadmap? I've been doing one for 2 weeks now and I'm not logging my exercise because my calories are already configured. I just haven't lost any weight yet since I've started.

    I just didn't know if anyone has any advice.
  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member
    Is anyone else doing a roadmap? I've been doing one for 2 weeks now and I'm not logging my exercise because my calories are already configured. I just haven't lost any weight yet since I've started.

    I just didn't know if anyone has any advice.

    Wow, alot of information on that link! I don't follow that, but I feel as long as you are eating healthy and at a deficit you will lose fat. Notice there I said fat, not weight. On the beachbody forums I've read over and over people early in the program not lose weight initially, and some even gain a pound or 2.

    Now, on to the whole scale and weight thing. Throw away the scale!! You will do much better to measure your success in your measurements. I take my measurements once a week on my chest, waist, hips, upper arms, and thighs. I've slowed in my weight loss, but I've still had noticeable losses in measurements. Weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds in a day. Add in days where your sodium intake might be high and cause you to hold on to water, as well as the normal female cycle, and you can see why using a scale can make one go mad! Keep doing what you are doing, eat healthy, and at a healthy deficit, and you will get the results you are striving for.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    did everyone do their workout today?!

    I did my cardio recovery.. and my legs were shaking just like the first day.. I did better though with sticking with some of the moves. YAY.

    I am already looking foreward to rest day..but eager for the next workout.
  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member
    Sure did! I did cardio recovery also, along with insane abs. Those squat holds and pulses in cardio recovery are a beast! Today will be pure cardio and upper body weight training.
  • Danny0950
    Danny0950 Posts: 26 Member
    My rest day today :).
  • brownie0424
    brownie0424 Posts: 31 Member
    Just finished Plyo Cardio Circuit. That workout gets me every time. How is everyone else doing? I can feel myself getting stronger with the level 1 drills. Happy Friday everyone!
  • cairee
    cairee Posts: 95 Member
    Just finished Plyo Cardio Circuit. That workout gets me every time. How is everyone else doing? I can feel myself getting stronger with the level 1 drills. Happy Friday everyone!
    I did that one today too, and I also saw improvemnt on the level 1 drills, I didnt stop once on those! and to make this day better, the soreness in my poor muscles is gone.
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    Morning everyone! Glad to see y'all are still going strong! I've had a busy couple days and haven't been able to get on here! I'm
    Still going through and today is day 14 for me :) Tomo is a for test :)! Hope everyone has a great weekend :)! I've lost 2 more lina since my last weight in as well:)!