30 Day Shred May 30th - June 30th Support



  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    how does the levels work...do you do 10 days of level 1, 10 days of level 2, and 10 days of level 3?.. I haven't started it yet but was interested in knowing if there was a system or if people do it how ever they want..
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi guys,

    Sorry I'm jumping in on this thread a bit late, I've only just found it! I love this DVD and I've been doing it for a few months now but I don't do it everyday as I run and cycle as well. I started on level one back in March/April time, now I normally do level 3 and I'm literally dripping at the end. Crking, start with level one and when you feel it's quite comfortable move up to level 2. Theres no set time frame. One thing about this DVD though is the harder you push yourself the faster you see the results :-)

    I foolishly decided to set myself a challange at the weekend and see how many levels I could complete before I gave up. I just managed to do level 1 and 2 in a row before I quit and that was enough! The reason I mentioned this is because the first time I did level 1, I thought I was going to die at the end and this weekend I noticed just how far I'd come since starting. So I would really encourage you all to stick with it because it really does work!

    Happy Shredding!
  • slcbrus
    slcbrus Posts: 79
    Well, L1D3 is behind me now. The first circuit still pretty much kills me but I did all the push-ups!! The cardio is so tough in the first segment though. But I can tell this is day 3, I am more tired but I am better at it so it is evolving really well.

    Keep pushing people :glasses:
  • Hi all im on L1D2 of the 30 day shred and boy my arms ache.. I find the lunges with the arm raise is realy tough going esp making sure your knees dont go over your feet aaghhh..

    Looking forward to doing it again later on. Do you have to do it everyday or can you have a rest day? Also what do u put it in as in your part of your exercise?

    Keep going people xoxo
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Ok, I'm still planning on following along. I just might be a day or two behind most of you. I was just so beat over the weekend. Combo of being outside all day everyday and not sleeping well at night from the heat. I feel better today though.

    So, tonight will be L1D1 for me. I am going to take some measurements first though, just to track my progress. Last time I did this I didn't lose any pounds, but would like to add in more cardio this time. Hopefully the scale will move as well.

    There it is - I'm committed to start tonight!! Maybe, if I'm lucky, I can wake up early and knock it out before work....not likely though.

    You all are doing great!!! Keep up the good work!
  • ryssaan
    ryssaan Posts: 44 Member
    I'm on L1D2 did it this morning before work. I always feel as if i'm doing the side lunges wrong. My knee looks like it's going over my foot don't know for sure if it is though. Figure I will get better as time goes on. Now I have too many calories left for the rest of the day. Does anyone know how many calories they are burning. My calorie watch said 438 yesterday and around 300 today. I know I was working just as hard.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    The 'form' is hard to get. I probly pay more attention to that than how tired I get - thankfully. It does make a difference though. As you continue to do the moves, and get better at doing them right, you will feel it more. The first time around I remember doing level 3, which I love btw, and about half way through I got more sore than the beginning because I realized what I was doing wrong formwise.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    So, I didn't do the shred yesterday and I probably won't be able to do it today. I've got the stomach flu or something.
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    The form on those side lunges IS hard! I can never figure it out, and the only instruction Jillian gives is that it should go to the side and back :grumble:

    Gonna do L1D4 today! Definitely feeling a difference from L1D1 already!

    Keep up the good work, everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Finished my L1 D3 :happy: It's certainly easier now I know exactly what's coming up next!

    Funny...the main reason I chose to do this was the 20 minute concept fitted amazingly with my schedule, but it goes so quickly I find myself wanting it to go on for longer! Still at least that means there's still enough time for other stuff too!
  • TruSunshine
    TruSunshine Posts: 178
    I"m in....My copy should be in the mail when I get home today....I'm scared:noway:, but I'm ready YAY :bigsmile:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Wow, today will be L1D4 for me and my calves are a bit sore and so is my upper body. Are we supposed to do this every single day???
  • gcgrl788
    gcgrl788 Posts: 30
    Just finished L1D5 and I feel really good. My knee/legs are still sore after the work out but everything else is fine. I think I'll definitely be able to move on to L2 after day 10!!! The only thing I really have trouble with is pulling my stomach in while doing the moves.. does anyone have any tips?
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member

    I am with you on the side lunges!!! Everytime she says "We're raising our hands to eye level...eye level!" I'm just sitting there thinking "NO Jillian, YOU are raising them to eye level. I am raising mine to my chin and wanting to collapse, so you can bite me!"

    But I wanna get ripped like her, soooo :grumble:

    HAHAHA I feel the same way!!!

    L1D3 done today...I feel like today was harder for me for some reason, but I may have just been tired. I think I was able to get deeper into the squats and lunges today, which was really nice! Still have trouble with those side lunges and arm raises. I think my arms are just so tired by that point that they want to give out. It will definitely be an accomplishment whenever I can go through that whole set without stopping!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Ok, my quote didn't work but oh well....
  • justahorsen
    justahorsen Posts: 234
    Haha I know exactly what you mean!! But erggggh I HATE those lunges, nearly always have to stop halfway - you have a lot of respect from me! One day I'll be able to do them without cheating... :smile:

    It took a while, but the last few days I could do it,, I'm still not too hot on the side to side ones with the arm raises,, at that stage I'm in pain!!

    I am with you on the side lunges!!! Everytime she says "We're raising our hands to eye level...eye level!" I'm just sitting there thinking "NO Jillian, YOU are raising them to eye level. I am raising mine to my chin and wanting to collapse, so you can bite me!"

    But I wanna get ripped like her, soooo :grumble:

    I'm with you on the side lunges....I usually get about halfway through and put one weight (3lbs) down and use two hands on one weight....at least that way I can finish....
  • bailybubble
    bailybubble Posts: 8 Member
    i just finished level 1 day 1 so hope it's ok to join in.
    measured my waist as a guide, today at 38 inches.
    - found it ok but i just cannot do push ups not even on my knees - any tips?
  • ryssaan
    ryssaan Posts: 44 Member
    I have been alternating arms with the side lunges when I'm tired. the way I'm leaning is the side I raise. Makes it a bit easier and still getting a work out. It is tough. I had to lower the weights from what I'm used to. I'm using 3 lb weights most of the time and in the p90X I can go up to 5 or 8 Jillian is kicking my butt.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I'm joining late too, hope that's okay!

    I just finished L1D1, I had to do the push ups on the wall, and don't even mention the stretching at the end... it was the worst part of it for me, apparently I have lost ALL flexibility.

    How do you all enter it into your exercise diary? Do I just put it in as 20 minutes of aerobics?
  • Hi Blankiefinder! Yes i just put it in as 20 hard aerobics.. not sure if that is right though. Im off to do mine now im on L1D2!! Here i go.....
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