Biggest Loser Week 2

edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone hope everyone is ready for another week. It's week two I hope some people realize I am just trying to think of things as we go. I am always looking forward to yalls comments and suggestions. I feel like we should keep building every week. I am so happy with the turn out. This week I feel as though we should continue with the pushups and do 25 pushups a day. I feel like we should add to that by doing 25 crunches a day. If you can already do 25 crunches you can double it. With the food challenge this week continue with last weeks of making sure to drink all 8 glasses of water. This week also try to only eat out once. Hope everyone has a great week and can't wait to hear yalls feedback and hear about yalls weigh ins.

courtesy of sundinsgurl

I wanted to start the second week challenge right away. But.. I've seen that many of us (including myself) arent sure if we should do sit ups or crunches. So I did some searching on the net quickly and I came across this!


Traditional sit-ups emphasize sitting up rather than merely
pulling your sternum down to meet your pelvis. The psoas
muscles run from the lower back to the front of the thighs.
This muscle action is to pull the thighs closer to the torso.
This action is the major component of sitting up. Because
of this, when you are doing sit ups your psoas muscles are
the primary muscles being engaged and not your abdominal
exercises. So sit-ups are a pretty useless exercise if you want
to get your abs in shape. Instead, use crunches, because they
directly work your abs.


Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet
together flat on the floor and about 10-15 inches from your
buttocks. Your hands should either be crossed on your chest,
by your side, or cupped behind your ears. Without moving your
lower body, curl your upper torso up and in toward your knees,
until your shoulder blades are as high off the ground as you can
get them. Only your shoulder blades should lift--not your back.
As you come to the highest point tighten and flex your abdominals
for a brief second. Slowly lower yourself back to the starting
position. Repeat for reps.

So I know what I'm doing! Crunches.. and the greatest thing is that it teaches you how to do a proper crunch. I was pleased when I came across this and had to try them out. I managed 20 of them. more to come... :)


  • Unicornlover
    Unicornlover Posts: 101 Member
    Excited to start Week 2!!! Thanks for doing the research on crunches vs. sit ups (very helpful!). I completed the first challenge of 350 push ups, although I had to do them standing at the wall; and I lost 2 pounds for week 1. :flowerforyou:
  • I would love to join you guys in these challenges. My bike is getting boring and i need to start some toning exercises!! Do pushups off the wall cuz Im still way to big to try to push all of this off the floor. Plus nails are too long :blushing:

    Traditional sit-ups emphasize sitting up rather than merely
    pulling your sternum down to meet your pelvis. The psoas
    muscles run from the lower back to the front of the thighs.
    This muscle action is to pull the thighs closer to the torso.
    This action is the major component of sitting up. Because
    of this, when you are doing sit ups your psoas muscles are
    the primary muscles being engaged and not your abdominal
    exercises. So sit-ups are a pretty useless exercise if you want
    to get your abs in shape. Instead, use crunches, because they
    directly work your abs.

    I knew it was a reason me and sit-ups weren't friends just prove I know how to pick my friends wisely!!!:laugh:
  • Hey everyone what a week I had glad it's over. I am totally up for the crunches, push ups, 8 glasses of water, and 1 meal eating out this week. (probably wont eat out at all but glad I have the option if needed.

    I left a message on the old page hope everyone makes it over so are you going to create a new thread each week?

    Monday-25 push ups and 25 crunches 10 cups of H2O

    I was up on my weight today I am a freak for the scale so going a mnth would be totally hard for me but I am actually considering not weighing any more between now and my B-day so I wont get frustrated about losing. So no weigh ins for me between now and my B-day it is guys wish me well my b-day is not til July 15th whew so clothes fitting better will be my only indicator and looking at myself in the mirror!!!!
  • Well I am up for this challenge.

    Challenge 25 crunches and 25 pushups for the Week 2.

    Monday: 25 crunches & 25 pushups
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    I am ready to begin this week. I will make yesterdays challenge up today when I do my challenge. :)
  • Checking in a day late!!!! I'm down 2.8........can't believe it..........didn't end the week very well; I havent worked out since last Thurs. So gotta get back on board..................the challenge is 25 push up's and 25 set ups????

    05/24/10 165.6
    05/31/10 165.6

    Hope everyone has a good week!!!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    debbiednkeller - that is amazing that you still amanged to loose 2.8 even though you didnt work out since last Thurs :) Thats awesome news

    cnbethea - That is awesome that you are trying to not weigh in till July 15th!! You can do it.. I know you can!! And when you get to that day - you will be soooo excited to weigh in. And you will see a larger number than just 1 or 2lbs and you will be sooo happy!!!! It really helps to keep you on track for a long period of time :):) I'll be finally weighing in after a month come June 6th.. a week away. BIG reason to be REALLY good this weekend!

    So nice to see that everyone has reported back with weight loss after week 1 challenge :)

    THanks for creating the new post for this weeks challenge!

    and welcome to all the NEWCOMERS!!! its great to have a new weekly challenge that to complete
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    debbiednkeller - I just saw your post asking what the challenge was.. its 25 push ups a day.. and 25 crunches a day.
  • pickles77
    pickles77 Posts: 47
    Checking in: I only got 275 push ups last week! I started late though!! I promise to do all my crunches and push ups this week!!
    I only lost .2 lbs! CRAP! I ate way too much this weekend! Although I added some exercise to my routine, here's hoping that it works!

    SW: 183.4
    LW: 181.5
    CW: 181.3
  • youndy10
    youndy10 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Checking in: I lost 5 pounds this week which is REALLY surprising to me because I messed up quite a bit this weekend. However, I did get my workouts in so that is good (except yesterday!). My plan for this week is to get to the gym everyday, drink more water, log my food intake better, and do my push-ups and crunches! Have a great week!

    SW: 272
    LW: 252
    CW: 247

    Monday: No Exercise :embarassed:
    Tuesday: 50 push ups/ 50 crunches
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Everyone is doing awesome. I didnt lose in week 1 but maybe this is my week. :blushing:

    Mon-no exercise
    8 glasses of water

    Tues-25 wall pushups/will do crucnches after work.
    8 glasses of water
  • dragonflies4me
    dragonflies4me Posts: 12 Member
    Here's to week 2! I lost 1.5 pounds in week one, but I've been an eating fool these last two days. I don't know why I can't motivate myself to stop. I'm sticking with the pushups from level one of the shred since I'm making myself do them, but my wrist is not up for any extra. I'm going to try to do double crunches to make up for that for now.

    I signed up a while ago, but hadn't really used the site much yet. I was checking out my settings and realized that I was set to be 5'7" when I am 5'9" (yay, more calories per day), and to lose 1 pound a week which I switched to 2 (boo, less calories per day).

    I'm on L1D4 of the 30 day shred and I'm going to try to get some walking in later tonight too.

    I see some of you had a great week last week! Way to go! Others seem to be feeling like me, so hopefully it's a better week for us!!

    Challenge for the week:

    Monday: 20 pushups / 25 crunches / 2 water (I'm horrible with water) / no eating out
    Tuesday: 20 pushups / 75 crunches / 4 water (may get in a little more tonight) / no eating out
  • fields02
    fields02 Posts: 5
    I would love to join you guys in these challenges.
  • pickles77
    pickles77 Posts: 47
    Checking in:

    Monday: No workout! :ohwell:
    Tuesday: 30 push-ups; 30 crunches

    Hoping I do much better this week!!! Good Luck everyone!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hello Everyone :)

    Monday - 25 push ups 50 crunches
    Tues -25 push ups 50 crunches
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
    Sun -

    Doing very well with getting the cardio in :) I've done about 2 hours each day... lots of tennis and walking. I am doing great with water, its pretty much all I drink. Over 14 glasses today easily!
  • Hey everyone,

    Monday 25 push-ups and 25 crunches (no eating out)
    Tuesday 25+ push-ups and 25 crunches about 10 or more cups H2O (no eating out)

    I think this week is going to be good. I am so excited 2 days and no weighing whew this is going to be challenging but I am not going to see my weight til my B-day......the only thing I am doing another challenge and at the end of the 30 days I will weigh but I will not peak I will have my hubby or one of the kids write it down and hide it I just told my partner that I will see how I did on my birthday and report that back to her so it's all good no seeing my weight til July 15th.

    Congrats to everyone who weighed in and lost this week let's keep pushing through we are going to meet and pass our goals we have set!!

    Also to those who did not lose me included that's okay this is something new and sometimes our bodies have to adjust to the transformation and then you will get back to losing. Plus if your on a plateau and this is a shock to the body adding in more workouts it can take up to 2 weeks to see a change also so hang in there we have 17 more weeks to reach our goals!!!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Good for you for not weighing yourself :) Great plan for the end of the month weigh in and letting your kids or husband record the number.

    17 weeks is a lot of time.. we can definetely get a lot closer to our goals, or reach them :)
  • Good for you for not weighing yourself :) Great plan for the end of the month weigh in and letting your kids or husband record the number.

    17 weeks is a lot of time.. we can definetely get a lot closer to our goals, or reach them :)

    Thanks this is a big step for me as I was at the point one time of weighing in daily and then I moved to once a week but went back on that because I started getting anxious so this will be tough but I am going to do it and if I give in I will definately share but I am looking at it as my B-day gift to me taking my life back and putting in the hard work so it will be the best gift I can get on that morning. As long as the number is good:laugh: It can actually turn out to be the worse gift ever but I totally don't see that happening keeping up with my workouts and this challenge I should do well!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Yes let's think positive! Also, its motivation to work even harder to make sure that you have the Best Bday present :) You will! I just know it
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