Binged today! What should i do?!?



  • Naomi0222
    Eat a normal balanced meal the next day. Eating just fruit tomorrow will set you up for a binge later in the day. When you over eat one day, your body naturally balances things out another day during the week. (I,e. eat 3000 mon, tues, wed you eat 1500 when you're supposed to eat1900, and the same the next day. What you will find I'd at the end of the week everything is balanced out naturally by your own internal néeds. (Info from a RD I spoke to!). Remember, it's 3500 extra cal above your normal that causes the gain!! Hope this helps :) .
  • piya121
    piya121 Posts: 11 Member
    i pretty much ate 1600 calories in one sitting :(
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    If your total cals today were 2700 and your exercise cals were 350, then your total cals were 2350, which is probably your TDEE. So you did not actually go over your cals at all.
    Good job on making good food choices.
    Probably won't affect your progress at all!
  • libster1
    Don't panic - just reset yourself for tomorrow and maybe put in an extra walk/run to make up for it, but if you starve yourself tomorrow you will fall off the wagon and we don't want that - keep up the good work
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    i pretty much ate 1600 calories in one sitting :(

    I've done worse. Think whole large pizza and breadsticks. We all make mistakes =] just don't let it be an excuse to keep doing it.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    First of all, 2700 over the day is not a binge. People who truly binge often eat 1000+ calories in one sitting. They are out of control and are usually triggered by some sort of stressor. The eat until they are full and then continue to eat.

    You overate, you did not binge.

    Second, 2700 for the day isn't really that big of a deal. Do NOT starve yourself tomorrow because that will just lead to more overeating. Just get back to your normal, healthy diet. Just like you won't lose weight in a day, you won't gain weight in a day either.

    ^^^ This. All you need to do is get a good night sleep & make tomorrow a normal day like all the others lately have been. Don't cut back tomorrow, too many changes will throw your metabolism off. One day will not make a bit of difference in the greater scheme of things. You'll wake up tomorrow & completely forget all about today. The more you dwell on it the more you'll drive yourself nuts over it & the more problems it will cause. Today was a treat day & now it's over, tomorrow is back to a regular day.....
  • RiversideBabe
    RiversideBabe Posts: 75 Member
    Drink water tonight and first thing when you wake up. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • Bubsys_mom
    Bubsys_mom Posts: 124 Member
    i pretty much ate 1600 calories in one sitting :(

    I've done worse. Think whole large pizza and breadsticks. We all make mistakes =] just don't let it be an excuse to keep doing it.

    Shamefully, this was a big habit of mine. I would eat an entire frozen pizza to myself in one sitting. :/ Husband did it too. Probably one of the one things I am most embarrassed about out of all of my *past* eating habits. :(
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    i pretty much ate 1600 calories in one sitting :(
    It was a good healthy feast meal that fit in your (TDEE) cals. No problem!:)
  • drob0708
    agreed . start over tomorrow try to make healthier choices. We all fall hard some times but dont beat yourself up over it . Tomorrows another day
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    1 day is meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Just chalk it up to an off-day and come back strong tomorrow with your regular routine.

    The only way a 1 day binge is a problem is if you let it affect you and it causes you to go off the rails and then you have 2,3,10,30+ days of bad eating.

    Think of it this way - you consume close to a million calories a year - those extra few hundred today are meaningless.
  • todosalamierda
    Drink lots of water, it generally makes me feel better after a binge. And don't think about starting tomorrow: if you still haven't eaten all your meals, make them healthy and well portioned, so you can get back on track asap! Don't give up, it has happened to all of us, and we're still here, don't beat yourself up for a faux pas.
  • 73Freckles
    73Freckles Posts: 201 Member
    put it behind you. learn from it. start a new day tomorrow.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Nope, just go on, work out again like you said, but your TDEE is probably close to 2,000 and if you burn another 350 calories tonight then you'll be at 2000 so pretty much maintaining, eat normally, you will shock your body if you just eat very little or something
  • kbitzonefour
    kbitzonefour Posts: 114 Member
    Just eat normal tomorrow. You had a treat day, now get back on board.
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    Go to bed.

    THIS IS HILARIOUS!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Don't let it turn in to a binge week and you'll be ok. The worst effect a binge can have is when "starting over tomorrow" becomes "starting over the next day" or "starting over next week."

    In fact instead of tomorrow you should think of it as starting over right now, and not continue the binge for the rest of the night. Not that you were planning on it, that's definitely happened to me though.

    ^^ THIS
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    just hit the gym hard tonight & tomorrow
  • Dollymaker
    Dollymaker Posts: 65 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. Everyone has an off day once in a while. Tomorrow's a new day, so start fresh and don't look back! :smile:
  • FitBlackChick
    FitBlackChick Posts: 215 Member
    And good job for logging it in! I have trouble being honest with myself when I overeat, so good on you! :)