Feeling insecure at the gym?

I just started goin go to the gym. So far I lost 6lbs in three weeks. There are a lot of people that are already fit and have great bodies, I feel insecure when I see the girls with really small waists. I used to weigh 146lbs and went up to 210lbs and recently went down to 204lbs, I feel very inscure :( How do I stop feeling insecure about what I'm doing, I just started a life style change, Im eating healthy everyday and goin got the gym for 2 hours..but those people make me feel so insecure, they act like they're so much better thant the other people that are overweight.


  • TravelinChiGal
    TravelinChiGal Posts: 216 Member
    Don't feel insecure! You are doing what you need to do to be healthy. Everyone there is doing the same thing. Do other people sweat? Yes! Everyone is there to reach a fitness goal, so kuddos to you for going! Keep it up!
  • Bunski
    Bunski Posts: 28 Member
    If the people who are at your gym act "superior" to you, you should probably find a new gym. Preferably one where the patrons are grown-ups.
  • Xhell_on_heelsX
    What I do before I even get out of the locker room is put my ipod in..it gets me in the zone and then I can block out everyone else. Tonight I did this and didn't even notice my best friend was on the stair climber behind me LOL. Remember you are there for YOU not for anyone else :smile:
  • traceylynns
    traceylynns Posts: 155 Member
    Don't worry about them!!! I used to be the same way and now I can't even tell you who was at the gym when I am there!! I just turn some tunes on and do what I am there to get done!!
  • mwbulechek
    mwbulechek Posts: 162 Member
    I had often felt the same way at the gym. But, you will notice they start giving you respect as you continue to workout! I even got a fist bump tonight from one of the other regulars!
  • SergeiKay
    SergeiKay Posts: 90 Member
    stop giving a crap what others at the gym might think of you, and you're probably just making it up in your head anyway. personally, when i'm at the gym, i get tunnel vision, don't give a flying rat's petute what other people look like or that they are even there.

    Pop some earbuds in your ears, blast some music that pumps you up, and concentrate on your goals rather than on other people.
  • angellepen
    I honestly felt the same way when I started going to the gym. I felt very shy, uncomfortable and, insecure. I've learned that when I am in my zone and into my workout and listening to my music all those people around me don't even exist. What I am trying to say is after getting comfortable at the gym and recognizing peoples faces I have just learned to block everything around me out when I am doing my workout. Don't care about the people around you just focus on what you came there to do and what your goals are! :)
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 197 Member
    As all the above say and some of those people may have been in the same position a while ago and are probably admiring you being there!!! Just put on your headphones, zone out and enjoy your new life :)
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    People are there for the same reason you are. Most people aren't being unfriendly, they are just focused on getting healthy.
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    At the gym no one is paying attention to you. Everyone is in their own zone thinking about themselves in some way. Kind of like you - you're just thinking about how OTHERS perceive you, when they are probably thinking about you YOU perceive THEM. Or just how how they themselves look dang good. Or need to work harder. Or whatever.

    If they are thinking of you, it's just a passing notice going "dang girl, good job for being here." Then they go back to thinking about themselves.

    That's pretty much it.
  • Robyn120
    Robyn120 Posts: 249
    When I go in and put my Ipod on I don't pay much attention to what others are doing but when I do, it helps me to think that all those fit people looked somewhat like me when they first started. I'm also one of those people who eyeball the fit chicks and think "damn it I wanna look like that"...and then I intensify the elliptical lol.
  • Permewer
    Permewer Posts: 8 Member
    You are kicking butt at only three weeks in! Don't feel insecure. Just keep picturing the body you want and realizing that every ounce of work and willpower contributes to it becoming a reality. Also, know that even "skinny girls" feel insecure. If they didn't, they wouldn't be putting up such a front. You're competition, gal! They see you working hard and know that soon enough you will be among the ranks of skinny foxes sweatin' it out in the gym every week.

    Also, make a great playlist of your favorites for the gym. It's hard to feel insecure when the power soundtrack to your life is blasting in your ears :)

    Stay strong!
  • NeeneVa
    NeeneVa Posts: 42 Member
    I have total social anxiety when going to the gym and I am having trouble getting past it. I have been making myself go but in situations like tonight when the gym was packed - I didn't go. :-(

    Perhaps we can make a pact here to make ourselves go and workout without worry about those around us? Anyone??

    I know it would help me to be accountable to others!
  • Cullinanmarti
    Cullinanmarti Posts: 72 Member
    My gym has unlimited supply of young blond beautiful women that alway get on the machine next to this older sweaty frizzy haired lady (huh that would be me). They seem to work just hard enough to get sweet little glow. All the boys, old nd young, stare at them like they're the newer to their work-out buddy problem.....but if you ask the young beautiful thing, they don't like the stares. Some even say they picked the machine next to me because I will accept them.....and believe me, they are not always with good self images. We may seethem as perfect but that is not their reality.
  • jbruced
    jbruced Posts: 210 Member
    Some of those small waisted gals may have been overweight not so long ago. You can be small waisted as well if
    you let their diligence inspire you. My dad always told me,, you are no better than anyone else and you are no
    less than anyone else. Hold your head high and be confident that you will get yourself back into a better state
    oof healthy.
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    try taking a class, people are more focused on the instructor and themselves than the other people in the room!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I just started goin go to the gym. So far I lost 6lbs in three weeks. There are a lot of people that are already fit and have great bodies, I feel insecure when I see the girls with really small waists. I used to weigh 146lbs and went up to 210lbs and recently went down to 204lbs, I feel very inscure :( How do I stop feeling insecure about what I'm doing, I just started a life style change, Im eating healthy everyday and goin got the gym for 2 hours..but those people make me feel so insecure, they act like they're so much better thant the other people that are overweight.

    Happens to everyone when they start. It's a strange place if you're not used to it. Just keep going and it will get more comfortable. Being friendly to other people you see there and making a friend or two really helps that along.
  • tlruffino
    I look at them as motivation. You don't know their story, maybe they were just like you. I think this way and then it inspires me. Also after a time you start to see the same people and they'll comment to you about how you are doing. All of a sudden it won't be so scary
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    In the words of the late Robert Schimmel, 'the people at this gym look so good, you gotta workout at another gym before you come here!'
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I usually dont but last night was bad. I was the only female in the weights area pumping heavy iron and just felt so insecure even though I knew noone was paying any attention to me.

    There were men for Africa in there and all I wanted to do was get out quick. I even cut one exercise a set short :( Just not feeling great body image wise at the moment tis all

    Back to early morning sessions for me!