Skinny is overrated...please eat (CONCERNED RANT!)



  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Lets not turn this into a 1200 calorie bashing thread, please.
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    It would be so nice if everyone felt free and fit and healthy in their own bodies, the truth is that the majority of overweight people don't. So why are you worrying about what others do to achieve that? Isn't it easier to just focus on your own eating and exercise?

    Nope,it is easier to criticize those who have achieved what I am after, hahah!
  • renitawalker9
    It would be so nice if everyone felt free and fit and healthy in their own bodies, the truth is that the majority of overweight people don't. So why are you worrying about what others do to achieve that? Isn't it easier to just focus on your own eating and exercise?

    Nope,it is easier to criticize those who have achieved what I am after, hahah!

    actually, not one of the people whose diaries I have seen like this is overweight. And I still don't understand why my concern is not interpreted as concern. what is the point of having a public diary if not for people to look? What is the point of joining MFP and adding friends if not to have a group of like minded individuals to help you attain "fitness" which I equate with healthy which in no world equals 800 calories a day on the regular. maybe I don't understand the purpose of MFP. With that I bid this thread good day.

    ETA: Yet again, I plan to mind my own business. Eat, starve, exercise, don't. Whatever. I just hope I don't find out later some of the people have damaged their health permanently.
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    I try to eat Paleo and Primal but don't have an open diary. I hate being criticized for everything I eat! I eat for MY health, not to be judged by others. Some days I eat more than others, hate being judged for a 2550 calories day one day and a 900 day the next. As a person who longer wants to obsess over every calorie having others decide I am doing it wrong doesn't help!
  • frankldi
    well said..I agree
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    It would be so nice if everyone felt free and fit and healthy in their own bodies, the truth is that the majority of overweight people don't. So why are you worrying about what others do to achieve that? Isn't it easier to just focus on your own eating and exercise?

    Nope,it is easier to criticize those who have achieved what I am after, hahah!

    actually, not one of the people whose diaries I have seen like this is overweight. And I still don't understand why my concern is not interpreted as concern. what is the point of having a public diary if not for people to look? What is the point of joining MFP and adding friends if not to have a group of like minded individuals to help you attain "fitness" which I equate with healthy which in no world equals 800 calories a day on the regular. maybe I don't understand the purpose of MFP. With that I big this thread good day.

    Probably works for most, not for me! I don't count and as a person who eats Paleo I no longer measure or record. For me this site is to obtain good health, and for ME good health isn't about tracking every bite or reading my friends every bite. Should they ask, great, I will give my two cents but in the long term this analyzing every calorie I eat or my friends eat is far from healthy!
  • TDABMama0617
    TDABMama0617 Posts: 29 Member
    I've only been at this for a week and am finding it a little difficult to get in my 1220 calorie goal. I eat back calories from exercise. My BMI is around 26 so I AM overweight. Getting enough calories never USED to be a problem (obviously) when I ate mindlessly, but now I strive to make eating its own event instead of eating at my desk, while watching TV etc. order to do that I have to be able to take the few minutes to focus - I forget about it almost every time. I AM eating - I just feel full with less than 1200 net calories....problems? None that I've noticed. I eat fruit, veggies and lean protein every chance I get. I sleep at least seven hours and I work exercise into my life running after kids, parking far away, etc. Nearly every day, I close my diary and see a three-digit green number. Not looking for attention - just saying every woman is different and beautiful in her own way.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    If I see a friend logging too few calories for several days, I will remark, "Light day!" That leaves the conversation open and non-judgemental. There are too many reasons/unknowns that people log the way they do for me to try to judge if they are unhealthy. I have friends that underlog food, overlog exercise, and some are very exact. This is a motivational site, I know I can't help if I unfriend someone or they unfriend me. Some of my friends are very young and really don't know what they should be intaking and appreciate the suggestions (after they have asked) that I give them.
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    Let's not confuse eating 1200 calories with the 800 cal diaries whose owners are like "I wanted to eat an apple for lunch but OMG I did so great I only ate the half" 'cos I think there two are really different.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    The quote is 'nothing tastes as good as skinny feels' and it comes from Kate Moss.

    It's older than Kate Moss. My mom had it on the refrigerator back in the 70's.
  • SilviaGutierrezRaghu
    One of the quotes I see on here drives me up the wall. Something like "Nothing tastes as good as skinny looks." This is a totally pro-ana quote. I'm pretty sure I saw it on the pro-ana websites when I was doing a research paper.

    Agreed, that saying makes me shudder. I also did a research paper which involved looking at those sites and that phrase is very very common, that and the similar "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".

    Who really wants to be "skinny" anyway. Let's change that to "nothing tastes as good as healthy feels". :happy:

    Yes I like it "nothing tastes as good as healthy feels" :happy:
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Getting enough calories never USED to be a problem (obviously) when I ate mindlessly, but now I strive to make eating its own event instead of eating at my desk, while watching TV etc.
    That is so awesome that you understood that so early in your weightloss. Even during my biggest weight loss, I still ate my food mindlessly. MFP helped me immensely with the nutrient tracking. Food for me has now become a deliberate action. A more delightful, deliberate intake of food.
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Sometimes I end up eating under, but it is usually because as I exercise the calories increase. However eating 800 - 1000 calories is NOT healthy.
  • Kayleigh90x
    I read comments that some people assume that others deliberately undereat... I struggle to eat, I always have. So I regularly consume way below the 1200 mark... I only eat limited thngs as i struggle with food. For a long time i lived off red bull not much else.
    I don't do it to attention seek I think I'm just stuck in a rut . I am not losing weight really, although I haven't been excercising particularly much recently either. I do know I need to eat properly and at a decent calorie intake to lose the weight.
    I have issues with hair falling out. Today I ate a breast for 1st time in months . Which is a big achievement for me. I thoink some people's problem may be that they dont know how to.rectify the bad eating etc. I know I need to eat better but when i go shopping o just throw in what I know.

    Any advice ?

  • renitawalker9
    I read comments that some people assume that others deliberately undereat... I struggle to eat, I always have. So I regularly consume way below the 1200 mark... I only eat limited thngs as i struggle with food. For a long time i lived off red bull not much else.
    I don't do it to attention seek I think I'm just stuck in a rut . I am not losing weight really, although I haven't been excercising particularly much recently either. I do know I need to eat properly and at a decent calorie intake to lose the weight.
    I have issues with hair falling out. Today I ate a breast for 1st time in months . Which is a big achievement for me. I thoink some people's problem may be that they dont know how to.rectify the bad eating etc. I know I need to eat better but when i go shopping o just throw in what I know.

    Any advice ?


    This is where meal planning is helpful. You could use your diary proactively instead instead of reactively. Instead of writing down what you ate, log what you could eat. Keep logging until you come up with the right calories then make a grocery list based off of that. look for successful people and look at their food diaries to see what they are doing. I just looked at a girl's food diary and she ate 1900 calories today and she is super fit! Personally i am adding 100 calories to my daily totals per week to get closer to where I need to be.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I had someone delete me for only eating 1200-1400 calories a day. According to her i had to be starving and taking extra naps just to get through the day. Had she asked instead of assuming she would have known that she was wrong. MFP says I should eat 1350 a day and eat back calories (I don't eat back calories unless i'm hungry fyi) Regardless of what anyone thinks, I did what was suggested and consulted my doctor before starting this and I got the ok for my diet and workout regimen. I have friends on here that eat lower than 1200 but I just ask. If you don't want to get in people's business and comment on what you feel in unhealthy days then you shouldn't friend people. Support isn't just telling people their doing good.
  • stephaniesjourney
    Thank you, I needed to hear that especially since I have been doing this since I was twenty something...yoyo dieting..when I signed up for this it is for a lifestyle change. A healthier me !I have had the habit of not eating even my 1200 much less my exercise calories. I do realize our bodies need it! : )
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I think most women underestimate their need for protein. It was a passing glance until I read some very good articles and strarted increasing protein in my diet.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Is there any nice way to tell people they're not eating enough?! If you open your diary and I am your friend on here am I free to say "hey you need to eat a little more"?I am just very concerned for the people (mostly ladies) that are closing their diaries out and have only eaten 800-1000 calories or less, regularly. I understand the occasional day, like today I'm sick...but day after day of eating 800 calories is not healthy. I couldn't even get a BMR calculator to compute an 800 calorie BMR for a 3'5" 50 pound person and I assume most of us are taller than that and weigh more than that. I'm 5'2" (pretty darn short) 127lbs (fairly lean) and my BMR is 1315. PLEASE EAT LADIES, I BEG YOU! If you want lasting change, eat healthy, don't starve yourself.


    Ya know.. some of us are trying very hard to reach even 1200, which I know is still most likely below where i need to be.. people who are *intentionally* doing this, should take a look at what they are really doing to themselves health wise.. For the rest of us.. it's a daily struggle. I have a hard time getting to 1200 a day.. It's a little easier now.. 3 months later, but my net calories is still sometimes a negative number.. I do pre-plan my day and more or less stick to it.. but it's so hard to eat when you are not hungry. I often skip my afternoon snack simply because i am not hungry in the least and I forget to have it. i just upped my goal calories to 1408.. 200 calories more then I have been trying to eat, in the hopes that some of it is psychological in nature (like it makes it harder to reach 1200 because i don't want to go over the goal??) I planned a day of 1600 because i am going to the gym tomorrow and will probably do Zumba too. So here's hoping. Mind you.. I started this journey unintentionally eating only 700 calories a day (unless i went out to eat with my guy, then it was more like 8-900) Me leaving my diary open is not for attention. It's so you can call me out when i'm neglecting myself too much, either by not eating enough or making unhealthy choices too often.

    Just a perspective for you.. and I do think there are more women in the boat I am in then you think.