When will people notice?

I have lost 16lbs since January. In my mind, I look a lot different already. My bf hasn't said anything but he knows all about my weight loss, and doesn't have to. His mom who lives with us who I have only told I am trying to eat healthier hasn't acted like she notices a thing. (P.S: She may live with us but we don't see each other everyday, she stays in her room most of the time) Also, his SIL who lives next door hasn't said anything either, again I only see her 1-2 a month. So, is it possible that I don't look that different to them yet, or is it that they don't want to give me the satisfation of hearing them say they noticed? Or maybe they don't want to offend me by telling me "Hey, have you lost weight?" Or maybe jealousy, since I was already the smallest of them? What do you guys think, what are your experiences and do you like or dislike others acknowledging they noticed?


  • kyrapettit
    I feel the same way! I've lost 17 pounds and I can tell but no one else has said anything. I don't want to ask because I think they will feel obligated to say yes. This is a major accomplishment for me and I've tried so hard and just feel a little sad that no one has noticed. I guess when I get to my goal I will see if they notice! Good luck to you and keep up the woodwork! As long as you see the results is all that matters!
  • TraceysJourney
    TraceysJourney Posts: 27 Member
    Yep same problem here :( But if you have a lot to lose , from what i have read from other ppl, you need to lose a fair bit before any one notices
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    In four days. I hereby curse you thinner. LOL
  • featherkiss
    i have lost 30 lbs so far and not too many people notice...i posted a pic on Facebook of myself at the 30 lbs loss and 34 people commented on how great i look.....(i have 120 left to hit my goal weight)....so have faith..keep doing what you are doing..and in NO TIME at all...they WONT be able to say NOTHING.....congrats on the loss and keep going!!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    depending on how much you need to lose. Usually around 30 pounds.
    Most people notice something is different, but are not confident in saying something till it is obvious.
    Also I gained and lost the first 10 pounds so many times people just saw that as a usual flux.
    Give it time, it will happen suddenly and everyone will say something. It will get overwhelming. Look forward too it.
    Maybe even try to disguise progress and do a reveal with a new outfit.
    Enjoy all the little stages along the way.
    Congrats on your loss.
  • tanya0324
    tanya0324 Posts: 86 Member
    I once read that it takes 4 weeks to notice the change in yourself, 8 weeks for family to notice and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. It's been my experience that this is true. Also, it may be that they don't feel comfortable bringing it up out of fear of offending you. A few weeks ago, my boyfriend told me that his sister told him that she wanted to comment on my weightloss but hadn't out of fear of offending me.
  • labellecanuck
    labellecanuck Posts: 105 Member
    People may notice a change but may not want to say anything yet because weight is such a sensitive topic for most people.
  • Zoiiya
    Same here . I've lost 19 pounds, no one seems to notice but I think It's jealousy . :)
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    When I lost my first 20lbs, my mother asked me if I was pregnant. I'd have preferred if she not said anything lol.

    Generally speaking, it's nice when people say something, but it's kind of awkward. I'm losing weight for me not anyone else, so while it's nice for someone to notice, I don't feel they need to. It's much more comfortable for me if its just even a topic of conversation. People really don't know what to say generally. If you ask someone if they lost weight and they didn't, they get mad. People are hurt if you ask and if you don't. I don't think it's jealousy or anger or anything else. It's possible the difference isn't enough for people you see frequently to notice. I doubt that people are withholding comments in an effort to hurt you. If anything, it's probably the opposite.

    As for when people will notice? It really all depends on how much you have to lose, how/where you carry the weight and from where it is lost. I was down 60lbs before a few people noticed (most didn't). At 70+, the people that didn't notice anything before suddenly asked if I was sick because I lost "so much so fast".
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    I think some of my friends make it a point not to talk to me about my weight because they know that I'm much more than just my body. I've been a yo-yo dieter since high school, which I think also plays into it. My good friends have seen my weight go up and down and if they said "oh you've lost weight" every time I did, it would get old really fast.

    I actually prefer my friends and family pay attention to my achievements instead of my weight. I talk to my dad about my exercise routine and I've posted on fb about training for the Spartan race and my friends know about it and are supportive. Now, those things I want to be noticed! How strong I'm getting and how well I'm eating and what I can do with my body. I don't really need someone to tell me about it every time I lose a little weight.
  • goldie980
    The best thing you can do is be an example of becoming fit and not a reminder to them of how unfit they are. Continue your road to a healthy life, you know the notice but you don't have to rub in there face or do you.

    If you desire compliments then you won't get compliments from your man if youre wearing the same clothes. Spring will soon be here when you can take off those winter sweaters and coat and really show Em what mama gave ya.
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    Don't do it to get noticed. When someone actually takes the time to compliment your progress it will mean so much more.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I lost 50lbs 2 years ago & no one noticed until I was around 40 lbs gone. I was larger up top then & think it makes it harder to notice the weight loss. so I guess it depends on your build.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I finally, just today, had someone comment on my weight loss that didn't know I was trying to lose weight. I have lost nearly 24 pounds!
  • TiffCK
    TiffCK Posts: 37
    Yeah, I am definitly an over-thinker. One of my many flaws :) I guess I should just let it go, hmm? It will come in time, and until then, I'll just keep working on it! Plus, someone mentioned the "heavier up top" think, and I am and have always been. The fact that I am nursing is making them even heavier, so sometimes it's hard for people to notice anything but those! Even myself when I see photos of myself :P Thanks for all the comments, I agree I shouldn't do it to get noticed, and I'm not. But it would be a plus :D And I definitly don't want to rub peoples face in my weightloss. I'm nice!
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    I have lost 50 pounds this time through. My husband notices, but very few other people have commented. I am down two pants sizes and close to a third, so it is more visual for me rather than others.
  • kaybelieve
    I've only lost 14lbs and I haven't seen any loss at all, and nobody has mentioned anything so I guess nobody else has. This got to me a little at first as, if I had put on 14lbs everybody, especially myself, would have noticed. I've still got about 40lbs left to go yet and if people notice then that'd be amazing, but as long as I notice I don't mind too much. Good luck on your journey :)
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I've lost 44lbs, going for a UK size 16 to a UK size 8. And very few people have noticed, or at least said anything. :laugh:

    That's a lie, someone did mention to me this morning and asked me about my workout routine. People just don't know whether to ask or not, because they may think they're being rude. :flowerforyou:
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I've mentioned trying to eat right casually, not to make it a big deal or a secret. A couple of weeks ago, a coworker who I barely know, asked if I lost weight. It was at 12 lbs which, for someone my size, I cant see how anyone would notice, so it meant a lot to me. My nurse manager asked if I lost weight at six lbs, but she was also trying to get me to commit to something so I didn't take her seriously, just a lucky guess.

    Years ago, I was about fifty lbs lighter when I tried, one doctor noticed at 15 lbs, he's a bit anti-fat so he's always seeing loss. Others, including my own mother, didn't notice until about 30 lbs.

    But it's all about me, so I'm okay with not seeing it myself just yet. Sometimes I feel less in the belly area when I'm taking a flight of stairs, if that makes any sense.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hhaha oh hunni you deserve a medal I would crack up if his family were all in my space all the time and his mum might me jealous .. My boyfriend didn't notice I lost anything until I say say to him look n he goes ohh n yeah good dat love -_- but then again he didn't say anything when I put on 3 stone just keep going people will notice sooner or later x