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Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)



  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    Without realizing it, food had become a comfort of mine. I ate when I was sad, angry or stressed. I'm not often stressed out, but I do recognize that I'm an emotional eater. I also eat sometimes out of boredom; then I had family members and friends who didn't watch anything they ate, and if we went out to a restaurant, I didn't have enough discipline to order what I SHOULD have eaten. So I've attempted to make some adjustments. I've moved to a whole other city, where there are no immediate family members or friends around (not that they were the reason for my move, but I find it easier to keep my goals in view without them). I get to make the healthy choices I know I should make, and cheat on occasion when I crave a certain thing. I don't get sad or angry much either. But, if I do, a good walk usually makes it all go away. You actually begin to feel much better after a good walk. :-)
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    I am lazy.
  • spambubbles
    spambubbles Posts: 36 Member
    I am an emotional eater. I start putting on weight whenever I'm not happy with my life, and instead of changing what is making me unhappy I just stuff myself full of food. I eat when I'm not hungry. I sometimes eat to pass the time.
  • The reason I became "fat" is mainly due to pregnancy postpartum I really struggle to move past it but couldn't till recently. I never knew how much stress and depression had to do with my weight. My focus now it to learn from it and just move forward.
  • Rarely is there only ONE reason for becoming overweight ~ I have a stack of them but none of the excuses are good enough to have caused the harm to my body that I have..

    1) Not exercising ~ The only real exercise I've ever completely enjoyed is dancing and riding horses (now I'm too heavy to ride)
    2) Overeating
    3) Eating the wrong thing (too much fast food, heavy foods)
    4) Skipping Meals
    5) Not drinking enough water
    6) Hormonal issues (PCOS) (and not exercising)
    7) Surgery & injury (and not exercising)
    8) Pregnancy (and not exercising)
    9) Depression
    10) Yo-Yo Dieting
    11) Excuses
    12) 20+ yrs of desk jobs, 10+ hr work days, either missing lunch or cramming it in so fast I didn't taste the food
    13) Loneliness
    14) Laziness
    15) Don't like sweating
    16) Migraines (heat, exercise, & hormones all a trigger)
    17) Now Pre Menapausal (Hormones, again!)
    18) Low self-esteem
    19) And lying to myself ~ Hiding from mirrors and photographs and scales (When shopping and I happened to see me in the reflection of a window, I just knew that couldn't be me!)

    See, always an excuse... But I think that covers it...Hmmm...If I'd been this honest years ago I might not weigh what I weigh now..
  • I'm a real food addict. Straight up. I was raised to be addicted to food, gained weight as a result.
    Highly addicted to cake which isn't exactly as good as being addicted to something like celery. ;)

    Overcoming it now. I can tell that my food addiction has/had a real grip on my life. It's amazing how much time I have now when i'm not always thinking about what my next meal is going to be and how delicious it will taste.
  • Cinnamonhuskies
    Cinnamonhuskies Posts: 78 Member
    SSRIs and stress eating. Midlife didn't help, either.
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    REAL reason?
    Well, my "real" reason is because I injured my foot, in a combination of heavy stress which I'm sure is increasing my cortisol levels (and cortisol helps aid in the production of fat cells...yippee...)

    I injured my foot back on Thanksgiving. So no running for me.
    Tried to fix it myself, no such luck. Put on almost 15 lbs.
    And without running, the other workouts I'm doing simply do not help me lose weight. And it's not that they're not effective, it's that I'm still stressed out. I need that peace that running gives me. I need that time to think and let the stress go away.
    Without it, I can work myself into being sore for an entire WEEK (I'm capable of doing that), but I still won't lose weight or inches. I'll just pack on muscle. (yes even with other cardio)

    I need to lose the weight.
    I want to run.
    Seeing a podiatrist today. Hopefully he'll give me good news, and I can start to run again very, very soon. Even if I am starting off ridiculously slow- it's still me time. :)
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I was sick for ten years with celiac disease. The doctors kept misdiagnosing. I thought I was dying. I could not eat properly, I could not drink water. I threw up all the time, but I would be hungrier. I slept all the time. Exercise did nothing. I thought I was dying.

    When I discovered I could not have gluten, I got a second shot. Lost my weight and felt good enough to move again. I felt I had a second chance at life and felt so much better. I decided to take care of my body.
  • Basically I've always used food to cope with my feelings. It started when I was younger and my parents fought all the time and my mother always ordered us fast food to make us feel better. Then as I got older I just honestly had NO concept of calories and what was "healthy" and what wasn't. I even had what I called "fat days" once a week with my best friend where I'd get a huge burrito from Qdoba and then go right next store and have a huge cup of ice cream from Maggie Moos. Then I became depressed at the age of 16 and was put on anti depressants .. and that packed on the pounds. I got up to 180... now I'm down to 129 and proud of it!
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    I ate too much and moved too little. Got fat Got depressed about being fat. Ate more. Moved less. Got fatter. Repeat ad nauseum.

    ^^^This..stress eater extraordinar! :huh:
  • I binge eat to suppress my overwhelming anxiety and depression. I am not a huge fan of life of life or people. I think too much about other people's feelings and not enough about my own. I don't think I deserve to be here and have nice things and do what I want and be happy. I eat until I am too stuffed to think or feel or move. I eat to keep myself out of the way of those around me who are actually living their lives. If it weren't food, it would be drugs and alcohol. I have to be "high" in order to deal with life and because I do not want to be considered a "bad" person, I choose fat, salt, and sugar over pills and tequila. It's killing me just the same. I need to get my *kitten* together.
  • TMcSter
    TMcSter Posts: 69 Member
    In my early 20's I had a lazy boyfriend and we would eat out and late multiple times in a week. By the time I knew it I was over 200 pounds. 30 pounds after that I went on Phen Fen and lost about 25 pounds. Then Phen Fen got banned by the FDA and I gained 40. A breakup with the boyfriend and laziness ensued. That was over 15 years ago so now all I have to attribute it to is laziness. I got married almost 11 years ago at 220 and my husband "loves me for me" which I truly believe however, I need to start taking responsibility for my own actions watch what I eat, track it and exercise. Did I mention no self control???
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    Oh, and I was in a loveless marriage where I couldn't have cared less if I looked attractive or not.
    And, french fries.
  • my fat was a shield after a sexual assualt. I know... crazy but it worked for a while... I am happy to say that I have dealt with my issues and am losing the weight...
  • I just really liked food and hated moving at all.

    In all honesty, when I was bored, I'd eat.
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    Rarely is there only ONE reason for becoming overweight ~ I have a stack of them but none of the excuses are good enough to have caused the harm to my body that I have..

    1) Not exercising ~ The only real exercise I've every completely enjoyed is dancing and riding horses (now I'm too heavy to ride)
    2) Overeating
    3) Eating the wrong thing (too much fast food, heavy foods)
    4) Skipping Meals
    5) Not drinking enough water
    6) Hormonal issues (PCOS) (and not exercising)
    7) Surgery (and not exercising)
    8) Pregnancy (and not exercising)
    9) Depression
    10) Yo-Yo Dieting
    11) Excuses

    ^^And this is much clearer...I am all of this!
  • I eat too much, I love eating it makes me feel good in the short term. It's that simple.
  • stacifahlsing
    stacifahlsing Posts: 38 Member
    Financially it has been cheaper to eat CRAP! High calorie, high sugar, high fat, etc. CRAP! I was always careful to fix meals as inexpensively as possible and then when my husband would get a second helping, I thought I had to keep up... Also, we can't waste a single bite of food! So, I have kept up with my 280 lb ex husband, eaten my kids leftovers, and found myself at this horrible weight! Now, I am trying to eat whole grain, trader joe's type of non processed foods. I give the leftovers to my dog... who I know shouldn't eat it either! It is a good start. But my REAL reason is definitely mental! I am like a food hoarder!