30 Day Shred May 30th - June 30th Support



  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Uggh, hate that I missed yesterday's workout, but had to go out and didn't make it home until way too late. My calves are burning though. I did power walk for lunch though, so I did something. So tonight will be L1D4 then...Can't wait...hope it is easier...

    Going to try and elliptical afterwards. Normally I can do like 75 min no problem, but could only muster up 40 min after Jillians workout...hah! Can't wait until I can move to Level 2.

    I can do the modified pushups, but do we have to graduate to the regular push ups before moving to Level 2???

    I've enver graduated from the girlie push ups - did them through all levels.

    As for planks - I also did the modified ones - some are too hard on my knees, too much jumping.
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    I bought the DVD yesterday, and just completed L1D1, so I'm a little behind everyone else.

    I could only do about half as many of the push-ups and jumping jacks as they did and also could barely raise my arms up by the second set of the side lunges. Hopefully I will do a little better next time, probably just because I know what to expect now!

    So are we supposed to do this everyday? I was thinking about alternating daily with the 30 min free step on the Wii and then taking a day off completely each week.

    Day 2 for me was 1000 times easier than day 1. I think it was because I knew what to expect, or maybe just that one workout made me slightly stronger? Seriously, it will get so much easier as you continue...but I don't think it will get "easy"...

    I'm trying to stick with it everyday, but I've heard from people who have taken break days or done it every other day. I would do whatever feels right for you.
  • bailybubble
    bailybubble Posts: 8 Member
    completed L1D2 knees are killin me thou:smile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    L1D8 check. did all the pushups today. my pecs hurt:happy:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    L1D8 check. did all the pushups today. my pecs hurt:happy:

    Did you do the modified push ups or the regular ones? I can't do more then Two of the regulars...haha
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    L1D8 check. did all the pushups today. my pecs hurt:happy:

    Did you do the modified push ups or the regular ones? I can't do more then Two of the regulars...haha

    I did regular the first round and on my knees the second round. (this was after I had completed ChaLean Extreme and that has pushups in it too)
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I need to brag on my amazing husband real quick!!! I wasn't feeling too great this morning, and had about decided that I wasn't going to do The Shred today. I just felt blah. I guess he could tell that I wasn't going to do it (since I usually do it in the morning) so he said HE was going to do the shred today, which then made me want to do it with him. I know he was just saying he wanted to do it so I would do it with him. I feel so blessed to have a husband who is such a motivation to me! ALSO, it made me feel good that he was getting tired while doing it too, and he's a work out buff, in really good shape. Made me feel not so bad about it kicking my butt!! :laugh:

    So, with all that said, L1D4 DONE!!

    And FYI even when I've already done the shred for the day and I get on here and read everyone talk about it makes me want to do it more! Thanks for this thread!
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    Just finished L1D3... My shoulders are sore, as is my left calf. Hope it goes away soon!

    I feel like I will never be able to survive in L2, especially now that I hear there are planks! Eek.
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    I need to brag on my amazing husband real quick!!! I wasn't feeling too great this morning, and had about decided that I wasn't going to do The Shred today. I just felt blah. I guess he could tell that I wasn't going to do it (since I usually do it in the morning) so he said HE was going to do the shred today, which then made me want to do it with him. I know he was just saying he wanted to do it so I would do it with him. I feel so blessed to have a husband who is such a motivation to me! ALSO, it made me feel good that he was getting tired while doing it too, and he's a work out buff, in really good shape. Made me feel not so bad about it kicking my butt!! :laugh:

    So, with all that said, L1D4 DONE!!

    And FYI even when I've already done the shred for the day and I get on here and read everyone talk about it makes me want to do it more! Thanks for this thread!

    That is completely precious. That's so great that your husband care so much to motivate you!
  • slcbrus
    slcbrus Posts: 79
    L1-D4 done!!! Wootwoot!!!

    Still finding the first circuit a bit tough but I'm getting way better at the push ups. I did all of them and dipped a bit further down. For some reason I find the jump rope and the kick butt exercises quite challenging. I think that the fact that I train a lot on the treadmill is putting a bit of a strain on my legs so I added a 45 minutes deep muscle training and stretching session to my routine today.

    Otherwise feeling great about my progress on the shred. Tomorrow is already day 4 for me and I have already started following Nathalie instead of Anita on the DVD.

    Good night all, keep it up!!! :glasses:

    PS: BTW, somebody mentioned planks on level 2, yes, PLANKS. Whyyyyy? I ask, whyyyyy? :sick:
  • CMomma23
    CMomma23 Posts: 132 Member
    L1D2 Complete!!! I was really tired today, but I pushed through... Did my 3.25 mile walk this worning... that has helped with some of the soreness in my quads.... However, after that workout... the static lunges just KILL my quads... Hopefully they will get in shape and stretch out over the next few days....

    Way to go to everyone who keeps doing it! :oP
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    I need to brag on my amazing husband real quick!!! I wasn't feeling too great this morning, and had about decided that I wasn't going to do The Shred today. I just felt blah. I guess he could tell that I wasn't going to do it (since I usually do it in the morning) so he said HE was going to do the shred today, which then made me want to do it with him. I know he was just saying he wanted to do it so I would do it with him. I feel so blessed to have a husband who is such a motivation to me! ALSO, it made me feel good that he was getting tired while doing it too, and he's a work out buff, in really good shape. Made me feel not so bad about it kicking my butt!! :laugh:

    So, with all that said, L1D4 DONE!!

    And FYI even when I've already done the shred for the day and I get on here and read everyone talk about it makes me want to do it more! Thanks for this thread!

    My fiance works out with me every now and then. I did the 30 day shred a couple of months ago and he would workout with me every time I started a new level. And he would be sore for days after wards. He is in really good shape too. In fact he only weighs less than 120 lbs.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    L1D2 done, but boy am I sore!! I soaked afterward in a hot bath but it didn't seem to help :) I can't imagine how I will make it through tomorrow's workout, and I can't imagine ever making it to the next level.
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    L1D3 complete today! I haven't posted since the start of the thread but I've been keeping up!

    I'm amazed at how many strong ladies we have in here! Keep it up shredders! Everyone is doing GREAT!
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Completed L2D3, yay! Hope everyone has had a great day, keep up all the hard work! You all rock :)
  • Duganhorse
    Duganhorse Posts: 55
    I finally got mine. I did my L1D1 today. It kicks but! It was the longest 20 min ever but I did it!
  • lauradee
    lauradee Posts: 21 Member
    Just finished L1D3 and it seems to be a bit easier (except push up's).
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    I forgot to mention something that happened during my workout! I'm so clumsy sometimes, I had sweat on my face and really needed to wipe it off. SO....with the 3lbs. weight still in my hand i tried to slowly use my fingers to remove the sweat. I ended up hitting my upper lip hard enough to draw blood on one of my teeth, create a small cut on the inside of my lip and now it is swelling. :(
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Also, before you begin level 2 watch it so you can see the modifications for each move, sometimes Jillian will not mention it until the second time you do the move. Hope that helps! :)
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    I am SO excited to get on here everyday and see so many strong ladies here working their tushes off (both literally and figuratively, you know) to get healthy, get in shape, and get SHREDDED! It is definitely a huge motivator for me to read this thread everyday. :love:

    To you lovelies with the wonderful husbands/fiancees - that is AWESOME! I would probably never do the 30DS with my husband lol. He's a Marine and thinks he is Mister Fitness, so he gets on my butt about proper form and pushing myself, and he'd CERTAINLY give me hell for doing the girlie push-ups :laugh: . And I don't care if he's right, it's annoying :grumble:

    Keep up the solid work, everyone! Looking forward to finishing out these 30 days with each and every one of you :heart: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
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