NEED HELP with Flaxseed :-(



  • VasylP
    VasylP Posts: 136 Member
    I have never used it in a ground format. This morning I put a table spoon of flax seed along with two table spoons of dry roasted pumpkin seeds in my oatmeal before cooking it. It seems to soften both of the seeds up. I've also used it in soup. I have thought of doing the following to break the little seeds up along with pumpkin seeds.

    I usually trough the same amounts of the two seeds into a cup and fill the reset with plain yogurt and chop up about four fresh mint leaves nice and fine and mix it all together. They make it down into my gut with the yogurt, though if they were ground would probably be able suck the goodness out of them easier, but that little concoction I call a Minty seedy twirl. I have thought of mixing up a bigger batch of it and use an immersion blender on it but I don't have one and I'm too lazy to clean my regular blender.

    Try it, it might work for you.
    I've read that if you DONT ground it, you don't get the benefit because it stays whole as it passes through your system. Just a thought.

    You have a good point there this is what the Flax Council of Canada says to the question:

    "Which is better for me, whole or ground flax seed?
    Ground flax seed provides more nutritional benefits than does whole seed. That’s because flax seeds are very hard, making them difficult to crack, even with careful chewing. Grinding flax seeds breaks them up, making them easier to digest when eaten. Then the body can profit from all that flax goodness.

    If whole flax seeds remain unbroken, they may pass undigested through the body, reducing the nutritional advantage of eating flax seed in the first place. "

    I guess I'm going to be grinding up my kilo of flax seed. :)
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
    I have never used it in a ground format. This morning I put a table spoon of flax seed along with two table spoons of dry roasted pumpkin seeds in my oatmeal before cooking it. It seems to soften both of the seeds up. I've also used it in soup. I have thought of doing the following to break the little seeds up along with pumpkin seeds.

    I usually trough the same amounts of the two seeds into a cup and fill the reset with plain yogurt and chop up about four fresh mint leaves nice and fine and mix it all together. They make it down into my gut with the yogurt, though if they were ground would probably be able suck the goodness out of them easier, but that little concoction I call a Minty seedy twirl. I have thought of mixing up a bigger batch of it and use an immersion blender on it but I don't have one and I'm too lazy to clean my regular blender.

    Try it, it might work for you.
    I've read that if you DONT ground it, you don't get the benefit because it stays whole as it passes through your system. Just a thought.

    Yes, that's exactly why I decided to grind them up. When you don't grind them and just eat them whole, they can pass right through you without being digested and absorbed into the body. :wink:

    I'll try again but I'll be letting them grind up a whole lot longer. If it's still yucky to me, I'll give the oil or the already ground up flax a go :drinker:
  • lilmom1
    If you grind it to a powder then soak it in a bit of warm water for about 2 mins. you'll never taste it
  • tracymat
    tracymat Posts: 296 Member
    Try flaxseed oil. It's delicious!

    You need to mix it in with things, don't try to cook with it... it doesn't withstand heat.
  • AliandTrev
    AliandTrev Posts: 194 Member
    I put it in my smoothies all the time. I've never even noticed it in there. I grind mine in a coffee grinder until it's a nice powder. Try grinding them a little longer.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    Grind your flaxseed as you use it--don't grind up a whole bag all at once, since it deteriorates and loses some of its benefit. We feed flax to our horses for the omega 3's, and always grind fresh just before adding to their feed.
  • LynNann57
    LynNann57 Posts: 30 Member
    Yes do grind the seeds longer. Grind a small amount of seeds at a time. Keep any extra that you ground up, in a sealed container in the fridge. And grind them till they are a fine powder.
    I do not have a coffee bean grinder. I do have a small one serving blender, that I grind the seeds up in. It is a cheap one, and it does a great job of making the seeds into powder!
    I have a smoothie every morning, and I add a teaspoon and a half of the ground flaxseed to it. I love my smoothies! I am gradually working my way up to two tablespoons in each smoothie - not because of the taste or texture, because this is not an issue. My digestive system happens to be sensitive to the flaxseed!
    Please try it again, but really grind the seeds to a fine powder!