Neighbor smoking pot. What would you do?



  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I wouldn't do anything. There are far worse things floating around in the air :noway:

    Did you actually read the post? He's concerned about his wife's business being either shut down by the health department when they do an inspection or her having to close because parents are yanking their kids out and by word of mouth no one is going to send their kids to a day care where there's pot smoking going on in the yard next door.

    That's been the fun part. I don't think 1/2 of the people responding read that.

    Good point. I think most of the people saw title and came in with their pitchforks and torches LOL.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    For gods sake people it's a bit of marijuana. It's healthier for you than cigarette smoking to everyone banging on about how it'd be different if it was cigarettes, you are being idiots because inhaling second hand smoke from cigarettes is so much worse for your body than second hand smoke from a joint.

    I don't think you read the comments correctly. I was the one who asked if it would be as big of a deal if it were cigarettes because tobacco is not considered an illegal substance and therefore, the wife's business would not risk being shut down because of it. And actually, cannabis smoke is just as harmful because you are still inhaling carcinogens. As a former pot smoker myself I would love to jump on the "pot is better" bandwagon, but unless you use a vaporizer or use methods of ingestion (such as brownies), you're still damaging your lungs. However, I think the concept of second hand smoke is severely exaggerated. A couple people were contesting me on that point and that point only, and I was using the example that tobacco was once allowed in public areas where children would be.

    It's lengthy but the gist of it is that it is not as harmful to the lungs as inhaling cigarette smoke.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    For gods sake people it's a bit of marijuana. It's healthier for you than cigarette smoking to everyone banging on about how it'd be different if it was cigarettes, you are being idiots because inhaling second hand smoke from cigarettes is so much worse for your body than second hand smoke from a joint.

    I don't think you read the comments correctly. I was the one who asked if it would be as big of a deal if it were cigarettes because tobacco is not considered an illegal substance and therefore, the wife's business would not risk being shut down because of it. And actually, cannabis smoke is just as harmful because you are still inhaling carcinogens. As a former pot smoker myself I would love to jump on the "pot is better" bandwagon, but unless you use a vaporizer or use methods of ingestion (such as brownies), you're still damaging your lungs. However, I think the concept of second hand smoke is severely exaggerated. A couple people were contesting me on that point and that point only, and I was using the example that tobacco was once allowed in public areas where children would be.
    If it were regular cigs, I would still ask the kids to do it somewhere else because, it is kinda rude but, my options would be much more limited.
    I am not going to go over there and kick anyones *kitten* because, lets face it, I am an adult.
    All it takes is for one parent to yank a kid out of the day care and for her to tell the other parents why and suddenly my wife is left without a business.
    All it takes is ONE health care worker to smell the pot and declare that she detected an illegal substance and, the doors get closed.
    It is just that simple.
    Personally, the smell doesn't even bother me. I am not a smoker but I will take that smell over cigs or cigars every day.
    It is the business impact.

    I understand that, and that's why I suggested telling the parent. But I am sticking by my original point that bringing the cops to your neighborhood is going to tank the business faster than you can say "Hello, I'd like to file a report". I am not trying to say that the kids should go "unpunished", but if there is ANY way to resolve this without involving the authorities I would do it.

    If you're really at your wits' end and feel like no one is going to back down over this (if the parent is also a pothead or something, or thinks their child can't be controlled), here is my last-ditch sneaky idea for you.

    Go up to the kids, give them each twenty dollars, and tell them you'd really appreciate if they went somewhere else for a little while. Suggest a restaurant that would attract stoners, such as Denny's or IHop if you've got any around. Believe me, there's nothing a stoner wants more than food. And if you see them take the bait and leave the house, then give the cops an anonymous tip that there will be two teenagers with an illegal substance at the local establishment! If all goes well, they get busted, and not on your street, so your business is safe. Win-win.
  • Bevigal
    Bevigal Posts: 66 Member
    You should always confront the parent first. Let the Mother know that when the state does their inspection if they smell it that they will report it . Let the Mother know that the parents are threatening to take their children out of the daycare. Ask her to please have them smoke it inside their house during daycare hours. At least, try to work it out before you call the authorities.
  • Prettylittlelotus
    Prettylittlelotus Posts: 239 Member
    It's legal here, if you're over the age of 18. So the cops probably wouldn't do anything.

    However, if I were you, and my wife was running a daycare, I would lean over the fence and intimidate the *kitten* out of those kids.
  • Goosiesnougs
    I'm moving to Colorado!
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    If you can smell it, then obviously you are breathing it in.That is about as basic science as it gets.
    yeah, so basic you got it wrong.

    If they are smelling it, they're breathing it. Perhaps your point is that they cannot get high just because they smell it.

    If breathing in the smell of a substance is so harmful, why are kids allowed to hug their cigarette-smoking relatives? Surely the stench is in their hair, their clothing, their car, and their home, so everyone who visits or gets near them is breathing it in!! No, they can't get a nicotine buzz but it still must be bad because they can smell it! Oh, the horror!!

    Actually - this is classified as third-hand smoke and IS harmful to children.

    Third-hand smoke? Give me a break. It's just another excuse to blame smokers for negatively affecting everyone else's health, like people love to blame the big fast food chains for making us fat because they push advertising down our throats. Kids touch dead things, eat dirt, play with bugs, put their faces on the floors of public bathrooms, are crammed into classrooms with dozens of sick children during cold and flu season, and hate being washed, and you're worried about third-hand smoke??

    “Thirdhand smoke” is residual contamination from cigarette smoke toxicants that can linger on surfaces long after cigarettes have been extinguished. Studies have shown that days, weeks and even months after a cigarette was smoked, harmful particulates remain on countertops, floors, upholstery, carpets, clothing and other surfaces and fabrics. Infants and children are especially susceptible to thirdhand smoke exposure because of their immature respiratory and immune systems, lower metabolic capacity and tendencies to crawl, play on, breathe near, touch, and mouth contaminated surfaces, such as floors and fabrics. Day care providers who step outside the home or center to smoke may return from their break with thirdhand smoke on their clothing, and thus inadvertently jeopardize the health of infants and children who come in contact with them.

    Okay, so... it's one more contaminant added to the dozens that children already come into contact with on a daily basis. Shall we put all our children in plastic bubbles so that they'll never touch anything that could harm them?
  • Bibianna2012
    Bibianna2012 Posts: 88 Member
    Talk to the Mom and tell her you will call the police next time.. or alternatively set up a sprinkler in your yard such that it waters into their yard right into the area where they sit.. maybe the Mom would be ok with you doing that too.

    Unfortunately the Mom may not have too much pull with them if they are doing it when she isnt home...
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    I thnk one then 2, if 1 didn't work.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Weed is not that big a deal i mean in some states its used as medicine. Why not mind your own business
  • Bibianna2012
    Bibianna2012 Posts: 88 Member
    Also one more thought... you look like you could be pretty intimidating to a few 18 year old boys..
    why dont you go over and have a man to boys conversation with them..
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    It's threatening your business, so why wouldn't you call the cops immediately? I wouldn't have even given the punks a chance.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Weed is not that big a deal i mean in some states its used as medicine. Why not mind your own business
    Because when the smell interfers with my wifes business, suddenly it becomes MY business.
    I am going to take a guess and say you didn't bother to even read the post?
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    They are idiots but outside in open air i seriously doubt the kids will be effected.
  • 2hmom
    2hmom Posts: 241 Member
    I have had a licensed childcare business in my home for 28 yrs. in Minnesota. I have worked too hard for my reputation and business to loose families because of neighbors!
  • JessikaBlayne
    well as you said shes talked to them twice. Me personally i would call the cops. but the best option would be to talk to the mother and if it continues to happen call the cops
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Weed is not that big a deal i mean in some states its used as medicine. Why not mind your own business
    Because when the smell interfers with my wifes business, suddenly it becomes MY business.
    I am going to take a guess and say you didn't bother to even read the post?

    No i did read it but thats bs the gov cant shut you down because some dumb kids next door are smoking pot its not meth :p
  • kingkoopaluv
    kingkoopaluv Posts: 147 Member
    dude, you may need to smoke some of that weed. Take a chill pill.....maybe a hit from my bong?
  • Pink_Pandas
    To add to everything else that is pretty rude about this situation --- I had acute asthma as a child. My Mom was constantly on about how much smoking around me wouldn't hurt me (because she didn't want to stop smoking inside :P) but it still triggered a lot of problems for me when I was young. Made me pretty miserable most of the time. When I moved out of the house I didn't suffer nearly as many problems with asthma.

    So I guess some mothers would be concerned about that aspect too (I know its rather far away but I'd still be worried). Especially if their child had any other kinds of health issues.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    the state could potentially shut her down because of the unsafe environment.

    Unsafe environment lol
    Are you suggesting that having litle kids breathing in pot smoke is somehow safe?

    Let's not get all silly now.... I can assure you that the exhaust from cars, planes, and local industrial actitivity are far more of a negative impact than a tiny wiff of smoke. Not to mention household contaminants that are inside the house. Anyone who uses scented or off-gasing products (cleaners, personal hygeine, air fresheners, carpets, furniture etc) are getting harmed far more by those substances than by a bit of marijuana smoke that is also occuring OUTSIDE with ample ventilation. For instance, my child's daycare is mandated to use chlorine bleach (even though better options exist) so my child gets to breathe chlorine fumes in her "safe, regulated" childcare environment. And air fresheners, and dryer sheets, and scented cleaners, and off-gassing carpets.... etc.

    So, I agree that the OP could address the issue directly with the people involved and the parent, but I think the issue needs to be kept in perspective.
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