My fatrolls hurt!!



  • coralietg
    coralietg Posts: 12 Member
    I have a belly roll (thanks kiddies) and I got some Old Navy compression leggings for when I'm out running in public. It keeps everything held down, they are amazing.
  • mom2BandD
    mom2BandD Posts: 101 Member
    My go to bras are Moving Comfort brand. They have bras for everyone from the flat chested to full chested.

    In terms of workout clothing to contain the booty I love either Lululemon and Sugoi but those brands are pretty expensive. Walmart has some affordable workout wear. Its relatively inexpensive so even if the elasticity gave way after a few months it would not be so bad.
  • Rebekah718
    Rebekah718 Posts: 134 Member
    I can totally relate I have been using a sweat band and that seems to told the fat rolls but I definitely need a better a bra one of the girls about fell out at Zumba
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Fat Upper P***y Area
    for men replace the p with something else

    I wear Enell sports bras and I like them very much. I swear I almost sprained a boob running down some stairs a couple years ago when the girls were flying free.

    Do I want to know what FUPA stands for? Should I just google? The possibilities are ... well, alarming, haha :)

    edit: Ok, googled and... man, people are effin mean out there in that ugly world :(
  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    This forum made my night! It is such a difficult thing. When I started doing Zumba at home, I told my husband that he was not allowed to watch. It didn't occur to me that the sounds might make it to our room upstairs hahahahah OH NO!!!

    Ok good. I just asked, and he said "what sounds? no. I guess not, then" phew!

    I use a cheap walmart sports bra, but I don't have large breasts (high B small C). I bought a size smaller in the bra, and it is comfortably tight with adjustable straps, holds them in, and all is good.

    I am glad to see others relating to this problem. Even at the same weight prepregnancy 2 years ago, I didn't have this extra roll until my son was born. According to measurements, it is getting smaller, but has a little bit to go. Luckily, most of my fat flapping is coming from my thunder thighs. THOR CALLED, HE WANTS MY THIGHS BACK...

    EDIT: My joke made me laugh when I reread it... :laugh:
  • Marcellus_08
    lol I'm a dude and I feel your pain, literally - it sucks, I normally try find singlet or tight fitting stuff to wear underneath my clothes i'm training in, that way it kinda helps keep everything squished against my body lol apart from that I just try avoid the exercises that make everything flap around too much - There's all sorts to do. I found swimming fantastic. I tried skipping and nearly died.

    Hahaha. I forgot about skipping in general. That's awesome. I couldn't stop laughing. Thank you!!
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    it was funny when she said it, because i was thinking it at the same time! there are mirrors on 3 sides of the room...floppy fat X infinity!!
    Yeah but... we're the only ones who get to make fun of our chubs! They're like really annoying siblings that REALLY never want to leave you alone, lol. When other people start picking on them, why, them's fightin' words!

    you are sweet!

    no worries...i'm a group ex instructor, and the next time she's in my class...revenge is a dish best served SWEATY.
  • Marcellus_08
    This forum made my night! It is such a difficult thing. When I started doing Zumba at home, I told my husband that he was not allowed to watch. It didn't occur to me that the sounds might make it to our room upstairs hahahahah OH NO!!!

    Ok good. I just asked, and he said "what sounds? no. I guess not, then" phew!

    I use a cheap walmart sports bra, but I don't have large breasts (high B small C). I bought a size smaller in the bra, and it is comfortably tight with adjustable straps, holds them in, and all is good.

    I am glad to see others relating to this problem. Even at the same weight prepregnancy 2 years ago, I didn't have this extra roll until my son was born. According to measurements, it is getting smaller, but has a little bit to go. Luckily, most of my fat flapping is coming from my thunder thighs. THOR CALLED, HE WANTS MY THIGHS BACK...

    EDIT: My joke made me laugh when I reread it... :laugh:

    LOL! Your joke made me laugh too. Goooo Thor! Glad I'm not alone:-)
  • Marcellus_08
    It would take me all night to respond to everyone. That and I totally need to shower the stank off me from sweating. But thank you all for making me laugh and giving advice. I looooove you guys!
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    I can totally relate I have been using a sweat band and that seems to told the fat rolls but I definitely need a better a bra one of the girls about fell out at Zumba

    zumba...where exciting things happen!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    last week when i went to zumba, one lady (fitter than me) said, 'i don't know if i will do this class again, there's too much fat flopping around here!'
    she looked directly at me when she said it.

    You should have given her the hairy eyeball and told her to bite you.
  • Loulousq
    Loulousq Posts: 38 Member
    i worry about my "kangaroo pouch" and my "muffin top" all the time! they are like the best friends that you hate and annoy you but you're still friends with O_O i'm working hard to get rid of mine and will not miss them when they're gone. i think i do a pretty good job hiding my kangaroo pouch with the clothes i wear; i hate baggy clothes and were pretty form fitting styles. i have old navy yoga pants or shorts and even double up on genie bras under breathable champion or active style shirts. i am always comfy esp w the pants!
  • Marcellus_08
    i worry about my "kangaroo pouch" and my "muffin top" all the time! they are like the best friends that you hate and annoy you but you're still friends with O_O

  • wildaaron
    wildaaron Posts: 163 Member
    I'm glad you took some joy from my story - sadly true but hey if you can't laugh at it, it's gonna make you feel worse. I've accepted my lava lamp like appearance when I jog and I'm working on it so I don't care (that much) haha ALL of us can get rid of it and I hope to see you all down the track under the success stories!
  • Marcellus_08
    I'm glad you took some joy from my story - sadly true but hey if you can't laugh at it, it's gonna make you feel worse. I've accepted my lava lamp like appearance when I jog and I'm working on it so I don't care (that much) haha

    Lmoa! You are extremely entertaining and hilarious.
  • wildaaron
    wildaaron Posts: 163 Member
    lol be sure to tell your friends - ^_^ I'm here for a while
  • Felecia1923
    Felecia1923 Posts: 61 Member
    i wear a sports bra with a regular bra built in before i found this one i always wore one regular bra and one sports bra at the same time i think it works the best.
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    But is a FUPA different than a pannus??? LOL
  • dizzimamma
    This is a temp fix but it works for me... till i start working out in public anyways. Really all this dose is muffle the sound so my belly fat can not be heard clapping all over the house. I wear two pair of leggings. I stuff one under my fat roll and pull the top pair way the freek up and tuck it under my bra. I have 6 roommates and would be horrified if they heard that train wreck!
  • UnicornRides
    I wear all of the Danskin (just as good as name brand- if not better and cheaper) to help my boobs. I always get a size smaller than what I am.. which starts off tight.. gets tighter as I expand from working out.. but then it starts to even out as I stretch it out and slowly lose weight. My boobs have been fine (if not perkier) from doing this.

    But I'm only a 36C in normal, wire bras and a 40(inch) B in sports bras. Size has a lot to do with stuff.