Here are my confessions...



  • oliveoil7979
    oliveoil7979 Posts: 112
    I don't count the sugarfree gum I chew- it's around 3-5 calories a slice and I chew three pieces a day sometimes.

    Forgot this one. Guilty!

  • nsking83
    nsking83 Posts: 145
    I don't log foods on the least not very consistently. But it's keeping me from going absolutely nuts over this whole journey. I try to eat in moderation still, but damnit, sometimes I just want to eat pizza without having to have the shock of entering it.........even though I know good and well in my head what I'm doing before I put it in my mouth!

    I should stop counting my stupid coffee costs me about 100 calories a day, and I'm sick of it! But I can't drink coffee black.........wish I could!

    And yesterday? Went and ran 5 miles; swam for awhile, then came home to finish dinner. Hubby was hungry so he warmed up my leftover Olive Garden meal (which I only ate half of Saturday and was STILL 510 calories) to tide him over...........and I had about 4 bites. This, my friends, is not the same as a couple sips of soda or some ketchup. It was the Braised Beef & Tortelloni - I counted on Saturday, there were 15 tortelloni with the pieces of meat and I probably consumed about 200 calories in those 4 bites. And I didn't log them. Sue me :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    I never count ketchup or mustard. I wouldn't have even thought of counting gum, mints, or even those 5cal crystal lights...although I don't have them that often.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    I'll also take an occasional bite of whatever naughty thing he's eating because one bite of alfredo is definitely better than the whole plate.

    I do think you should log everything you put in your mouth to stay honest, but I don't in the above scenarios. How do you guestimate the calories in a sip of soda or one bite of pasta?

    ditto.....same here! I may take a sip of my hubby's tea or Dr Pepper and yesterday I had a bite of my son's swiss cake roll...but same do you calculate just a bite. Besides...I'm not gonna kill myself over a bite! It's either that or I'll go bonkers and rip the whole package open shoveling it in my mouth so fast that it goes up my nose!! :laugh:

    I don't log my coffee in the am either. Half the time I won't even get to drink half the cup before it gets cold harm done!
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    I wouldn't have even thought of counting gum, mints, or even those 5cal crystal lights...although I don't have them that often.

    ooops. got me here too! I might have a crystal light packet in my water once a week...if I think about it. But I do chew some sugar free gum. again.....I'm not gonna kick myself over 3-5 cals. We work hard enough to be able to chew a friggin pc of gum! :wink:
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    :tongue: This should be labeled the naughty thread! I never count the occasional Diet soda I have! I never ever count the little chocolate kisses I sneak sometimes! And from time to time, I purposely don't log my food because I know I went way over haha! I also don't count the gum I chew during the day and definitely not all the exercise I do!
  • LilMissAngi
    LilMissAngi Posts: 127
    I log as much as I can.

    Sips and bites and stuff is to hard so I don't log any of that. But I don't really ever do that anyways.

    I am always right at my goal (give or take a few) and I log all my exercises!

    however I don't lose as much as I think I should be. I feel like I should be losing more than half a pound a week. I eat right and exercise at least 3x a week for 30 min (at the least)

    I have switched things up too... so I am lost

    if anyone has any suggestions feel free to message me, as I don't ever check back on my posts.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I thought that I was doing so well that I would have nothing to confess . . . until I browsed through the posts and realized that I have never counted any gum. Not that it would calculate to much, but guess that is my failing . . . so I will now add the occassional stick of gum to my diary.
    Im always shocked at how much that little bit of half and half adds up as I just can't go without my 2 cups of morning coffee. We have switched to milk at home but my cup at work has one creamer in it . . . I always diary this though because I want to know the actual number at the end of each day.
    For instance, I figured that the one solitary bite of the birthday cheescake I ate last week shouldn't add to much . . . but I figured that one bite was about 35 calories . . . of course it was part of my totals that day though!
    I figure that the only person Im cheating is me by not being completely honest about everything that passes through the lips!
  • meliamom
    meliamom Posts: 23
    This post is so me! I don't count marinades, olive oil used for cooking, gum, or butter (which I rarely use). I also don't count Crystal light. It's only 5 calories per 8 oz glass. Sometimes I don't count the lettuce or tomatoes on a sandwhich. I did it one time and realized it was less than 15 calories, so I didn't do it again. I also sometimes take "bites" of my husbands food too! I know all of these little things add up, but I always stay under my calorie goal by at least 100 calories to make up for it. Some things are not worth the time and energy to log in!
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I agree the title should be the naughty thread!.

    I do not log the gum I chew. I also don't log on the weekend because I don't want to. I don't go crazy on the weekend but I do eat. I love McAlister's sweet tea so whenever we go I sip mu husband sweet tea! I don't log it. If my daughters have something I want to taste I don't log the taste. Somedays when I very exhausted I get a piece of candy from my co-workers office I don't log that either.

    I am still losing so for right now it is not hindering my progress
  • SassyMissDasha
    I'm the other way around .. I don't chew the gum or add the crystal light to my water because it's just another thing I have to log in. And I just don't want to!!! :laugh:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I could never run fast/far enough to offset my alcohol calories so I don't count them. curtsey.gif
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    I don't count the sugarfree gum I chew- it's around 3-5 calories a slice and I chew three pieces a day sometimes.

    Forgot this one. Guilty!

    I don't count my gum either due to the fact that when I went to a diet clinic a few years ago they said not to worry about gum since you burn the calories chewing it.

    I never count my gum, but I've never thought about it that way. I tend to chew a piece until it is about to practically fall apart. My wife asks me some times if my jaw is tired because hers is from watchin me chew, and I chew about 3 pieces a day..

    Also don't count my creamer in my coffee, only have one cup a day, so it is only about 20 calories TOPS
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I don't count a lot of things.

    the 2 sugar packets in my coffe each morning.
    sauces/marinades/oils to cook with
    the few added leaves of spinach on a salad
    onions or mushrooms added into a meal
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    I tend to forget to log milk, if i have a cup with dinner or whatever. I know its calories, but it is skim and I don't usually have more than a glass. I always remember after, but still don't log it. I tend to not log if I have a hand full of dry cereal when I get home from work before my work out. Still loosing, but probably should log it to keep within calories and loose more.

    Oh and my butter for my toast. I always forget that one too!
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I don't count the samples I get from the sample ladies at Costco. Luckily, we don't go there TOO too often :wink:

    That was my confession too! I don't count the little one bite samples, but try to limit myself to just 2 or 3 at Costco, and 1 anywhere else.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I am contemplating whether I should log the big *kitten* lunch I just ate.


    I guess I better. :grumble:
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    LOL, I just ran over to the Food database, and they have Costco sample as an item! It's listed 5 times, I would use the 50 cal option. The first one listed a single serving as 350 cal, that's quite the sample size!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Funny, I just started TODAY my "Drinks" section in my food diary to start counting all the Diet Coke I drink. I usually have 3 a day. I wasn't counting Diet Coke or the Coffee I drink. Coffee is just black with 2 sweet n lows. Actually, I am not counting the sweet n low at all.

    When I go overboard on vacation, I give up tracking what I eat.

    I weigh myself 3 times in the morning and then again before I take a shower and always use the lowest #. :laugh:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I never log alcohol, my hubby works for a liquor & wine distributor so he brings new stuff home all the time. Ilook at it like if it's free its free, no log required.