Hello MFP !!!

Hello - I am new (2 days old) YAY, and I love this site. I think it's a great tool to navigate around and it keeps me concientious of what I am eating and makes me aware of how much food intake I consume in a day! I love it!! This free website is WHAT I needed, not all those diet guru's telling me join their program where they make millions and I am still stuck at my same weight. If this is all it takes to lose weight and meet people to encourage, I wish this was out YEARS ago.

Being almost 48 - it's scary knowing that my weight will be harder to take off; so if anyone is looking for a daily computer partner to psyche up each other's motiviation, just hit me up anytime....

Stop by and say hello! :smile:


  • Bison008deleted
    You've come to the right place. Feel free to add me. I'll help ANYONE that wants to help me kick this thing in the pants. Feel free to send FR. Cheers.
  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs
    This site is great when you need motivation. We are all cheerleaders! Welcome aboard!
  • ScorpionQwean
    ScorpionQwean Posts: 1,013 Member
    Great, I will definitely add you!! :)
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm on daily and always try to make a point to motivate my friends.
  • scadgirl20
    scadgirl20 Posts: 134 Member
    Please feel free to add me. Might I add Bison is great for encouragement :)
  • jenniferswooten
    jenniferswooten Posts: 137 Member
    I'm 41 years old, 16 days in and 6 pounds down. So far I love this site!
  • CandieVH
    CandieVH Posts: 10
    Hello! I log daily I just added you, so far I love this site as well and the people are great!
  • Tootce01
    Tootce01 Posts: 184
    Feel free to add me - I'm 49, started MFP first of the year and love it!
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    Welcome.. I am new as well, 1 week in :) Loving it so far!
  • usflygirl55
    usflygirl55 Posts: 277 Member
    Hello. I too am new and I am mid thirties. I have struggled with my weight for years and I am looking for support. I think you should be able to lose weight by making reasonable choices and am looking for like minded "friends" to assist. Please feel free to add me as I do not know how to send any type of friend request. I have been on here 5 days and log everyday.
    Thank you for any help/friend requests! :blushing: