For Ladies ONLY!! (this is for your own sake, men!)



  • 73Freckles
    73Freckles Posts: 201 Member
    I crave pop and sweets like crazy! I just don't buy the stuff that way i'm not tempted to eat it all the time. but every once in a while i make a cake with diet cranberry sierra mist. it's just the cake mix and the pop, nothing else. it's delicious and i feel like i'm getting a bit of each and it calms the cravings.
  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    Likely the whole reason I came in here is because it said Ladies Only. That being said we do a lot of studying about the hormones of PMS and Menstrual Cycles in almost all of my fitness/medical classes.

    Sad fact is there is not much you can do about it. Your body is preparing to have a baby and the hormones tell you to not only pack in food, but it also makes your emotions out of whack. While I have no idea what it is like it is 100% unfair to women and I do sympathize. So yes you will gain weight even if your diet is spot on... sorry :( but it will also come flying off once your all done. If I was a woman I wouldn't weigh myself for about 2 weeks in that time frame.

    You can be an honorary woman!!! That was very nice of you not to come in here on a mission to mock! Good for you. There better be a lady in your life that appreciates your mild-mannered-menses talk!
  • 73Freckles
    73Freckles Posts: 201 Member
    Likely the whole reason I came in here is because it said Ladies Only. That being said we do a lot of studying about the hormones of PMS and Menstrual Cycles in almost all of my fitness/medical classes.

    Sad fact is there is not much you can do about it. Your body is preparing to have a baby and the hormones tell you to not only pack in food, but it also makes your emotions out of whack. While I have no idea what it is like it is 100% unfair to women and I do sympathize. So yes you will gain weight even if your diet is spot on... sorry :( but it will also come flying off once your all done. If I was a woman I wouldn't weigh myself for about 2 weeks in that time frame.

    I just wanna give you a big ole hug right now!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Likely the whole reason I came in here is because it said Ladies Only. That being said we do a lot of studying about the hormones of PMS and Menstrual Cycles in almost all of my fitness/medical classes.

    Sad fact is there is not much you can do about it. Your body is preparing to have a baby and the hormones tell you to not only pack in food, but it also makes your emotions out of whack. While I have no idea what it is like it is 100% unfair to women and I do sympathize. So yes you will gain weight even if your diet is spot on... sorry :( but it will also come flying off once your all done. If I was a woman I wouldn't weigh myself for about 2 weeks in that time frame.

    Usually when men weigh in on this subject I want to make their testicular lining slough off, but I love this.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    *shrug* meh...

    Every month I eat about 500-800 calories in nearly pure sugar one night and think to myself, "Wow I'm binging!" and so I log it in my Food Diary and then the next morning I get my period and it all makes sense. Then I go on with the rest of my life until that day the following month.

    Other than that it's not all that exciting.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    i grave breads... toast, rolls, Cheerios, pasta, potato soup....
    never really got too emotional though.
    had my uterus out and NOW I get moody monthly!
  • Nettie96fb
    I can only suggest a wonderful's an IUD with a hormone implant, no periods, no nothing for 5 whole years, I'm coming the end of my second one...I love it, and believe me, I really truly do LOVE periods, no hormonal shifts, no is just soooooo easy....LOVE IT !!!!!! Ask your Doctor, it's called a Mirena in Australia.
    I was very apprehensive, as I had a hard time with periods and IUDs in the past...but I LOVE IT !!!!! :)
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    I crave chocolate really bad starting a couple days before. I also crave Limon Lays potato chips, those awful things. I usually don't exercise because I get horrible cramps. However yesterday I did exercise and my cramps weren't as bad last night as they were the night before. I also sleep with a heating pad to help with the cramps. So far this month I have been able to hold off the chocolate cravings, but it isn't over yet, so who knows if I can.
  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
    I am an emotionless robot, thus I do not PMS.

    Any of my former roommates can back me up on this.

    Ugh, lucky! I recently bawled uncontrollably to a youtube video of a guy getting and Xbox for Christmas.

    Seriously... it was worse than Claire Danes' cry face.

    I want to hold you.

    I'm totally lap-sized.
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    I hate TOM. Messy painful turns me into a real cow and mother from hell. Plus I eat everything that is in an open packet in the cupboard.
    If I could, I would give my period pmt so that it would have a duvet day and not bother me.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I am an emotionless robot, thus I do not PMS.

    Any of my former roommates can back me up on this.

    Naomi Bot mocks our pain.


    I still have it happen at times. You would think after 27 years that I would figure out when it happens why I'm a whiny mess. But no.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    d doing heavy lifting are doubling that downward motion, and could be depleting your body's energy. Having said that, not everyone will experience that because everyone is different.

    it makes sense that during this time of great blood loss, you crave something that will help you build back up your supply) Salt belongs to the Chinese organ of Kidney which is patially involved (in Chinese medicine) in the menses process .

    None of that made any sense. Chocolate does not help resupply the bloodstream. Energy levels are not calculated by which way the body is swinging. (It could be, but only in potential force, movement, like swinging a bat, etc). Salt is not particularly that of the kidney, nor is mensus (in fact, it's usually of the uterus.)
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Likely the whole reason I came in here is because it said Ladies Only. That being said we do a lot of studying about the hormones of PMS and Menstrual Cycles in almost all of my fitness/medical classes.

    Sad fact is there is not much you can do about it. Your body is preparing to have a baby and the hormones tell you to not only pack in food, but it also makes your emotions out of whack. While I have no idea what it is like it is 100% unfair to women and I do sympathize. So yes you will gain weight even if your diet is spot on... sorry :( but it will also come flying off once your all done. If I was a woman I wouldn't weigh myself for about 2 weeks in that time frame.

    I think you may have made half the women in this forum swooooon.
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    Bump for all the links
  • southern_star
    southern_star Posts: 89 Member
    Likely the whole reason I came in here is because it said Ladies Only. That being said we do a lot of studying about the hormones of PMS and Menstrual Cycles in almost all of my fitness/medical classes.

    Sad fact is there is not much you can do about it. Your body is preparing to have a baby and the hormones tell you to not only pack in food, but it also makes your emotions out of whack. While I have no idea what it is like it is 100% unfair to women and I do sympathize. So yes you will gain weight even if your diet is spot on... sorry :( but it will also come flying off once your all done. If I was a woman I wouldn't weigh myself for about 2 weeks in that time frame.

    I think you may have made half the women in this forum swooooon.

    it worked for me
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    There's no need to bump the thread for the links. If you use the Search function and type in PMS or period or TOM or ladies only, you'll get eighty bazillion threads about it. There's a new one every. single. day.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Bumping this for the links about dealing with TOM. DARN YOU, TOM!!!
  • Heatherdawnxoxo
    Heatherdawnxoxo Posts: 60 Member
    i guess i've always been pretty lucky in the sense that when it's my time, i've never had (or have very rarely had) issues with cramping.
    As far as cravings go, it's usually the sweet stuff i'm after. And most of the time i give in, but i'm trying to get better at that.
    And working out? I keep the exact same workout routine throughout doesnt really bother me ..much lol

    oh, and if it were to be a human being ...i hope it would be a girl, so i could kick her in the uterus repeatedly and see how she likes it lol
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay, So I don't know about you but I personally have a little issue with PMS... I get moody all the usual symptoms and usually during this time period I eat super fatty and salt food and super sweet food. I crave it like a crazy pregnant woman.

    Anyway, the point of this thread is how does your red tide affect you and your journey to super sexy health. What do you crave? Do you work out? What do you do to circumvent the effects of PMS in reference to your diet & exercise? What would you do to your period if it could manifest itself into a physical being?

    I personally would punch him in the face repeatedly and rub it's face in the dirt, but that's just me...

    Many women find that their PMS is greatly alleviated by taking a calcium/magnesium supplement--but a lot of people can't handle magnesium orally. An alternative is to take Epsom salts BATHS (that's what our great grandmothers did for cramps too). If you are deficient in magnesium (85% of us are, because of dietary practices), you will absorb the magnesium right through your skin. Epsom salts are pure magnesium sulphate--the sulphate is good too as we tend not to get enough sulfur in our diets either. Aim for two 15-minute soaks per week. You should never take Epsom salts orally.

    p.s. Chocolate cravings are TOTALLY indicative of magnesium deficiency.