Moms, Gamers, and Nerds - Oh My!

I'm looking for some friends to support and help support me on this crazy journey called fitness.

I'm a mom of two beautiful children, so I deffinetly wouldn't mind other Mom friends.
I'm a gamer, have been all my life. Video games are my biggest hobbie and I don't think that'll ever change!
Also, I'm a bit of a nerd or dork or whatever you wanna call it. I love anime, video games, all things fantasy related and spend a little too much time watching documentaries, haha.

I'm open to any friends but I figured I may as well tell a little about myself! See you folks on the other side.


  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    I am also a mom, and a gamer and a bit of a.....well I prefer the term geek, as well :)
    I'm addicted to World of Warcraft and am a Trekkie. Feel free to add me :)
  • xoInsanity
    xoInsanity Posts: 62 Member
    I'm a mother to a beautiful 6 month old daughter!
    I've been a gamer my whole life my game of choice is the Halo series on the xbox 360 but I do play others.
    And yeah, I'm a nerd o.O
  • CombatGirl93
    CombatGirl93 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm a gamer; I love my xbox and my PC....aaaand I love anime! Naruto and Death Note are two of my absolute favourites! I also love drawing too ^^ Feel free to add meeeeeee :D
  • lemonfizzle
    lemonfizzle Posts: 40 Member
    I am also a mom and gamer. I mostly play rpg games on my ps3, which right now is Ni No Kuni. I am a major nerd, and I love reading science fiction and fantasy in my free time. I sent you a request. Anyone can feel free to add me. The support on this site is great.
  • Xianpu27
    Xianpu27 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm a step mum (but she doesn't live with us:cry: ) and a total geek... I've been a gamer since I can remember, I'm lucky to have a geeky dad who showed me the way lol.

    Most recently I've played WoW but decided to take a break as I always get too caught up in it, and I'm just so busy with my studies and RL right now. Will definitely be checking out the Elder Scrolls Online when it's released though - I'll make time!

    Anyone feel free to add me, would love to have more geek friends :smile:
  • vaianaharrold
    vaianaharrold Posts: 10 Member
    OHAIGUYZ!!!! I saw gamer and had to click!!! So we already know where my head is at. I am a recovering WOW addict. I can admit this now. I stopped playing last October. Yup, that's right! Pandas came out, I downloaded it, played a week of it, and just cancelled. I've played since vanilla and just thought "Ugh, I have to do this again!?!?! F@#$* you Blizz, I'm going to the gym!" I will admit it was months before I took it off my comp and only just recently took authenticator off my phone. Even baby steps can set you free!!!

    Enough about my gaming history...which BTW i do not miss at all!!! Most of the time :P I do have 2 kids, 9 and 16. I work at a pawn shop....who needs reality TV when your life is one AMIRITE? I live in Florida now but will always be a So Cal girl. Big anime and horror fan. When i'm working out it's Dubstep, Dancehall, or Reggaeton. I like Bass...ALOT!

    I'm new to myfitnesspal. I unfortunately do smoke. Well I was just doing fine until recently. I went to the gym and did my normal workout and when I was done I had these pains in my chest. And it wasn't the normal being lazy and out of shape pains, it actually hurt!!! I never say i'm going to quit smoking because that just me BS'n. My biggest fear has always been to quit and then gaining an insane amount of weight. So I have set a weight goal for myself and at that point I will stop smoking. I figured if I can train my body into better eating habits than my body won't go into a feeding frenzy once I do quit smoking. IDK how it will work but all the voices in my head agree this is a great plan! lol

    Anyways, I didn't realize I just typed a novel. Hope it was a good read at least :) Feel free to add me. I haz no candy to get you in the van but it'll still be a great ride for sure!!!
  • gerongraham

    While I'm not a mom, I AM a dad, which is pretty cool.

    I'm a gamer too. I've always been into long winded RPGs (The Elder Scrolls games and Final Fantasy series have all put significant strains on my social life over the years), but over the past year or so I've fallen in love with shorter, more poignant adventures like Limbo, Braid, The Walking Dead, and the hilariously named Cute Things Dying Violently.

    I do believe I could be classified as a nerd. I'm a science fiction writer and a sci-fi fan in general. I spend too much of my free time learning about warp drives and quarks and chemistry.

    Not that you asked or anything, but I figured what the hell? We're all sharing, right?

    Feel free to add me. See ya around.
  • Zoejohnse91
    Zoejohnse91 Posts: 227 Member
    Momma to a beautiful 18 month old :) Skyrim nerd :P
  • whankammer
    whankammer Posts: 41 Member
    While I'm not a mom, I am a dad and a HUGE geek.

    Gamer, Whovian, Comics, I sport a Bat Symbol tattoo on my right forearm =). Avid runner, have lost 80+ lbs and all that other fun stuff

    Feel free to add me anyone =)
  • linxus
    linxus Posts: 87
    Me too! Nice to find some likeminded folks on here.
    I am a huge PC gamer and a huge Valve fan. I love their games because they are absolutely timeless.
    Actually, one of my goal weight rewards are cosplaying as Chell & a portal gun for a photoshoot.
  • exile40
    exile40 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm a nerd and a gamer . Pick me . pick me
  • phoebesunshine
    phoebesunshine Posts: 8 Member
    Mom, gamer nerd oh yes! lol I love fantasy novels my kindle has nothing but fantasy and sci-fi. I don't have as much time as I used to for games (I'm a single mom 3 kids and 50 hour work week) but when I do it's FFXI, WOW, Skyrim, our xbox 360 and our ps3 I leave the Wii for the kids lol

    I put on 100lbs about 5yrs ago and did nothing about it. During my last pregnancy I lost 40lbs (morning sickness never went away) and since I started on MFP almost 2 months ago I've lost 23lbs (whoohoo!!). I have another 57 to go and I'd love friends along the way.

    add me add me add me lol =)
  • nerdehgirl
    nerdehgirl Posts: 19 Member
    If the user name didn't already give it away, I don't know what will! Ha.

    I'm a Mom of two wonderful and handsome boys, 10 and 8. I'm teaching them the art of being nerdy! There's no other way to be in my book! Ha. I'd say I'm a gamer, I love my Xbox. *swoons* But I also LOVE to write old school fantasy forum RP. I love to write my own stories! I used to love anime, Chobits was one of my favorites. As I have gotten older, I have drifted apart from it. However, my eldest has taken a huge interest in it, all on his own.

    I'm obsessed with anything pertaining to Zombies. OBSESSED! Nothing like a good end of the world scenario where you get to kill things with no consequences. Ha. ;)

    However, gaming has lead to many social struggles for myself. ie; Blowing off RL to be consumed and enveloped into the virtualish world. But I'm recovering, slowly but surely.

    Anyone can feel free to add me, if they wish.
  • uk_ja
    uk_ja Posts: 143 Member
    Been addicted to games ever since, well I guess at my place now it seems forever lol

    I had a bad addiction to wow for about 5 years but I broke that when I hit 40 and had my mid life crisis and quit smoking, lost 140lb and became a heath nut and my addiction of choice these days is a workout.
  • Sophie160
    My first post because this topic is so awesome & so me (although I'm not a mom, but I'm a Kindergarten teacher. So I kinda have 30 kids... right? lol) I love my xbox, pc & internets games, and books. Currently loving: Skyrim, Assasin's Creed III, Fat Princess, A Song of Ice and Fire book series.
    As for the gym, I've been loving Zumba, Spinning, and the boring ol' elliptical. Lucky for me at my gym they have tv's on the machines. Mwahaha!

    Anyone else on this thread can feel free to add me too! I needz buddies! *thumbs up*
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    I'd love to be a mom one day, but for now I'll settle for being a nerd and occasional gamer. [adjusts glasses] (O-O)

    "We landed on the moon!"
  • ladyonthemoon
    Hi there! I am a mom to an 18 month old little girl. I am getting married in June.
    I am a HUGE fangirl/nerd/geek & whathaveyou. Also love gaming. Everything from RPG to First person shooter. Haha

    I am only 22 but the 20lbs I have gained since having my daughter has just thrown me for a loop. I am at the point where I realize that I can take care of my daughter/be a good mom but I still need to take care of myself as well.

    Would be nice to have some people to chat with for that extra motivation though :))
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    ^This ticker :D
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    You rang?
    <====Mom & nerd. Disguised as cool girl in everyday life. (Don't judge a book by it's cover.)
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Add me! I'm a gaming mom as well. In fact, I just paused Skyrim, did my 30 Day Shred workout, and am going to play some more before bed. :)