Detox Cleanse..any ideas??



  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    Eat clean, keep yourself hydrated and your body will do the rest for you.


    don't worry about eating clean, just worry about meeting your nutritional needs with whatever foods you like to eat and eat fewer calories than you burn every day.

    Eating clean means a diet plan of unprocessed, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, healthy fat and avoid artificial ingredients, preservatives, "chemically charged foods," sugars, saturated fat, and trans fat. How is that wrong?

    It's not wrong. It's just not necessary. Telling people that it is necessary is discouraging to many people. If I had thought that to lose weight I'd have to cut out all "non-clean" foods I would never have started.

    Where did I say it's necessary? She asked for ways to detox to help jump start her weight loss. My understanding is that your body already have two great organs to help with detox/filter, that's your Liver and Kidneys. Can you tell me what's a good way to not over stressing those organs so they are functioning properly? Weight loss is just calories in < calories out.

    And our body do produce harmful chemicals "toxin", they come out in the form of pee, poop and sweat.
    Nature cleanse: sweat - exercise. Pee - hydrate your body. Poop - vegetables and fruits (fibers)
  • I just recently tried using Advocare Herbal Cleanse..kinda pricey but did nothing!! Anyone have any suggestions on what to use that won't be so harsh & will work? I have been back on mfp 3wks & joined the gym too..just wanting to do a cleanse to start this off right. Thanks!!

    To be quite honest with you, MFP isn't the forum nor does it attract the group of people with whom you would want to discuss cleanses. As a vegetarian, I can tell you that I do juice fasts, which I call cleanses, twice monthly, just drinking fresh vegetables (sometimes fruits) to alkalize my body. When I'm not fasting, however, I eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and legumes, so juicing is not an issue for me.

    I recommend juicing for 3 days to get your feet wet in cleansing and ridding your body of any toxins you may have as a result of pouring junk into your system. Cleanses are tough and I don't see any reason to do them unless you fully intend to commit to a clean eating lifestyle.

    what are these toxins you folks speak of all the time? please name them. until you can do that, why should anyone even take the concept of a detox cleanse seriously?

    I do not know what "folks" you are talking about, however, I know that one can obtain toxins from the air, water, food and chemicals. Genetically modified organisms, highly processed foods, food dyes, food additives, and pesticides contain chemicals and are in foods, water, air, etc., they are not organic, and therefore, I'd motion that they are toxic to the human body.

    If you do not understand that, then...I don't know what to tell you.

    i am afraid that you are the one that doesn't understand. chemicals compounds that could cause damage to our bodies by accumulating in our tissues are already routinely "cleansed" by our kidneys and liver. any such compounds that cannot be effectively removed by these organs would require medical intervention (e.g., heavy metal poisoning or organ failure). the notion that there are chemicals inside of us that our kidneys and liver cannot deal with, but which can be removed by drinking nothing but lemon-flavored water with syrup and peppers is laughable on its face. the same goes for the idea that juicing strange concoctions of various vegetables would have the same effect. there's no science supporting detox cleanses. they are scams and patients who undergo them and attribute their well-being to them, are being fooled by the placebo effect.

    i don't mean to be insulting to you personally. i am sure that you are very nice, albeit misguided in this regard, so don't take my comments as any sort of attack on your intelligence.

    You would do well to re-read my original response. I never suggested "juicing strange concoctions of various vegetables" or "lemon-flavored water with syrup and peppers." The fact that you do not agree with something, does not make it invalid. I think it's foolish to think that the chemicals that accumulate in our tissues do not or cannot adversely affect one's liver or kidneys, thus affecting ones ability to "cleanse" those toxins out of his/her system. There are plenty of studies that show that chemicals in foods are detrimental to our health. Can one have a perfectly healthy kidney, liver, heart, etc. while eating processed foods? No. Taking in too many processed foods is what has everyone on MFP now. I'm not misguided and I hold an opposing view to yours that I can defend just as well as you can defend yours. You are perfectly capable of explicating your views without being condescending. And if you could explain yourself clearly, then you would not have to apologize for coming across as condescending. There is as much scientific research defending your ideology as there is mine, so since we will not agree, we can drop it here.

    The person who started the thread asked for opinions and I gave mine. I do not know why you're in the forums if not to assist others and/or obtain insight from others.
  • I clearly just wanted some advice or opinions..I appreciate those that have responded in a respectful way..I'm new to this & wanted to see what it's about since I've heard others talk about..I have even heard drs prescribing these to friends. Anyways, again thanks for the comments & didn't realize there is such controversy over this suject.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I just recently tried using Advocare Herbal Cleanse..kinda pricey but did nothing!! Anyone have any suggestions on what to use that won't be so harsh & will work? I have been back on mfp 3wks & joined the gym too..just wanting to do a cleanse to start this off right. Thanks!!

    To be quite honest with you, MFP isn't the forum nor does it attract the group of people with whom you would want to discuss cleanses. As a vegetarian, I can tell you that I do juice fasts, which I call cleanses, twice monthly, just drinking fresh vegetables (sometimes fruits) to alkalize my body. When I'm not fasting, however, I eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and legumes, so juicing is not an issue for me.

    I recommend juicing for 3 days to get your feet wet in cleansing and ridding your body of any toxins you may have as a result of pouring junk into your system. Cleanses are tough and I don't see any reason to do them unless you fully intend to commit to a clean eating lifestyle.

    what are these toxins you folks speak of all the time? please name them. until you can do that, why should anyone even take the concept of a detox cleanse seriously?

    I do not know what "folks" you are talking about, however, I know that one can obtain toxins from the air, water, food and chemicals. Genetically modified organisms, highly processed foods, food dyes, food additives, and pesticides contain chemicals and are in foods, water, air, etc., they are not organic, and therefore, I'd motion that they are toxic to the human body.

    If you do not understand that, then...I don't know what to tell you.

    You still have yet to name a toxin, just listed off scary words.

    If you don't know understand what it means to supply details of what you are talking about, I don't see how you can possibly help others
  • OutsideCreativ
    OutsideCreativ Posts: 143 Member
    Eat raw, non-processed foods. Drink lots and lots of water. Best cleanse/flush ever.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Eat clean, keep yourself hydrated and your body will do the rest for you.


    don't worry about eating clean, just worry about meeting your nutritional needs with whatever foods you like to eat and eat fewer calories than you burn every day.

    Eating clean means a diet plan of unprocessed, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, healthy fat and avoid artificial ingredients, preservatives, "chemically charged foods," sugars, saturated fat, and trans fat. How is that wrong?

    It's not wrong. It's just not necessary. Telling people that it is necessary is discouraging to many people. If I had thought that to lose weight I'd have to cut out all "non-clean" foods I would never have started.

    Where did I say it's necessary? She asked for ways to detox to help jump start her weight loss. My understanding is that your body already have two great organs to help with detox/filter, that's your Liver and Kidneys. Can you tell me what's a good way to not over stressing those organs so they are functioning properly? Weight loss is just calories in < calories out.

    And our body do produce harmful chemicals "toxin", they come out in the form of pee, poop and sweat.
    Nature cleanse: sweat - exercise. Pee - hydrate your body. Poop - vegetables and fruits (fibers)

    Sorry, got you confused with another clean-eater on another thread. My bad. :flowerforyou:

    But I still don't think it's necessary.
  • I just recently tried using Advocare Herbal Cleanse..kinda pricey but did nothing!! Anyone have any suggestions on what to use that won't be so harsh & will work? I have been back on mfp 3wks & joined the gym too..just wanting to do a cleanse to start this off right. Thanks!!

    To be quite honest with you, MFP isn't the forum nor does it attract the group of people with whom you would want to discuss cleanses. As a vegetarian, I can tell you that I do juice fasts, which I call cleanses, twice monthly, just drinking fresh vegetables (sometimes fruits) to alkalize my body. When I'm not fasting, however, I eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and legumes, so juicing is not an issue for me.

    I recommend juicing for 3 days to get your feet wet in cleansing and ridding your body of any toxins you may have as a result of pouring junk into your system. Cleanses are tough and I don't see any reason to do them unless you fully intend to commit to a clean eating lifestyle.

    what are these toxins you folks speak of all the time? please name them. until you can do that, why should anyone even take the concept of a detox cleanse seriously?

    I do not know what "folks" you are talking about, however, I know that one can obtain toxins from the air, water, food and chemicals. Genetically modified organisms, highly processed foods, food dyes, food additives, and pesticides contain chemicals and are in foods, water, air, etc., they are not organic, and therefore, I'd motion that they are toxic to the human body.

    If you do not understand that, then...I don't know what to tell you.

    You still have yet to name a toxin, just listed off scary words.

    If you don't know understand what it means to supply details of what you are talking about, I don't see how you can possibly help others

    I think I did more than enough. And I don't know what that or your comment has to do with the thread or helping the person who started the thread...since we're talking about helping others.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    I just recently tried using Advocare Herbal Cleanse..kinda pricey but did nothing!! Anyone have any suggestions on what to use that won't be so harsh & will work? I have been back on mfp 3wks & joined the gym too..just wanting to do a cleanse to start this off right. Thanks!!

    To be quite honest with you, MFP isn't the forum nor does it attract the group of people with whom you would want to discuss cleanses. As a vegetarian, I can tell you that I do juice fasts, which I call cleanses, twice monthly, just drinking fresh vegetables (sometimes fruits) to alkalize my body. When I'm not fasting, however, I eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and legumes, so juicing is not an issue for me.

    I recommend juicing for 3 days to get your feet wet in cleansing and ridding your body of any toxins you may have as a result of pouring junk into your system. Cleanses are tough and I don't see any reason to do them unless you fully intend to commit to a clean eating lifestyle.

    what are these toxins you folks speak of all the time? please name them. until you can do that, why should anyone even take the concept of a detox cleanse seriously?

    I do not know what "folks" you are talking about, however, I know that one can obtain toxins from the air, water, food and chemicals. Genetically modified organisms, highly processed foods, food dyes, food additives, and pesticides contain chemicals and are in foods, water, air, etc., they are not organic, and therefore, I'd motion that they are toxic to the human body.

    If you do not understand that, then...I don't know what to tell you.

    i am afraid that you are the one that doesn't understand. chemicals compounds that could cause damage to our bodies by accumulating in our tissues are already routinely "cleansed" by our kidneys and liver. any such compounds that cannot be effectively removed by these organs would require medical intervention (e.g., heavy metal poisoning or organ failure). the notion that there are chemicals inside of us that our kidneys and liver cannot deal with, but which can be removed by drinking nothing but lemon-flavored water with syrup and peppers is laughable on its face. the same goes for the idea that juicing strange concoctions of various vegetables would have the same effect. there's no science supporting detox cleanses. they are scams and patients who undergo them and attribute their well-being to them, are being fooled by the placebo effect.

    i don't mean to be insulting to you personally. i am sure that you are very nice, albeit misguided in this regard, so don't take my comments as any sort of attack on your intelligence.

    You would do well to re-read my original response. I never suggested "juicing strange concoctions of various vegetables" or "lemon-flavored water with syrup and peppers." The fact that you do not agree with something, does not make it invalid. I think it's foolish to think that the chemicals that accumulate in our tissues do not or cannot adversely affect one's liver or kidneys, thus affecting ones ability to "cleanse" those toxins out of his/her system. There are plenty of studies that show that chemicals in foods are detrimental to our health. Can one have a perfectly healthy kidney, liver, heart, etc. while eating processed foods? No. Taking in too many processed foods is what has everyone on MFP now. I'm not misguided and I hold an opposing view to yours that I can defend just as well as you can defend yours. You are perfectly capable of explicating your views without being condescending. And if you could explain yourself clearly, then you would not have to apologize for coming across as condescending. There is as much scientific research defending your ideology as there is mine, so since we will not agree, we can drop it here.

    The person who started the thread asked for opinions and I gave mine. I do not know why you're in the forums if not to assist others and/or obtain insight from others.

    what i referred to are common, popular cleanses, such as the Master Cleanse, which is water/lemons/syrup/cayenne pepper. other popular cleanses are nothing more than juiced concoctions of various vegetables. none of these do anything to rid "toxins" from the body, unless you consider water to be a toxin, in which case i concede that they work well at ridding that from the body.

    again, i ask you to please name a "toxin" that gets into your body that cannot be cleansed by your liver and kidneys, but which can be cleansed by some concoction that you drink. you have refused to answer this question. are you unable to answer it?

    can you name what toxins come from processed food that our kidneys and liver are unable to deal with on their own?

    how about citing any peer-reviewed scientific studies that show these detox cleanses accomplish anything more than the placebo effect. can you do that?

    i am asking for you to supply proof. you are refusing to supply proof and getting mad in the process. that's why i tried to defuse the situation by pointing out that i wasn't insulting you personally. you made a recommendation that the OP should try a 3-day cleanse in order rid their body of toxins that exist from pouring junk into themselves. i am asking you to tell me what these toxins are, to tell me how these cleanses work to remove those toxins where apparently the liver and kidneys cannot, and to enlighten us all with links to peer-reviewed studies showing how these magical products work their magic.

    if you refuse to answer any of those questions, then i'll have to conclude that you do not have the answers you claim to have.

    the reason i care is precisely because i am here to help. certain detoxes can be very harmful to the patient and can cause organ damage or perhaps even death.
  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member

    Sorry, got you confused with another clean-eater on another thread. My bad. :flowerforyou:

    But I still don't think it's necessary.

    :drinker: you are right. I need my "un-clean" food too, they keep me happy.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    I think I did more than enough. And I don't know what that or your comment has to do with the thread or helping the person who started the thread...since we're talking about helping others.

    Sometimes helping others includes telling them idea they have is a waste of time and money. Sometimes helping others is showing them a better path to their goal. Sometimes helping others is telling them that they are wrong.

    Even if the OP doesn't wish to hear it, there are 300 people that read this thread without leaving a post. Perhaps one of them will avoid wasting time on cleanses after reading this thread. Because sometimes helping others is helping others
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    again, i ask you to please name a "toxin" that gets into your body that cannot be cleansed by your liver and kidneys, but which can be cleansed by some concoction that you drink. you have refused to answer this question. are you unable to answer it?

    can you name what toxins come from processed food that our kidneys and liver are unable to deal with on their own?

    I've been waiting for my entire time on MFP for someone to name even one toxin. Sadly, I am bereft.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    No matter what, some people will be attracted to cleanses for psychological boosts or for the quick water shed on the scale. Some people enjoy or feel they need to take a plunge into making their changes. For those people, I would suggest following the O2 Diet's four day cleanse. There are no special herbs to take, and it doesn't promise magic. The author advises in the book that much of the weight will be water flush but endorses the psychological boost as well as helping the person have a few days without all of the added sugars some people get stuck craving. It's pretty low calorie, but when I completed it, I didn't feel hungry because of the high fiber and high volume of water in the foods. You could really even just do it for one day if you are attracted to the idea of a super healthy day to get you started. (The author focuses on foods with high antioxidant values.)

    I can't remember the routine, but it is available through google. I believe the foods include green apples, pecans, olive oil, eggs, salmon, lots of green tea, lemon juice, flavored vinegar, spinach, artichokes, asparagus, blueberries, peppers, basil, and carrots. I could be leaving out some foods or ingredients. I did modify to make it vegan with tofu instead. The only part that was difficult for me was the artichokes because I hate them. If I ever try the cleanse again (and it would be for the psychological boost or to help kick cravings when I've gotten complacent) I would just not use the artichokes. They make me that miserable.

    If anyone wants to try this plan, I'd recommend getting it from the library before committing. I don't want to say it's difficult, but it does require commitment to follow the plan. I enjoy the concept but never stuck to the guidelines after the four day cleanse. It just required more strictness than what worked for me. I'm not sure if I may have felt differently if I didn't have some food restrictions already.
  • The only cleanse I see working is the water cleanse. Start of just doing 24 hours and then a few months later try to do two days. I've heard of people going up to about 5 days. Going 5 days on only water is very difficult. You do have to remember though because you are not in-taking any food you will have to compensate for drinking a lot more water. The more water you can get to pass through you, the more your body will cleanse out. Your body, with the use of water, will clean itself out, so you do not need to be tricked into buying any sort of products. I hope I was helpful in some way.



    The reason why it's so difficult to live on only water for 5 days is because you need food for your body to function properly.

    Yes we do need food to function properly, but that doesn't mean you need it every day for your whole life. You're just listening to the tom foolery ads.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    If I may pass on a piece of British wisdom for anyone wanting a good 'cleanse' - it's the Chicken Vindaloo. Guaranteed to have you 'cleansing' pretty much all the next day.
  • when I do a cleanse I cut out meat, wheat, sugar, and dairy for 2 weeks. the first 4 days or so suck but after that you feel amazing :) it's also pretty straight forward, and no special products to buy. make sure you drink lots of water too!!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member

    again, i ask you to please name a "toxin" that gets into your body that cannot be cleansed by your liver and kidneys, but which can be cleansed by some concoction that you drink. you have refused to answer this question. are you unable to answer it?

    can you name what toxins come from processed food that our kidneys and liver are unable to deal with on their own?

    I've been waiting for my entire time on MFP for someone to name even one toxin. Sadly, I am bereft.
    If you are really sincere about wanting to know what toxins can be accumulated in the body, then why don't you start your own thread?
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I've been waiting for my entire time on MFP for someone to name even one toxin. Sadly, I am bereft.
    If you are really sincere about wanting to know what toxins can be accumulated in the body, then why don't you start your own thread?

    Mostly because there are enough threads about it to warrant a simple answer. Why create a new thread when there are countless others preaching the evils of unnamed toxins?
  • exile40
    exile40 Posts: 161 Member
    I just recently tried using Advocare Herbal Cleanse..kinda pricey but did nothing!! Anyone have any suggestions on what to use that won't be so harsh & will work? I have been back on mfp 3wks & joined the gym too..just wanting to do a cleanse to start this off right. Thanks!!

    Save your money. Drink lots of water. Our bodies have dealt with processing food and liquids for centuries without the need of "Micky mouse" money making products.
  • I did the ultimate reset by Beachbody at the beginning of this year and that really did the trick! I was really having a hard time dropping weight last year and I did this cleanse and now the weight is coming off consistently, around 2 lbs per week. It is a somewhat challenging 21 days but it is worth it. It is expensive because of the supplements but the eating plan is key. No processed foods, phase into a vegetarian and finally into a vegan diet over the course of 3 weeks. I highly recommend the cleanse or at the very least adopting parts of the eating plan!
  • jontay81
    jontay81 Posts: 39 Member
    Everyone here needs to learn what the word toxin means.

    Snake Venom: Toxin
    Botulinum: Toxin

    Trans Fats: Not Toxin
    Sugar: Not Toxin

    quirktizzy: it's your lucky day.