What body type loses belly fat more?



  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    It doesn't matter which body shape you have....as dumb as it may sounds one of the main foods that cause belly fat is believe it or not ....WHEAT especially WHEAT BREAD.....most wheat bread is made from enriched wheat flour which all in all is refined....if you want to eat wheat mke sure it says whole wheat not enriched wheat....

    That is so not true.

    I am apple shape and have eaten gluten free for a few months a while back and gluten makes no difference. I do not drink soda.

    Your shape is usually down to genetics. There is no way to spot reduce fat sadly, even depending on what you eat or drink.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Okay, I am hour glass.. makes sense now with the measurements.
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    I'm human shaped
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    I'm human shaped


    Disclaimer: I shan't confirm or deny if I'm a pokemon
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'm human shaped


    Disclaimer: I shan't confirm or deny if I'm a pokemon

    pokemon or not why you groping your own bewbies :laugh:
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    I'm human shaped


    Disclaimer: I shan't confirm or deny if I'm a pokemon

    pokemon or not why you groping your own bewbies :laugh:

    Hey, someone's gotta do it! lol

    it's called the human shaped pokemon (OMG is my nerdiness showing? :laugh::laugh:
  • lromer6
    lromer6 Posts: 6
    I'm definitely apple shaped and the stomach is the hardest for me. My legs look killer and although my stomach isn't round, it is wide and definitely has fat on it.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    is it me or do all these damn 'apples' and 'pears' all look the same????
  • In my opinion, it doesn't matter what body shape you have. Everyones body is different and everyone will lose body fat in a different place.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    It makes no difference what body type, the consensus is belly and chest fat are the last to go since thats where your most vital organs next to the brain are so the body wants to keep them protected and thus even if you were slim that's where your highest amount of body fat would be.

    Face and neck are first, then extremities, then hips/butt then your midsection (chest and stomatch) regardless of how much you can or can't bust your *kitten* and try to isolate the body will regulate short of surgery ofcourse:)

    personally i'm pear shaped and have lost weight around 3-4KG's in just over a week and none of that seems to be from the stomach area yet which is my most prominant part..
  • I understand everyone has a different take on these postings...I however will not take crap from anyone ...I will consider what people say and constructive criticism but read the fine lines ...I SAD ENRICHED WHEAT FLOUR....big difference....read the post more carefully....I am Certified Health Coach ...thank you :)
    What is a certified health coach? You must admit that you totally contradicted yourself. "Mr. Hollywood" was just kind enough to point it out for you.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I understand everyone has a different take on these postings...I however will not take crap from anyone ...I will consider what people say and constructive criticism but read the fine lines ...I SAD ENRICHED WHEAT FLOUR....big difference....read the post more carefully....I am Certified Health Coach ...thank you :)
    What is a certified health coach? You must admit that you totally contradicted yourself. "Mr. Hollywood" was just kind enough to point it out for you.

    You are Sad Enriched Wheat Flour? Aww why so sad?
  • strongerthanFAT
    strongerthanFAT Posts: 24 Member
    I've read a lot that suggests that when you primarily store belly fat it's because of too many processed foods. I actually find it to be accurate, I could be wrong but.. I know the fat there has gone away from me simply by changing WHAT I eat, it's the thighs I have to burn the fat off for. Even my friends, when I get them to cut the processed foods and red meats and the dairy, that's where the weight goes away at without even trying. :)
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I'm an hourglass shape and I've lost five inches from my bust, four from my waist, one from my hips/butt, and hardly any from my legs (which are not slim). I'm definitely losing from the top down. It's all progress, but I wish I were losing the booty faster.
  • mmk2988
    mmk2988 Posts: 43
    This is clear
  • mmk2988
    mmk2988 Posts: 43
    Pear- you gain weight first in your legs thighs and bum and not your midsection and upper body and then they are the last one you lose too.

    Apple- you gain weight first in your stomach and that's the last one to go

    Do you get it? So if you are really pear shaped you should lose weight in your arms shoulders and your tummy first before your lower body. If you are apple its the opposite.

    I'm hourglass and I gain weight pretty much balanced upper and lower body and the last is my tummy. I can have a pretty flat tummy at higher weight but my arms and legs and thighs and bum gain weight. And oh yeah my face too.

    This is clear
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    It makes no difference what body type, the consensus is belly and chest fat are the last to go since thats where your most vital organs next to the brain are so the body wants to keep them protected and thus even if you were slim that's where your highest amount of body fat would be.

    Face and neck are first, then extremities, then hips/butt then your midsection (chest and stomatch) regardless of how much you can or can't bust your *kitten* and try to isolate the body will regulate short of surgery ofcourse:)

    personally i'm pear shaped and have lost weight around 3-4KG's in just over a week and none of that seems to be from the stomach area yet which is my most prominant part..

    lol. I hope you're joking. The pear, apple, hourglass shapes usually just applies to females. All males are technically apple shaped. The shape comes from hormones and genetics. Women tend to store fat on their hips and thighs due to effect of estrogen. Men have a very very small amount of estrogen, testosterone mainly makes you gain weight in the stomach area. And no, it does make a difference what your shape is based on where you will lose weight first. The whole "the organs" need to be protected doesn't really apply in this concept. Overweight people have so much visceral fat much more than the body needs to "protect its organs". Your body would be more than happy to get rid of it.
  • XRavenhood
    XRavenhood Posts: 102
    Apparently pear shapes are harder to lose weight/fat. Bummer for me, but I'll be glad to have this figure once I'm fit.
  • montanadanni
    montanadanni Posts: 184 Member
    is it me or do all these damn 'apples' and 'pears' all look the same????

    no apples and pears are completely different. not even close to the same shape. usually apples have great arms and legs but full middle. pears usually have thin arms and chest and smaller waist but have thick hips and thighs.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I'm an hourglass shape and even at my biggest (230lbs) my belly was never terribly big. My boobs, *kitten*& thighs, yes, but not my tummy.