0 Calories?



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    That's all fine and dandy and I do have a scale to do so, but, even so when I type something in with the measurements I get different calorie counts its frustrating.

    ETA: Sorry meant to quote and reply here.

    Oh about this.

    There are usually entries, especially for whole foods, that do not have an asterisk next to them. Those are the non-user-entered entries and they're more accurate. If you have to go with user entered data try to find one with multiple confirmations. Make sure you specify raw or cooked if you're doing meat. Enter your own recipes. If you make lasagna create your own recipe, don't just pick lasagna from the database because your diary will be wildly inaccurate.

    Measure free-pouring liquids. Weigh everything else. An accurate diary is very important.

    That is helpful, thank you. I don't think I've seen cooked meat vs. raw meat as an option when I've created a recipe or just logged what I ate.

    I didn't realize it was there until fairly recently. When I made tacos tonight I noticed that in my recipe I had just added 3 oz ground beef. When I looked up raw ground beef and found the original database entry (you'll know them also because they give the option to enter weight in grams) I realized that my recipe was off by about 30 calories. Thankfully it was in my favor. :)
  • That was the big shocker for me. I ate lots and lots of fruits on Weight Watchers and the first day on MFP I was out of calories by noon. Everything has sugar.

    Yes, fruit especially has a ton of sugar in it. At least it's healthy sugars, though.
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    I am a firm believer that you can have as much bright, dark green vegetables as you so desire. Even if you eat 3 bags of spinach you won't be making a huge caloric dent for instance. Full of fiber and vitamins, as long as you don't have kidney issues it should be wonderful for you.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    water = 0
    celery is very very low too....

    But calories ain't the problem..Come on here....It's hard to bust your calories. It's so much harder not to bust on your carbs,fat or sugar...they make it so hard to reach your max calories (talking for myself)..so much planning here.
  • HealthyLishan
    HealthyLishan Posts: 2 Member
    Air. Swallow lots of air.

  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Water is about the only thing that has 0 cals .. Watch out for other ingredients in 0 calorie drinks and such. The sweetners are no good, aspertame has been known to slow the metabolism .. When I pick food I watch the salt and sugar content .. those two are killers! Good luck on your search! :)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I am going to have to find something I read so I don't look like an idiot here... but I didn't explain myself well either.

    I've read something negative calorie foods or something when eaten usually raw it takes more calories to eat them/digest or something like that than they are so they are sort of "free" foods (everything in moderation of course) and I seem to remember the list was similar to some I remember being 0 points on Weight Watchers.

    I am just sitting here hungry... I have over 600 calories left for today so I need to eat again but I am wondering what to do when you really really are hungry and have no calories left.

    Generally if I am (really) hungry... I eat... I usually eat something with moderate calories but if I am actually hungry, I don't let being a few calories over stop me... That being said, if it happens a lot, I have to adjust something and recheck what I am doing. Honestly, as long as we are meeting our goals ON AVERAGE, then we should be alright... Some days I'm over and others I'm under... However, so far, in 14 months, I have had at least a 2 lb drop each month.. (and usually more).... Seems to work for me... Right now, I am in the process of slowing progress from the 12-15 lbs per month I started at to nearing a maintenance mode... That way, I won't have a lot to change when I get to my 215 +/- goal.
  • aguethler
    aguethler Posts: 26 Member
    You have to always remember that your goal includes a built in deficit. If you eat over your goal you are not going to get gain unless you are at maintenance. It is just fine to go over your goal, you will just lose more slowly, but if you are really hungry just make a good healthy choice and be at for example only a 300 kcal deficit for a day instead of 500 kcal. This is a life style, not a crash diet so you will have days when you are over or under but nutritionally it is better to eat something that is healthy but more caloreis rather than have a diet soda to keep you under.

    Oh and my favorites for hungry days: Lots of air popped popcorn, yummy flavored teas, hot milk with torani syrups.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I think WW point system is different now. Fruit definitely has points and I think it has for quite a while. Vegetables now have points, too, but I think they're 1 point per serving depending on the veg. I could be wrong. I'm sure someone will correct me if I am.

    You could have an egg white and veggie omelet if you're low on calories for the day. Egg whites are only 17 calories. Add sauteed onion, bell pepper, and some sliced tomato for not much more. Sargento Ultra Thin slice cheese for a bit of protein.

    Nope, WW has made all but starchy veg and all fruit 0 points.It's crazy. People eating 5-6 serves a fruit a day and wondering why they aren't losing.

    That's crazy! How can anyone be expected to learn good nutrition on "rules" like that?
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    Simplest answer is excersise then You are able to eat more of u are hungry, there's no magic trick !
  • KatjaO
    KatjaO Posts: 71
    The zero point ones do have calories. Just less than ones with more points.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    no foods are 0 calories. but we should look at the bigger picture. green veggies are pretty low in calories. i also found 10 calorie jello cups. if you have a problem with over eating and portions, then my rules are simple. i make myself think im eating more. i make big salads and load up on the lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. they DO have calories. but i would rather eat a ton of veggies the what i would have ate before. its all the add ins that that make a salad horrible. you cant toss a ton of greens together then throw on bacon, cheese and several hundred calories in dressing and call that healthy. you just learn to swap out bad habits. candy bars for protein bars. diet soda for regular. if you eat snacks in the evenings you can go for fiber based cereals, popcorn, pineapple for a sweet tooth. my favorite lately is cold sugar free chocolate pudding. if im hungry, i eat. if i want to snack, i do. if i make better choices im going to stick with it. if i make it a diet and cry about being close to my calorie goal for the day, im going to binge and do more harm. eating is a part of life. and i like food!
  • Keysted
    Keysted Posts: 21 Member
    Try some sugarfree jello when your low on calories - only 5 calories per serving and it gives you something "sweet" to eat. For me, it's like having a treat!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    There is no food that is zero calories. Companies can label a food at zero if a serving is under five calories. That is true for pickles and butter spray and granulated Splenda that I can think of.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    I am just sitting here hungry... I have over 600 calories left for today so I need to eat again but I am wondering what to do when you really really are hungry and have no calories left.

    As someone else mentioned, you'd need to exercise more to "get more calories back" (for lack of a better phrase). If you're really hungry, eat... Worry about the calories the next day. You might need to make smarter meal choices to help prevent the situation from happening again. But it's not a healthy/sustainable habit to, say, stop eating at 3:00 p.m. one day just because you "don't have any calories left." I've seen people do this and it's torture that can be avoided. :)

    I don't really have this problem at least not yet... I can see it happening a time or two. My problem is not being able to reach my calorie goals sometimes by a lot... sometimes I don't even hit 1200 (without exercising). I can't eat when I am not hungry but I am eating very healthy. For example my breakfast was scrambled egg whites with some veggies and I had a couple of strawberries on the side it was 53 calories total. That set the tone for my day and I had a hard time getting in calories. After my last snack I decided it is way to late to be adding much more and I'm not hungry anymore with a snack and some water. But, research (and MFP) tells me I won't lose weight like this.

    Then change WHAT you are eating to healthy but higher calorie options. Eat the whole egg instead of just the whites (otherwise you are tossing nearly half the protein and about all the nutrition). Add avocado, nuts, or nut butters to your diet. Whole milk instead of skim. Stuff like that.

    Also, open up the diary. That way people can make more educated suggestions as to how to help you.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    want a low cal treat check out jarred sliced jalapenos. 15 sliced up jalapenos in the jar are only 5 calories
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    If you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight. If you burn more calories than you eat you will lose weight.

    Then why when you exercise does My fitness pal tell you to add more calories? To me that is saying you aren't burning more calories than you eat. Also, if your diet contains less than 1200 calories no matter what your weight you likely aren't going to lose weight according to studies. This includes burning off say 400 on a 1500 calorie diet. What you are saying just doesn't make sense there about burning more calories than you eat and loosing weight based on scientific studies.
    Please site your studies you are referencing because they defy physics.
  • Nulookdotbody
    Nulookdotbody Posts: 48 Member
    Some fruits and veg. are 0 calories. I am currently doing both and tracking online. I have never gone over my points or been in the red for mfp. Even though you may find low point items you still have to watch your carbs, sodium, fat and protein. That's why I am currently doing both
  • lsegatti
    lsegatti Posts: 77 Member
    When you are really, really hungry drink a glass of water, do find something to do: dust your bedroom, sweep the porch, pick a book and read something. Wait 20 to 30 minutes and see if you are really, really hungry or just bored!?