How often do you weigh yourself?



  • Every morning!
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    Honestly? Usually when I wake up to go to work... but Ive convinced myself it only really counts on weigh in days when I actually record it. :bigsmile:
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Honestly? Usually when I wake up to go to work... but Ive convinced myself it only really counts on weigh in days when I actually record it. :bigsmile:
  • Once a week :flowerforyou:
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    I weigh every day. I like to see the fluctuations and trends. If you want to weigh more often than weekly, go for it, just be very aware that weight can fluctuate a lot day-to-day, and don't let that discourage you. Try to look at your average weight over a few days and whether that average is trending downwards or not.

    I am here!
    Ditto. Daily.
  • Once a month with my Coach :happy:
  • jamiegillam69
    jamiegillam69 Posts: 7 Member
    every morning. i have learned to handle slight increases and dont let it get me down. as i relise this is normal. I was stuck at a certain weight at one time for three weeks. i just kept at my calorie goal and on the fourth week weight just started coming off again. if you beleive in mfp i think it works. at least for me
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Aiming for once every 2 weeks right now. I might weigh myself 1x a week if I feel my pants fitting differently.
  • PlaysLikeAGirl
    PlaysLikeAGirl Posts: 22 Member
    Yeah, same here, every morning before my coffee. I tried switching to weekly, but it just didn't work for me. Morning weigh ins remind me what I'm doing and help keep me on track!
  • medeamama
    medeamama Posts: 47 Member
    Once a week, and I am compulsive about trying to keep the same variables: same scale, I ensure it zeroes out, similar clothes, same times of day, same breakfast, etc.
    And I remind myself: it's just a number. My goal is to be strong an healthy, not be a number.
  • cxmoore2
    cxmoore2 Posts: 3 Member
    Every morning at the same time after breakfast, wearing approximately the same clothing & shoes. It helps me to work harder when I see either an increase or a decrease. The decrease is a total boost, and the increase makes me more determined. This morning, I weighed a pound higher than yesterday, but then again I went over my calorie allottment yesterday, too. That motivates me to stay good today!
  • NotBonJovi
    NotBonJovi Posts: 187 Member
    Once a week. Same day, same time in the morning.
  • Every Tuesday morning (:
  • 73Freckles
    73Freckles Posts: 201 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. I know you're not suppose to but I also know weight fluctuates so I don't freak out when it goes up before it goes down. I just need to be on top of it and see it so that I'm more aware of what's going on.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I weigh in every morning. I only count and record Fridays. It just helps me stay on track. Once I get to my goal, I may go weekly. I think I will always weigh myself at least once a week, so I don't let my weight get out of hand again and just ignore it.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I weigh every Monday morning. I think weighing more often than that gives false readings and, if it's worse than you were expecting, it could have a negative impact on your focus for the rest of the week.
    I think weighing daily gives you a more accurate picture than weighing weekly. Weight can fluctuate a lot, and if you weigh one week and it happens to be a "low" day, and the next week you weigh on a "high" day, then that doesn't give you a very good idea of what's going on. For those that are emotionally attached to that number, that could just as easily have a negative impact for the rest of the week. At least when you weigh daily, you can be confident that an overnight gain of 3 lbs isn't a true fat gain, and will be reassured when you see it drop again the next day.

    I think weighing less often, like once a month or every couple of months works well too, especially when you're losing, because the loss over that time should be significant enough to be seen regardless of water fluctuations.
  • iAmEesh
    iAmEesh Posts: 4 Member
    Once a month. I don't like seeing the fluctuation on the scale on a daily basis.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I did the exact opposite from AmyM. While I was trying to lose, I weighed 2 or 3 times a week because I didn't want to see all of the daily fluctuations. Once I reached my goal, I started weighing most days. I don't weigh when I am away from home, but when home I weigh every day, first thing, naked.

    I have lost weight before and when I started gaining it back, I quit weighing. Then I gained more. A lot more. So I'm not going to stop weighing this time.

    I only record my weight on MFP once a week, but I also use and record there every time I weigh (my scale uploads automatically). I really enjoy watching the trends, and it keeps me from freaking out so much over the daily fluctuations.
  • I weigh myself daily. I find it is easier to develop habits for tasks that are done daily rather than weekly. My scale is next to the shower and I just step on before getting into the shower and before eating anything each morning. It takes 20 seconds.

    My scale is a good strain gauge scale from Tanita that is accurate. Before I step on the scale I try to estimate what it is going to say. Take the reading, see the result, and think why weight went up or down.

    I used to see wide fluctuations in my weight day to day but cut that down my watching sodium intake. Once I started following sodium guidelines from DASH, the wide fluctuations went away. I cut down on salty foods such as olives, pickles, mustard, cheese and processed foods.

    I take the last three days of each month and take the weighted average. Comparing the month to month numbers are a good way to trend over the long term.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    Every two weeks! I'm a slow looser, more often would only discourage me :grumble: