Dream Life

BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
What would be your dream life? And try not to go with winning the lottery and being able to do whatever whenever. If you still had to work, what would you do? If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Who would it be with? That stuff....

I would love to have a popular blog or website and be a freelance writer, and live with my family in Ecuador or somewhere exotic, but low-key. i would also love to be immersed in the spanish language so I can finish becoming fluent. Since I am also a trained classical guitarist, I would love to be around the spanish style guitar scene and expand my talent. I am tired of how the US is treating the people. I has become the people working for the government, and not the government working for the people.


  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    I would still have my wife and kids, but would live somewhere warmer. Probably Alabama or Louisiana. I agree with your statement about how the US is treating its citizens, but im not sure anywhere else would be better. I would probably change jobs. Currently i work IT, would probably be something in the medical field. Probably a doctor or surgeon.
  • Healthy_fresh_start
    Healthy_fresh_start Posts: 183 Member
    well i decided last year to go for my dream!!! But to get there i have to put silly amounts of work in!!

    My dream is to be a tattoo artist and make a living from something i love, drawing. Have enough time and money to spend quality time with my 2 little gremlins (who i wouldnt change for the world )

    to try and get there ive had to move to another country lol miles from all my friends and family, work for free full time while i train, be a mum and work on drawings for sale til 2am each day to pay the bills!!
    Such hard work but i have to keep the faith it will all be worth it!!!

    www.facebook.com/artbyangelhenry if any one wants to see what i draw haha x
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    A financially secure someone who has a small house with a huge yard, who creates and works on graphic novels.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I'm actually living my dream life. I have a great husband, two kids that we homeschool, and we have a cool underground house with plenty of room for chickens, goats and growing our own food. If I could change anything, I wish I could transplant my whole life, house, land and all to a more liberal place. It's hard being the only liberal in a deep red state.
  • ruckerbenton
    Me and my family would all be happy, have money to pay the bills, have money to splurge on hobbies and travel. Learn guitar, how to speak Spanish, make vintage lace handbags and have more close friends.
  • shawnasis
    shawnasis Posts: 27 Member
    I would still be with my hubs...all my children would be closer. I would still live in So. Cal but closer to the beach with a bigger house and moderate yard. I don't work and would keep it that way. Would love to travel more.
  • MST13
    MST13 Posts: 20 Member
    I would love to still live in my city (Richmond, VA) but my husband and I own a home with a big sunny backyard. I would be in charge of all our gardens, and have a big basement with all my canned goods and cold storage for all our produce. We would have honey bees and chickens and our greenhouse. And my job would be close enough to ride my bike in to work every day. Oh that is my dream life! Hopefully some little pieces of it will actually come true very soon!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I'm living my dream life right now. Went back to college to finish my degree. I graduate in Nov. Would have graduated May but 2 classes I need to take were dropped due to lack of enrollment. But come Nov. I'll be finished and finally have my degree. Been putting out my resume already to try and get an entry level position in the medical coding/billing so I can get some experience and move onto full time coding. May or may not go back for my BA in HIM but don't know that I want to do that anymore. I'm anxious to finish up and get back to work after being out of work since 98 due to MS. I couldn't be happier right now.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    new york times bestselling author of spy/detective fiction. that's how i'd make my money, but i also want to write an epic fantasy (like tolkien but a completely different plot). and of course, publish a space opera.

    maybe have a townhouse in manhattan or georgetown. other than that i don't care about the rest of the details.
  • KrystalLight03
    I'm currently working toward my dream of being an interior designer and architect. I want to move to the East coast, like Connecticut or Massachusetts...hell, I want to live anywhere but Indiana. But as much as I want city life, I still like having the option of getting away to my parents' farm for the weekend. I enjoy that simplicity every once in awhile.
  • Healthy_fresh_start
    Healthy_fresh_start Posts: 183 Member
    well i decided last year to go for my dream!!! But to get there i have to put silly amounts of work in!!

    My dream is to be a tattoo artist and make a living from something i love, drawing. Have enough time and money to spend quality time with my 2 little gremlins (who i wouldnt change for the world )

    to try and get there ive had to move to another country lol miles from all my friends and family, work for free full time while i train, be a mum and work on drawings for sale til 2am each day to pay the bills!!
    Such hard work but i have to keep the faith it will all be worth it!!!

    www.facebook.com/artbyangelhenry if any one wants to see what i draw haha x

    one of my recent drawings done in ball point pens :)
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    well i decided last year to go for my dream!!! But to get there i have to put silly amounts of work in!!

    My dream is to be a tattoo artist and make a living from something i love, drawing. Have enough time and money to spend quality time with my 2 little gremlins (who i wouldnt change for the world )

    to try and get there ive had to move to another country lol miles from all my friends and family, work for free full time while i train, be a mum and work on drawings for sale til 2am each day to pay the bills!!
    Such hard work but i have to keep the faith it will all be worth it!!!

    www.facebook.com/artbyangelhenry if any one wants to see what i draw haha x

    one of my recent drawings done in ball point pens :)

  • Healthy_fresh_start
    Healthy_fresh_start Posts: 183 Member
    well i decided last year to go for my dream!!! But to get there i have to put silly amounts of work in!!

    My dream is to be a tattoo artist and make a living from something i love, drawing. Have enough time and money to spend quality time with my 2 little gremlins (who i wouldnt change for the world )

    to try and get there ive had to move to another country lol miles from all my friends and family, work for free full time while i train, be a mum and work on drawings for sale til 2am each day to pay the bills!!
    Such hard work but i have to keep the faith it will all be worth it!!!

    www.facebook.com/artbyangelhenry if any one wants to see what i draw haha x

    one of my recent drawings done in ball point pens :)


    Thank you!!! im only just starting out so its nice to get good feedback!! opened that facebook page 2 months ago, before that hardly anyone had seen my drawings haha
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    My dream job would be working as a civil servant for you US federal government. I want to put my faith and belief in the process. A modest home outside of DC. Wife, kids a dog. I'd call him skipper. I just want to go out for the paper in my bath rope and yell, "skipper" and have him yelp around. Really its the American dream.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    To live in the Kenyan savannah in a tented research camp to study & photograph lions and elephants.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I'm living with my wife and kids on the beach in Florida. After living in New York, Tokyo and Hong Kong and working 80+ hour weeks, this is my dream life. Now I just need to find the right job!
  • MrsBikiniBound
    I want to get to the director level at my company and make enough money to travel with my hubs, make a few gorgeous babies and stay living on the beach with a year long tan. I'm a pretty simple lady :)
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Becoming a published/working novelist so that is my full time job.

    Buy my own place.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I love my life....
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I'm a believer in the Law of Attraction and the Power of Positive Thinking and I think of my dream life quite often so forgive me if I'm pretty specific.

    I'm awaiting the day when my husband and I have a "just right" house in the suburbs of Austin. I envision him getting a big promotion that offers him better pay, better insurance, a car allowance, better hours, and more over-all job satisfaction. I'll publish my first novel which will end up being in Oprah's book club. We won't be filthy rich but comfortably wealthy so that we can pay off our debt, vacation once or twice a year. spend time together and be able to have and do nice/fun things (new car for mom, ipad, a dog, dance/karate lessons for the kids). I'd start a charity, give a little more to the bell-ringers at Christmas time and make sure we were "giving back" in so many ways.

    I see us working out and getting fit and healthy as a family. We'd commit to better eating and more holistic living. We'd grow foods in our garden and shop at Whole foods. We'd do a lot more cooking at home and have dinner parties with our neighborhood friends out on the deck while the kids played happily in the yard.

    I'd be the awesome mom I strive so hard to be on a daily basis. My kids would be happy, healthy, and grateful. I'd have another baby....this time with the pregnancy and birth and babyhood I've always wanted for us. I'd continue being a stay at home mom for several years (aside from more writing and the occasional selling of a painting) and possibly continue to homeschool/unschool the oldest kids. I'd only go back to work part-time when the youngest was comforatbly in school and it wouldn't interfere with my "mom" time. Our bigger home space, healthy living, and financial peace of mind would lead us to a much greater sense of personal balance and ultimate fulfillment.

    Something like that :)