Calling all women who lift heavy ......



  • Ghkffb56
    Ghkffb56 Posts: 263 Member
    Started off with Jamie E LiveFit, amazing results!
    did it again.. even better

    Kinda went off on my own thing now,, But i follow a shoulder workout plan.. I do still follow her diet plan. Im to lazy to post pics :( lol..
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    Keep the stories and pictures coming...great success everyone ! Just did my first Stronglifts workout yesterday and was just curious what other women heavy lifters were doing
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I started Chalean Extreme at the beginning of July 2012 & did the full 90 days. I wouldn't exactly call it lifting heavy, but it was the 1st time I had really incorporated weights into my workouts.
    When I finished CE at the end of Sept, I got a bench & bar & started lifting heavy. Until last week I did routines designed by my friend. I did only compounds movements in them. I started out doing them all on the same day 3 days a week. Then he broke them up for me. I couldn't do them all on the same day now lol
    This past Monday I started Stronglifts.
    I have thread somewhere with these results, but idk the link, so I'll just put the pics here lol
    The 1st picture were taken after 30 days with Chalean Extreme. I weighed 129lbs. I was roughly 29.6% body fat per calipers, could have been more tho. The after I'm 119lbs, 25% roughly
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    On Dec. 19th I started doing Strong Lifts 5x5 three times a week (M-W-F). You alternate between two workouts doing 5 sets of 5 reps each exercise.

    My lifting progress:
    (170lbs) Deadlift (Started at 115)
    (130lbs) Barbell Squat (SW at 55)
    (90lbs) Barbell Row (SW at 65)
    (75lbs) Barbell Overhead (SW at 55)
    (70lbs) Bench Press (SW at 55)

    In general, I maintain on anywhere between 1400-2000 calories. Before lifting, I was eating 1500-1700 trying to lose fat. When I started lifting I began eating 2200 calories a day because I am trying to "bulk" (Gain lots of muscle) and once I've gained enough, I plan to cut back to 1700 calories to melt any fat off I gained during the bulking process. Right now I'm a little chubby, so no results pics yet!

    As for macros, I'm not entirely confident in my plan but I do try to make sure I get 110g of protein a day (More on a workout day) since my lean body mass was measured to be 113lbs. I've been told you should eat near to your LBM.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I had been doing 2 days of Body Pump (Les Mills) with various cardio to fill out the week from mid to late 2012, but switched to my own 6day/week lifting plan in January. I just started Strong Lifts on Feb 19th so I don't have any major changes yet. I am at my goal weight/BF%, but will be okay with the BF% dropping a little with the Strong Lifts. I'm eating as close to TDEE as I can so between 1900-2200 cal depending on activity level. I have been bouncing between 125 and 127 since January, but I've lost a good bit of BF since switching over to heavy lifting. My macros are 45c/30p/25f. I often get well over 150g protein to keep that balance at 2000 cal a day. I don't follow any specific eating plan, but I do try to eat as many whole foods that I can. My goals now are to increase my strength and eat to fuel the workouts and possibly add some LBM.

    From left to right:

    September 6, 2012 ~143 lbs BF% >30%; December 22, 2012 ~129 lbs BF% 25-27%; February 18, 2013 ~126 lbs BF% 20-22%

    I love lifting and it shows that 3 lbs may not seem to be much on the scale, but when talking about BF loss and LBM gain, 3 lbs can have a big impact on how someone looks.

    ETA: The guns :wink:

  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Just curious....

    What program do you follow?

    What is your usual preferred meals/macos/eating plan?

    Any progress pictures to share?

    I do Strong Lifts 5x5 and love it.

    As far as my meal plan, I just try to hit my macros. I have them set at 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. I aim to make generally good & healthy choices (veggies, fruits, lean protein, healthy fats, whole grain, etc) but I also eat plenty of Lucky Charms and Cadbury eggs. I'm taking a 20% cut from my TDEE - which puts me at 1970 cals to lose 1lb per week. I think I'm 15-20lbs away from my goal (not entirely sure since my body is changing faster than the weight is dropping....I'm going for a look, not a number) but I keep it set at 1lb per week loss, since I tend to go over some days (lower goal compensates for the higher days).

    I don't have progress pictures - but I will tell you that I'm 5'6" and I weigh 182lbs. I like to think that my profile picture speaks pretty well for me......I'm not jiggly and I don't think that I look like I weigh as much as I do.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I had been doing 2 days of Body Pump (Les Mills) with various cardio to fill out the week from mid to late 2012, but switched to my own 6day/week lifting plan in January. I just started Strong Lifts on Feb 19th so I don't have any major changes yet. I am at my goal weight/BF%, but will be okay with the BF% dropping a little with the Strong Lifts. I'm eating as close to TDEE as I can so between 1900-2200 cal depending on activity level. I have been bouncing between 125 and 127 since January, but I've lost a good bit of BF since switching over to heavy lifting. My macros are 45c/30p/25f. I often get well over 150g protein to keep that balance at 2000 cal a day. I don't follow any specific eating plan, but I do try to eat as many whole foods that I can. My goals now are to increase my strength and eat to fuel the workouts and possibly add some LBM.

    From left to right:

    September 6, 2012 ~143 lbs BF% >30%; December 22, 2012 ~129 lbs BF% 25-27%; February 18, 2013 ~126 lbs BF% 20-22%

    I love lifting and it shows that 3 lbs may not seem to be much on the scale, but when talking about BF loss and LBM gain, 3 lbs can have a big impact on how someone looks.

    ETA: The guns :wink:


    Wow. Well done.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I ate at a surplus and did a hypertrophy program between these two pictures:


    I've also done Strong Lifts 5x5 while eating around maintenance. Not much visual difference there just strength increase.

    Right now I'm using dumbbells at home and not counting at all.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I've been doing NROL4W, but I'll be switching to stronglifts 5x5 as soon as I have all the equipment in place. (I lift at home)

    Macros are 125g of protein, 75g fat, and the rest is mostly beer :laugh:
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    I am doing strong lifts 5x5.. eating at around an average of 2000 cals a day and just making sure I take in enough protein! Losing weight all at the same time.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I do my own thing when it comes to lifting. I do the major compound moves and then some isolation work. I think programs are great and I might do one eventually, it's just not the right thing for me right now.

    I take a steady calorie approach and usually end up somewhere in the 1800-1900 range for the day. My macros are set to 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat. I rarely get right on but I like to have it that way as a guideline.

    As for photos, I don't really have good befores but there are a few in my profile pictures.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I do my own thing when it comes to lifting. I do the major compound moves and then some isolation work. I think programs are great and I might do one eventually, it's just not the right thing for me right now.

    I take a steady calorie approach and usually end up somewhere in the 1800-1900 range for the day. My macros are set to 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat. I rarely get right on but I like to have it that way as a guideline.

    As for photos, I don't really have good befores but there are a few in my profile pictures.

    Pretty much this; that's why I love her. ^^^^ :)

    I've always done my own plans bc I've lifted long enough to know how my body responds. Eat at maintenance 2000 somedays, sometimes higher and macros are 45c/25p/30f. My macros change depending on if I'm prepping for races etc. Photos are on my profile.
  • Liftnlove
    Liftnlove Posts: 235
    This is my story in pictures:

    This is what I did:

    The way I ate was 2000 calories a day, 150 gm of protein a day...fat and carbs vary.

    These are a few of my before/during shots (there's never an "after" right?)



  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    I do my own routine, but if i have a question on form or switching it up I look at Arnolds Encyclopedia for Modern BodyBuilding
    My profile is full of photos
    I lift everyday, for at least an hour, one body part per day, to failure.
    I try to eat at least 160-190g protein a day, based on how much I lift
    I also don't believe in low carb, as long as they are decent carbs, bc I need the energy boost.
    I try to stay low sugar and low fat, but am in full time school, so occasionally I cant get away from processed packaged sugars.
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    I lift moderately heavy 2-4 times weekly
    Macros are Carbs 40% , Protein 30%, Fats #30%

    I plan on starting Strong Lifts soon (in next 3 weeks)

    Progress photos on my profile (it's open).
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I just started Madcow's 5X5. I was doing a full body routine I found on for awhile, then I was doing a split for awhile. Then I decided I wanted a 5x5 program, and Madcow's fit best for me. I've been lifting for over a year with a "break" where I was doing a lower weight, higher rep program. I am skinny fat, my diet is slowly getting back in check (the holidays just wrecked me, mentally, food-wise). I try to keep 40/30/30 macors, but I suck at it without eating the same thing day in and day out. I do find that when I have my carbs in check, I'm high on fat and vice versa.
  • kwilliams386
    kwilliams386 Posts: 156 Member
    I love this! You girls look hot! I have just started doing Body pump 2-3 days a week, but from the looks of it I need to turn it up a notch. I thought I had to lower my BF% before lifting will do any good. Should I forget about "losing weight" and just lift? I want to build muscle. I eat around 1500 calories a day to help lose weight. Will I be able to lose my spare tire if I focus on lifting more?
  • Jennifer0878
    Jennifer0878 Posts: 94 Member
    I have done New Rules of Lifting for Women twice (and loved it). I have just started Stronglifts 5x5 this week. My macros are set to 40% carb, 30% protein, 30% fat. I don't always hit them, but that's what I aim for every day.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    This is my story in pictures:

    This is what I did:

    The way I ate was 2000 calories a day, 150 gm of protein a day...fat and carbs vary.

    These are a few of my before/during shots (there's never an "after" right?)




    The words coming out of my mouth while inappropriate are in admiration. What a transformation! Bravo girl!

    Edited to add: Just read over your blog on your routine and I love the way you think! Very informative and many should probably read it. Just saying!