kids are mean



  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    You have lost 70 lbs - congratulations...That child is just mean. At 10, they should know better and his parents will/should/would be ashamed. please don't waste your time going over this any more.:flowerforyou:
  • Healthy_fresh_start
    Healthy_fresh_start Posts: 183 Member
    when my son was about 2 and half he was refusing to eat anything healthy. we sat down and had a big talk about foods thats good for you and foods that not and how they make you unhealthy and overweight so its important to eat a balanced diet.

    we got on a bus about a week later and a rather large lady got on. my son yells

    "mum look, shes fatter than me. thats because i eat my peas and sweetcorn and she eats cake and fudge. they wont give her enough energy to play all of her games you know, will it mum!!"

    i was HORRIFIED!!! He never meant to be nasty, it was just his level of understanding at his age, but still, i wanted to run and hide!!!
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    10 is too old for that, and I hope the parent had a serious talking to.

    However, this reminds me of when my son has just turned 3, we were on a bus and this woman got on and sat down, she was really big, like, sitting with legs apart and stomach almost touching the floor. She was the biggest person I have ever seen, and the biggest person he had ever seen. My son was staring at her and I discreetly distracted him, but he kept looking toward her despite my efforts. Eventually he blurted out, "That lady has a really big belly!" and I quickly shushed him and hoped she hadn't heard because she was far enough away and he didn't yell. The woman did hear, she turned to him and told him, "You're a mean little boy and you owe me an apology!" My son apologized because she told him to, but the look on his face at that moment made me want to get up and kick her face in, he was 3, he didn't understand why it was okay to tell someone they have really long hair, that their hair is super curly, or that they are as tall as his Daddy but it wasn't okay to tell someone they have a fat belly. What he did understand was what it meant to be a mean person, and for someone to call him a mean person really confused and hurt him, demanding he apologize just really sent home that he had done something wrong and he didn't understand what. Luckily our stop came up and we got off, the bus driver said something sympathetic to me, and when we got home I talked to my son about how sometimes people's differences make them feel sad, or bad about themselves and that we shouldn't point them out.

    It still bothers me years later. I don't know what I should have done, being a city bus she could have been totally off her nut and I didn't want to engage her based on prior experiences with bus-nut jobs. I would have apologized if I knew she had heard him, but I didn't think she had, the bus is loud, he didn't say it loud, and she was a good distance away looking at something else, and I certainly wasn't going to try to get her attention "just in case she did hear" because if she hadn't, I'd be calling her attention to it.

    Kids can be mean, 10 is old enough to know better, and kudos to you for not retaliating (I don't know that I'd be so level headed), but I wanted to add this for people out there that have taken harsh comments from young kids - the little ones don't know what they're saying, they just make observations and if you feel like they said something really hurtful, the proper response is not to yell at them and call them mean, it's to tell them, "It really hurts my feelings when you say that", or ignore it and understand that they're still trying to learn how to be people. It's super hard to teach tact to a toddler and as a parent you can't just shove a sock in their mouths every time you're in public (that's illegal, who knew?) Heck, my son is 5 and today at the grocery checkout he was yelling about having an itch in his butt crack that he couldn't itch and he wanted me to itch it. Yeah.

    its one thing your son said that but she was just as wrong for being a b word about it sorry hun
  • Sballard418
    Sballard418 Posts: 153 Member
    One time my daughter was 2 or 3 she is now 4 1/2 said That lady looks like a monkey (she was really really old and had droopy jaws :( ) I turned around expecting to see a monkey on her shirt or something but no :( My husband was so embarrassed I've never seen him so red.

    10 is definitely old enough to know better. I agree

    I tell my daughter to think things in her head that she doesn't have to say them out loud because it could REALLY hurt someones feelings. It was definately a parenting fail and I hope the little squirt got his smart phone laptop Ipad and playstation taken away....(kids are so spoiled)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    don't feel bad kids say lots of things and alot of times don't understand what they are really saying or the meaning of it. My 5 yr old sometimes

    Yup. My 8 year old uses the term fat pretty much for anyone not looking like Adonis. He has never said it to anyone directly, but he has said it a few times as we drive around or such. We correct him.

    It's a learning process for them, so don't be too hard on them.
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    don't feel bad kids say lots of things and alot of times don't understand what they are really saying or the meaning of it. My 5 yr old sometimes

    Yup. My 8 year old uses the term fat pretty much for anyone not looking like Adonis. He has never said it to anyone directly, but he has said it a few times as we drive around or such. We correct him.

    It's a learning process for them, so don't be too hard on them.

    i never said a word to him cause i know his grandmother was furious so i just let her handle it
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    Yup! they can be little bratts some times. I have a 3 year old who told me yesterday that I couldent sit in the chair at the kitchen table because my butt was too big...
  • jessmart83
    jessmart83 Posts: 283 Member
    That is horrible! I am sorry but I would have smacked him and his parents! I wouldnt let it get you down, kids are mean in general. My daughter, when she was about 4, we were in line at the store and she blurted out as loud as she could, "Mom the lady in front of us has a big butt!" I was mortified!!!!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Kids need to be taught to be polite and kind, and they're not.
  • aminer31
    aminer31 Posts: 54 Member
    My mom would have smacked me hard for that. I am sure he is learning from bad parenting which seems to be standard these days. Sorry it happened to you, be proud of your accomplishments!
  • amosmoses88
    amosmoses88 Posts: 163 Member
    My mom would have smacked me hard for that. I am sure he is learning from bad parenting which seems to be standard these days. Sorry it happened to you, be proud of your accomplishments!

    Shoot, if my grandmother was still in her right mind, she would have a switch waiting for me when I got home. lol. And I'm 24! lol. But kids these days are different with their picking. It's become more brutal. I was always teased for walking different growing up, but now if I were still in school age, I can be positive I would be beaten up. A lot of kids today and bullied way too bad.
  • jbum68
    jbum68 Posts: 23
    As others have said, 10 years old is old enough to know better. Something to do, and I've done, is say loud enough for the parent to hear, "Aren't you a well behaved child". The look on the mom's face was priceless, and I got a snicker from the 60+ year old lady behind me. When my kid was in the blurting stage I've had to explain and it was no problem. Smokers used to get the "oh, smoking is bad" and I'd just say "learning in school" and the guy would laugh.
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    My daughter, who just turned 9, knows that to call someone fat may very well hurt their feelings.

    So, one day when we were out for a walk she said, "Mama, back when you were huge you didn't go for walks with us."

    Um, thanks dear.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I have to agree, at 10 that kid is too old to be doing stuff like that.

    However, younger kids have no filter on what they should say. When my daughter was around 3, there was an elderly lady wearing a full-skirted black dress in the grocery store. My daughter took one look at her and shrieked, "Mommy, IT'S A WITCH!!!" I was mortified, but the lady didn't even turn around and look at us! (my daughter and I did have a talk about not making remarks about people's looks or clothing later, though)
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    Um well 10 years old is not too young to not know the difference. You should have just said " Well your ugly. Atleast I can lose the weight." I know mean and childish but the little *kitten* had it coming :) Even my 4 year old knows better.
  • HealthyNowForever
    HealthyNowForever Posts: 45 Member
    At 10, he should know better. Sorry that happened to you.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    Options can't imagine what the kid hears at home if they just blurted that out! On a nicer note....I got hugged by a special needs girl who said I was soft & squishy like a marshmellow:) So much sweeter when not backed w/malice...

    I like that! My daughter says I "lost my fluff"
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    You have to just weird THEM out and ask them to explain themselves. And then ask them to take you to their parents and put THEM in the spotlight. Either the kid will freak out or the parents will. It can't be anymore worse for the person who's feelings got hurt, as long as the offender feels the same way. We all win. That being said let NO ONE take away from the fact that you worked hard to be where you are now.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Kids are such a-holes. That's when you point at him and say "you're rude (or mean)."

    Well, not really. For some kids, even negative attention is pay-off enough. Best no attention.

    I was thinking the same thing but would have done what the OP did and just walked away.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    Its funny you guys are talking about bad parenting, but yet some of you guys are talking about responding negatively, or even striking someone's child. Guess you had bad parents. The OP handled it appropriately. Serioiusly If someone slapped my child they would be in handcuffs.