anyone have kids taller than parents at age 11



  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    My daughter is probably 5'8" at 12 years old- I'm 6'3" but my wife is fairly short so she was taller than her mom before age 11.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Not yet as they're too young, but my 3 year old son is 3 foot 5 already and I' only 5'6 so I reckon he'll be at least my height by age 11. My daughter is nearly 2 and she's pretty tall too. Everywhere I go I get told how tall they are. My husband is 6 foot.

    I teach at secondary school and there are some kids in year 7 who are taller than me. There's a girl in year 8 who must be about 5'11.
  • bocana38
    bocana38 Posts: 85
    Not yet as they're too young, but my 3 year old son is 3 foot 5 already and I' only 5'6 so I reckon he'll be at least my height by age 11. My daughter is nearly 2 and she's pretty tall too. Everywhere I go I get told how tall they are. My husband is 6 foot.

    I teach at secondary school and there are some kids in year 7 who are taller than me. There's a girl in year 8 who must be about 5'11.
    its funny our 4 year old is short for her age
  • living_loving_laughing2013
    Yup my 11 year old son is thrilled that he now has a "little" mommy because I almost have to look up at him....not saying much though since I'm ONLY 5'3....LOL.
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    She may have just hit her growth spurt early. I was 5'10" in 6th grade, hit 6'0" in 7th and never grew again.
  • HeavierThan_Heaven
    HeavierThan_Heaven Posts: 246 Member
    Sounds like me. I outgrew my parents at 11, girl hit their growth spurts sooner then boys though so she'll probably quit growing soon. As soon as I hit 5' 9" which was around the age of eleven, I was done growing.
  • MichaelYoung1976
    At 11, my daughter was about 5'6". Now, she is 15 and we're both 6'0". I don't think she's done growing either.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    i've been 5ft since i was 11.. everybody is taller than me.
  • healthywtb
    healthywtb Posts: 80 Member
    My kids all passed me in height when they were 11 or 12 years old. I am 5' 6" and my children are 6' 5", 6', 5' 10", and 5' 7". I am used to being the shortest in the family. I come from a short family - my family are the "giants" around their tiny cousins. Your daughter is very tall for 11 years old.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    I'm 5'8". My 19yo passed me years ago, and my 12yo is the same height as me now. I still have some height on my 7yo, but according to the Dr's, he's growing at a rate that will make him the tallest of the three (predicted to be around 6'5"). They get their height from their mother....she's 5'10", and she's the short one in her family.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    is your wife yao ming?
  • bocana38
    bocana38 Posts: 85
    is your wife yao ming?
  • jepatton22
    is your wife yao ming?
    lol who's that?
  • dirtmagnets
    dirtmagnets Posts: 116 Member
    My oldest son passed me up in height at age 10. At 13, he's just a hair under 6'.
  • sassynkp
    sassynkp Posts: 148 Member
    Oh yeah- my 13 yo son is 6'0' and wears a size 14 shoe. I am 5'2'. But the up side is I have not had to use my step stool to reach the top shelf for a couple of years now. :)
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    I'm barely 5'2"... I'm 99% sure my now 7 year old will pass me by the time he's 11, as he's already up to my shoulder!
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    my daugher is very close to being taller than me. she turn 11 in August. she is the 2nd tallest 5th grader on her team
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    My daughter is 8 and she's up to my shoulder so I'm thinking she will be but I'm only 5'1 so almost everyone is taller than me.
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    I am JUST barely 5ft!!! My partner is 6ft - so I believe both my son and daughter will outgrow me LOL my daughter is 10 and hasn't reached me yet. She will be short, I think, but not as short me.

    My nephew & niece however (11 & 13) have out grown me. I am reminded of that fact every time they come to visit *sigh* but my sister (their mom) is about 5ft 6 (she got the lucky taller gene).

    I think I'm the shortest person out the entire of my family (including more distant relatives) it isn't hard to outgrow me haha
  • HollyHobbitToes
    HollyHobbitToes Posts: 131 Member
    Girls can grow even in their early 20's....that is what happened to oldest is 6 and growing like crazy....both her dad and I are relatively tall but not giants (5'9"and 6'1") but I can see her sailing past 3 year old is tall for age too....and my hubby has 2 boys around 6'3"....