Do people give you a hard time abt tracking your food?



  • My husband hates it. But I do my best to do it so he doesn't have to deal with it. Worst time is after dinner when I get hungry and I am trying to decide what is appropriate for a snack.
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    My bf is generally supportive but does think its weird and says jokes like, "are you going to log that?" after we had communion at church. I just roll my eyes at him.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    My friends think it is weird and obsessive, ha my family on the other hand think it's healthy

    I think obsession is probably the key to success for a lot of us!
  • ZHawk1123
    ZHawk1123 Posts: 215
    They used to when I tracked my food... The beauty of it is though... Who the hell cares what other people think?
  • Pablito66
    Pablito66 Posts: 24 Member
    I hate when the kids see you do it, and at the top of their lungs ask, "HOW MANY CALORIES DO YOU HAVE LEFT?"
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    At first they were a little weirded out by it. But 53 pounds is all I have to say now.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    My husband did at first. He'd think I was being rediculous about sticking to a certain amount of calories. He gets it now and will actually ask me if I have enough calories for something extra. It's nice having that support now :)
  • melmckay99
    melmckay99 Posts: 358
    People don't give me a hard time about it cause I don't let them. But I do get a lot of funny looks and comments and I can tell when I am being judged. Especially now that I have lost all the weight I set out to lose, people don't understand why I keep doing it.
    Keep calm and carry on, I say! If they don't like it that is their problem not mine.
  • CristyMusicLovr
    CristyMusicLovr Posts: 179 Member
    Yes! They tell me enjoy your time with us...If I do that I become the cookie monster and eat everything on my path aaaaaaah I become a zombie!!!!!
  • skafka74
    skafka74 Posts: 20 Member
    My kids and fiance are used to it so they hardly notice anymore. My son (who desperately needs to gain weight) sometimes comments that he doesn't think I'm eating enough. I remind him that he needs to eat far more calories in a day than I do. I rarely eat out but when I do it's always with the same friend and she also uses MFP so she's doing it too.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I track every thing, every day...

    I had a friend once ask me if I planned on continuing to track, I responded, "if it helps to keep the weight off, then I will track until the day I die!"

    Tracking is the key to my success. Nearly three years at keeping 100+ pounds off, so I know it works for me.

    Generally people are more interested in what and how I track than in giving me a hard time about it. :smile:
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    Not really- someone on my facebook friend list went on a rant about how "humans weren't meant to track calories" but that's the only negative thing I've seen on it. If someone sees me on the app or on the website I'll get a "trackin your calories?" or "doing that diet thing again?" but nothing that actually resembles a hard time. Mostly small talk.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    My husband is really the only one that knows how religiously I do this and it does drive him absolutely crazy.
  • KrissyKris10
    KrissyKris10 Posts: 68 Member
    yep...I always get snotty " gotta track your calories." I also stopped getting invites to a lot of things centered around food. I'd prolly say no anyway, but it still kinda bothers me. oooh well..i'd choose being a healthy weight/body fat percentage over getting invites/putting up with snide remarks any day.
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    I think when I visit my parents they giggle quite a bit - if my Dad hands me a piece of chocolate (hershey's kiss or something similar) and I choose to eat it, I log. And he laughs at me. But not in a mocking way, I know they are proud and inspired by how much I've done in such a short time. Started in December and I have changed shape SO MUCH. I know they mean well, but can't help being flabbergasted that I log every single calorie. Everyone around me is definitely supportive. Although it took me ten minutes to decide what to eat at dinner last night and my two year old was less than thrilled with the waiting. LOL. Next time I will plan ahead better.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    No, because:

    1. No one ever sees it. I track my food by phone, but only my husband sees that (and he's on here too).
    2. I'm flexible enough to eat a meal out every now and then without having to know the calories, I don't track holidays, I don't freak out over "cheat" days. So, I don't make it a big deal and therefore no one else does either.
    3. I'm pretty private about my diet and weight loss. People only hear what they want to hear and I don't feel like correcting everyone all the time over their misinformation (except here....I don't mind doing it here :tongue: )

    This...except I don't even have internet on my phone. I track at home on the computer and I live alone, so...if the dog or cat have an issue with it, oh well :laugh:
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    The people really close to me are really supportive, and some of them use MFP themselves. Everyone else falls somewhere on the scale of "Meh, whatever works for you" to "That's pretty cool, how does it work?" to "OMG YOU ARE CLEARLY OBSESSED". Aside from that, I still get people asking me why I track now that I've reached my goal, still get those that tell me I 'need a sandwich' or 'live a little', still get those that roll their eyes because I eat 'rabbit food'.

    But you know what? I think I'm happier with myself than they are with themselves. To me, being happy with how you look and feel is one of the most important things in life. I stopped caring about what other people thought a long, long time ago.
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    I've received a few hard time from coworkers. They more make fun of what I eat, but they'll give me crap for logging.

    I used to be rude about it and do it at the table, now i just do it at the first chance in the car. :)
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    My friends actually encourage it ! Constantly shoving things at me going "OMG, SCAN THIS !"
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    My co-workers kid me about it, but they also say they wished they were in as good of shape as I am. Hmmm...