felling hopeless



  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    remember muscle weighs more than fat, so you might be losing fat and building muscle. The scales are only one indicator of weight loss. How do your clothes fit? that is a good question. Keep working on it. It will happen.
    nope nope nope! A pound of muscle equals a pound of fat...they weigh the same...don't let this false notion get stuck in your head!
    Also...DON'T give up weights...some of both will really help.

    But is a pound of muscle the same size as a pound of fat???
  • heleka7
    heleka7 Posts: 11 Member
    You have to be totally honest with yourself and with everything that you eat. Log everything, even if it's one peanut. Also, I didn't start fully utilizing this site until I started adding friends. Having people encourage and support your every move on MFP is tremendously motivating. I haven't weighed myself yet, but the non scale victories are that I now log everything, faithfully, everyday in the past week since I've really dedicted myself to using MFP. Start friending people, it will help! :)
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    remember muscle weighs more than fat, so you might be losing fat and building muscle. The scales are only one indicator of weight loss. How do your clothes fit? that is a good question. Keep working on it. It will happen.
    nope nope nope! A pound of muscle equals a pound of fat...they weigh the same...don't let this false notion get stuck in your head!
    Also...DON'T give up weights...some of both will really help.

    But is a pound of muscle the same size as a pound of fat???

    no fat has more volume to a pound. It's bigger not heavier.
  • wendylou130
    wendylou130 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't stop doing the weights, it's the best thing for you. Do you wear a heart rate monitor? If you are doing an hour and a half of weights and cardio, you could be burning anywhere between 500-1000 calories. If you are only eating 1200 calories, you are not eating enough in my opinion. Your body needs carbs...but the right kind, from fruits and veges. Do you know what your resting metabolic rate is? This is the amount of calories your body burns just by existing. Here is a great link to figure this. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/calrmr.htm. Chances are its at least 1400 calories. If you are only eating 1200, plus your exercise, your body is holding on to the weight to prevent it from starving.
  • cris_a1985
    try tracking your weight loss by a certain piece of clothing (pants work well).. doing weights can make your scale go up, even though what your doing will help you in the end.. it can be discouraging at times but try doing inches instead of pounds(:
  • danachimelle
    danachimelle Posts: 1 Member
    I think it's a shame when being in the military or being the spouse of military that people feel there are no choices. My "H" is retired from the Army so things work differently with Tricare for us but, I'd bet you could with the help of a hospital representative if necessary, have your issue be referred to an off-post doctor/specialist. I know what you mean by having a hard time getting appointments because for a short period of time I worked in the call center that made those appointments. For some services there is not even always a co-pay for the service member and/or spouse and family members. Good luck with everything! :smile:
  • liftreadphilosophize
    liftreadphilosophize Posts: 180 Member
    remember muscle weighs more than fat, so you might be losing fat and building muscle. The scales are only one indicator of weight loss. How do your clothes fit? that is a good question. Keep working on it. It will happen.
    nope nope nope! A pound of muscle equals a pound of fat...they weigh the same...don't let this false notion get stuck in your head!
    Also...DON'T give up weights...some of both will really help.

    Sigh. I hope by now someone has pointed out that what people mean by "muscle weighs more than fat" is that muscle is more DENSE than fat, so one pound of muscle is smaller in size than one pound of fat. This is not a "false notion" and people who say "muscle weighs more than fat" do not mean "one pound of muscle weighs more than one pound of fat." To assume that's what people mean is rather condescending and silly.

    But don't give up on weights. That part of the response was good. :-)