I feel helpless


I keep reading people say things like "If you don't have the desire to do it you won't", or other phrases along those lines and that is like the biggest slap in the face to me EVERY time. Losing weight and getting healthy is ALL I think about, but for some reason I find it near impossible to make the choices I need to make to turn my life around. I feel like I have lost all control of myself. I could be thinking how badly I DO NOT need whatever junk is awaiting for me in the kitchen, and as I remind myself of this over and over again, and beg myself to just stop and put it away, I am standing there fixing it for myself, then ultimately eating it. I am constantly fighting myself and it's extremely exhausting, especially when in the end all I feel is dread and disappointment in myself for not being able to control myself over something so small. I can't stand the way that I look and am disgusted with myself, if all I want is to be happy and healthy, why is it so hard for me to do this?

Just typing this makes me want to cry. I keep waiting for the magic moment when I am so miserable that I will finally just break down and do what I'm supposed to, but the moment never comes, and I keep making these horrible decisions. I don't know where to turn, my friends and family members are of no help because they do not have the same views that I have when it comes to a healthy and fit lifestyle.

I'm at a total loss. I guess I'm just wondering if other girls, or guys, have gone through this sort of helpless feeling and struggle, and if so were you able to overcome it, how?


  • teresab46970
    teresab46970 Posts: 35 Member
    I have been where you are now. I gave up on myself. I was depressed and would tell myself everyday "today I am going to eat right and get to the gym and lose weight". I didnt I would find excuses and blamed others for what I was doing. I went thru an abusive relationship and I became the names he called me, old, fat, lazy, pig. Among other names that are to bad to mention. One day I just had enough and it hit me like a mac truck. I got up waited for him to come home, when he started I told him to pack and go. That gave me "fire" in my *kitten* that I needed. I felt alive and I got in my car went to the YMCA joined and pushed myself to go everyday. And let me tell you I have energy, I have life. And I love being around people who are working on "changing" there lives too. I started out 3 days a week, doing a little here and there. I lost some weight and I liked what I seen. I go now 5 to 6 days a week and when I get discouraged I remind myself of what I was before and what I went thru and it gives me the drive to keep on pushing. You have to just do it, make yourself and dont make excuses. You will feel great trust me. Today I went and played vollyball, and I havent done that in over 25 years. Last year I couldnt ride the exercise bike for more than 10 min. I ride now for 45 min in a fast pace. I started out on the treadmill 2.0 and thought I was going to fall off after 15 min. Now I go on speed of 3.2 or 3.4 for 60 min or more and I can run higher than that. And thats pretty good for a 49 year old who's been thru breast cancer and 17 surgeries in a year. Get motivated find friends that will help with that. Go to the gym you will find plenty of friends that will be by your side. When you get going I promise your going to love it, And when you get to where you think "you just cant do it another day" pick yourself up and say "I got this" and try and keep trying. You can do this!!!!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I think eventually everyone hits their own true rock bottom, and then at that point they can begin to turn things around. How long it takes is going to be different for everyone. Just like quitting smoking, how many quit attempts does the average person make before being successful, lots and lots. You'll get their eventually. If you don't even make the attempt, it'll certainly never happen, just keep trying, doing your best, it'll click soon enough.
  • Thesarahmonster
    Thesarahmonster Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you. That's what I'm doing. I just keep telling myself to not give up and even if I fail, know that I'm always working towards that goal. It's so frustrating and it's very hard to stay positive, but right now in my life this is all I really want.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    It took me about 18 months of trying over and over again....of disgust and denial. ....before I hit bottom. There was no way I could do it till then. Yet others just decide it's time and that's all they need.

    You CAN lose weight. It's one thing in our lives we can control, even if we need help to do it. That's why I came here. I am not perfect. ...I slip up. But you just make the slip ups fewer and you will succeed. I don't get help from family. So I don't look for it. Thiz is MY fight and there is no crying defeat this time. Because its for life.
  • Thesarahmonster
    Thesarahmonster Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for the inspiration! I guess my biggest fear is that it's going to get a lot worse, before it gets better. That really terrifies me. I am already at my heaviest weight and I'm not sure how I would handle it if I gained even more.
  • KassLamb
    KassLamb Posts: 98 Member
    Wow. It took me a few seconds to realize that I wasn't reading about myself.

    *Hugs* I've been there. I've been stuck there for years.

    Perhaps a better wording would be, "If you don't have the desire to do it, you won't. And if you do have the desire to do it, you just might, with a struggle." If you didn't have the desire, you wouldn't be here. I'm assuming you're on this site for support. That's what it's for. Take advantage of this community! We're all in this together. I believe that anyone CAN do it. But I would never tell anyone that it's easy, or even that it's not the hardest thing they may ever have to do.
  • Thesarahmonster
    Thesarahmonster Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks so much! That was very inspirational :)

    I get into these spurts where I do really good for a while, but we just moved and I lost the flow of everything. We got caught in the fast food trap and I have been in a total funk. I don't have a job outside of the home, or any real friends here. It's a nightmare some days.
  • Thesarahmonster
    Thesarahmonster Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you Kasslamb, It's comforting to know that others are going through or have gone through a similar struggle.
  • yukifer
    yukifer Posts: 41
    Chin up girl. I've recently been doing some introspection too, and I came across some great information. If you ever listen to podcasts - check out '8 hour confidence' by Joseph Clough - it's an entirely free podcast with lots of self hypnosis. The best part I got out of it is working through limiting beliefs and self sabotage - these are actually not things in us that are to be hated - they're rooted in self preservation and can be worked through to act in your benefit. Good Luck to you!
  • sonhando
    sonhando Posts: 69 Member
    Learning new habits is hard. Also, though it does happen for some, it's not like a switch you suddenly set to eat right and exercise. Expect to have bumps in between, but keep forging forward.
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    Baby steps...take it one min of the day at a time. Seriously, those few mini accomplishments over time will just keep building up!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I think when you're in a really bad funk, that literally just taking it one day at a time is key. I've been on a week long binge, finally got so disgusted with myself, and today my goal was to stay in my calories and NO sweets, that's my binge trigger. I made it, through the one day, before I go to bed, I'll figure out what my goal is for tomorrow. One day, one little goal at a time - in the beginning, when you're doing better, make bigger, longer goals.
  • 0nichan
    0nichan Posts: 5
    The biggest step you can take is to stop putting the junk food in your kitchen in the first place, that will help a lot. Just don't bring junk food into your house. Find something else to eat that is real food that won't poison you and bring THAT home. You will feel better when you need to snack and you won't have to struggle with control issues. Second step is if you really really want the junk food, find a way to make it yourself. Do you love brownies? Try a black bean brownie recipe instead of the flour-egg-sugar variety - you can't tell the difference. Cookies? Try using almond or coconut flour instead of the great nutrient void that is enriched white flour. Sandwiches? It only takes a couple hours, mainly of waiting for dough to rise, to make your own loaf of bread. Then you don't have to worry about the additives, preservatives, and massive amounts of sugar that are put into store-bought loaves of bread. When I was lucky enough to live in the "Salad Bowl" of central CA, I could spend $30 a week and have a huge amount of fresh, healthy, and delicious food. Now I'm in the midwest and it is so hard, especially in the dead winter, to find fresh food but I've been digging around and paying extra for REAL food while sacrificing in other areas to avoid falling into a junk food trap again. But back to the first thing I said, the most important step is to stop bringing home junk food at all.
  • NZRose7
    NZRose7 Posts: 21 Member
    Maybe taking small baby steps would help. LIke, if you just can not say NO to a bowl of ice cream, have half the amount you normally would. That way your still getting what you want but only doing half as much damage. I've only recently had the 'rock bottom moment' (this time around at loosing weight), when a friend wanted to treat me to a new outfit and took me shopping. Lovely of her to think of me but i felt really humiliated cause I knew nothing she suggested would even come close to fitting of looking good. I started off with a detox which helped me heaps cause I no longer crave sugar, which was my weakness.
  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    I've been there and not that long ago. I'll I can say is don't give up on yourself, even if you think your failing don't let that stop you from trying again and again. I watched "Hungary For Change" on netflix just before Christmas and have 20lbs since then. I never put my heaviest weight 240 lbs onto my profile.

    Somethings from that movie that really popped out at me where.

    1. Don't take away from your diet ADD salad, veggies and fruit to every meal.
    2. Add omega 3 flax, chia seeds and salmon.
    3. Make sure you have lean healthy protein.

    I bought the book "The Gabriel Method" by Jon Gabriel he really deals with emotional aspects of weight loss and has a different take. http://www.thegabrielmethod.com/

    And I really like the movie Joe Cross made http://www.fatsickandnearlydead.com/

    I think you are really brave to be so honest. I'm sure most people here have felt like this, just hang in there and don't give up on yourself. ((Hugs))
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    :happy: Hello... I understand what you are saying.... But keep going... This site has helped me a lot.... By keeping my thoughts straight.... You can do this and you will succeed... Others who are not in our places normally do not understand what it means to be in our positions... Keep your view of who you are in mind no matter what... If you get weak post it... And there are many of us who will be here to help...I am working not only to lose the weight....but I am also working to get the strength back in my left side... I lost most of the control of my muscles because of a neck injury.... So depression and feeling bad sometimes are a lot... But I want to get my mobility back so I am going to keep going... As should you keep your spirit up.... You will get where you want to go...
  • res119
    res119 Posts: 27
    I have never related to anyone more on this site. I couldn't tell you how many times I would say "wow this is really it, I can feel it. I'm going to lose the weight this time!" And then failed again, and again...and again. It really made me wonder if it would ever "click" for me too. I understand your fear of hitting a new low in order for it to finally click for you, but that did not happen for me! A month ago I just made one healthy choice. It was a random, normal day, and I decided why not? I will just resist the french fries this one time. So I did. And I was SO proud of myself. I held onto that feeling with all my might, and then I decided to make a good decision for dinner too, just to see how I felt. Of course I felt even MORE proud. Then I just kept going, meal by meal, one meal at a time. I made healthy choice after healthy choice and I hadn't been that proud of myself for a long time. I went strong for about a week and then Valentine's Day rolled around and my boyfriend (who I live with, and has bad eating habits) suggested we have pizza. So I had the pizza. BUT the very next day I woke up and started making healthy decisions again, one meal at a time.

    I have binged so many times, knowing what I was doing and how badly I wanted to lose weight, yet still eating all the terrible food for me anyway for whatever reason (just like you!!!) But the reason I have been going strong for a month now is because of that amazing feeling I have knowing that not only am I actually making healthy choices and doing this for real for the first time in my life, but also that it is actually working! I was one of those people who would "try" for two days, not lose weight, and think what's the point and give up. But just by giving it a week I actually lost weight. Now I have lost 8 pounds in a month, and it is just one more thing that keeps me going.

    I think the most important thing is if you mess up, do not continue on for the whole day, or two days, and especially not the whole week! Stop yourself and then give yourself a break instead of beating yourself up. One bad day won't ruin your progress, but weeks will definitely throw it off which of course would be super discouraging.

    It really is a mental game. I am in a situation like you where I do not really have any friends right now. It is hard when there are so many things going on in your life that are upsetting and hard to deal with, but this is something you can control. It really feels amazing when you do too.

    Sorry for the novel! I just had to let you know that you are not alone. I hope I helped at least somewhat. Good luck to you, YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • MouseTmom
    MouseTmom Posts: 201 Member
    I think many of us have felt the same way. I have some of the same problems you do.

    Now comes the hard part - and I don't mean to be a meanie. 1st - if you can't say no to "bad" food then don't keep it in the house or get some of those 100 calorie packs for when you want a snack and just eat one. 2nd - log your food. i just looked at your food diary and there were only a couple days in the past 2 weeks where there was any logging. Logging really does help! Every morning I log the food i am planning to eat for the day - I pack my breakfast and lunch to eat at work and usually know what I am fixing for dinner. If I plan to go out for dinner I go onto the restaurant website and see what they have that will fit my calories for the day. LECTURE OVER!!!

    I've been fat my whole life - have lost 40 pounds since June. Just remember - we do all have bad days. There are days I look in the mirror and hate what I see! There are days I just want to go buy a big container of ice cream and eat it all - or a bag of candy, or a bag of chips - or a large size big mac and fries - and sometimes I do it (well maybe not aWHOLE container of ice cream). When those days happen, just gotta shake it off and start again tomorrow!!

    Just keep trying - that is all we can do.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I think everyone who has ever had a significant amount of weight to lose has felt as you do... what changes? No idea. But at some point you'll just do it. It starts with baby steps.

    I think what often happens is everyone figures, "If I'm going to have to drastically change everything, I want results immediately." That's totally self-defeating. They'll come on here to MFP, set their goal to lose 2 lbs per week, start working out every day and feel so deprived they binge, quit or whatever.

    Here is my advice:

    1) Set a small goal to start. Start by aiming for a 1/2 lb weight loss weekly.

    2) Track what you are eating. Get a food scale if you don't have one and start weighing and measuring everything. Don't do anything but aim to stay at that daily calorie target +/- 20 or 30 calories.

    3) Move a little more.

    4) Try and eat some protein every time you eat anything. It will help with moods, satiety and muscle retention while dieting.

    5) Aim for the highest fiber options you can find. Again, combine high fiber foods with protein and you'll be full all day.

    6) Don't bother with fat-free/sugar-free/taste-free non-foods. Fat is good for you. It helps you feel full.

    7) Try and drink mostly water, herbal teas and other decaffeinated, non-alcoholic beverages.

    8) Eventually you'll aim to increase your protein intake. Don't try this right away.

    9) Eventually aim to add regular weight training for about 45-60 minutes, 3 times/week to your schedule.

    10) Take every opportunity to learn your own habits, desires... what makes you tick.

    If you do all of the above, in 6 months time you would be down about 15 lbs or so and feeling great. And if you mastered tracking and hitting your calorie target without feeling deprived, you could change your goal to 1 lb lost/week... you'll get 250 calories less than you were with a goal of 1/2 a pound per week, but by the time you do it, you'll be ready to cut them out.

    Take it slow. Very few of us got fat overnight. It takes time... there are so many success stories here on MFP. There's no reason why you can't be one of them.
  • psych0kitty
    psych0kitty Posts: 313
    Hang in there. I've definitely been there.

    Are you exercising? I find that it helps my mood, which in turn reduces cravings. I noticed that when I feel like crap, I'm more likely to lose control over my inner monster.

    I don't want to assume that you are depressed, but I feel that it's likely. I also take 5-htp for my mood, which is a natural serotonin-boosting substance, and is also supposed to help with emotional eating. Let me be the first to say that there's no supplement/drug that will do the work for you, but it helps me do my own work.