Am I just different????



  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Milk is never a good idea because it is made of pure fat. Cow's milk is made to take a little baby calf and turn it into a big fat cow. Not to sound rude, but drinking milk is just asking to add fat. My boyfriend said when he was in the army he drank a lot of chocolate milk because it was one of the few things he liked and he added a lot of fat to his body.


    Not true. If it was p[ure fat it would be solid for a start.

    Anyway, what do I know, I only drink the stuff three or four times a week :wink: . See ticker below (and if you want that in lbs, multiply it by 2.2).
    That other lady was wrong about milk being pure fat, but you're wrong about pure fats being solid. Typically saturated fats will be solid at room temperature but unsaturated fats like olive oil are liquid at room temperature.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Milk is never a good idea because it is made of pure fat. Cow's milk is made to take a little baby calf and turn it into a big fat cow. Not to sound rude, but drinking milk is just asking to add fat. My boyfriend said when he was in the army he drank a lot of chocolate milk because it was one of the few things he liked and he added a lot of fat to his body.


    Milk is a perfectly good idea as long as you can fit it into your calorie goal. It's also great for calcium, something the body very much needs. Chocolate milk has more calories than milk on average, it's understandable that he might put on some weight. However, if he was drinking that to the exclusion of other things, it would be more the volume of milk he drank that did the damage than the milk itself.

    Yes, most likely it was the added sugar in the Chocolate milk which added the pounds. The calories in Choc milk are crazy high, which is what makes it a good recovery drink for endurance athletes. For the average person, it takes up a lot of your cals for the day.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Nuts are a great way to up your cals, while getting in essential healthy fats. Almonds are my favorite, especially the cocoa roasted and cinnamon roasted ones. Yum!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Milk is never a good idea because it is made of pure fat. Cow's milk is made to take a little baby calf and turn it into a big fat cow. Not to sound rude, but drinking milk is just asking to add fat. My boyfriend said when he was in the army he drank a lot of chocolate milk because it was one of the few things he liked and he added a lot of fat to his body.


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Milk is never a good idea because it is made of pure fat. Cow's milk is made to take a little baby calf and turn it into a big fat cow. Not to sound rude, but drinking milk is just asking to add fat. My boyfriend said when he was in the army he drank a lot of chocolate milk because it was one of the few things he liked and he added a lot of fat to his body.



    My thought exactly!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    <--- Drinks chocolate milk every night. :drinker:
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Milk is never a good idea because it is made of pure fat. Cow's milk is made to take a little baby calf and turn it into a big fat cow. Not to sound rude, but drinking milk is just asking to add fat. My boyfriend said when he was in the army he drank a lot of chocolate milk because it was one of the few things he liked and he added a lot of fat to his body.


    No. The hottest chicks on my FL all drink milk. Calorie surplus puts fat on your body.
  • MandySparklePants
    Why would anyone ever want to ingest something that was created to be ingested by cows, not humans. Hello. Fall for cheap marketing ploys if you will.

    I also never said everyone who drinks milk is fat. Obviously.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Why would anyone ever want to ingest something that was created to be ingested by cows, not humans. Hello. Fall for cheap marketing ploys if you will.

    I also never said everyone who drinks milk is fat. Obviously.

    umm do you eat meat?

    You said milk is "pure" fat the implication that anyone drinking milk is drinking "pure" fat, hence they are getting fat from drinking milk.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Why would anyone ever want to ingest something that was created to be ingested by cows, not humans. Hello. Fall for cheap marketing ploys if you will.

    I also never said everyone who drinks milk is fat. Obviously.
    You're just digging yourself in deeper.
  • zerot0nin
    zerot0nin Posts: 5 Member
    I have a similar issue, I find that when I work out hard, my body gets really stressed and my appetite disappears. I do, however, experience the symptoms of not eating enough: headaches, lethargy, sluggishness...

    I've tried to manage this by being diligent about eating small meals more frequently, and making sure that I eat even when I'm not hungry because I know my body needs it.

    Another thing to consider is that its not necessarily the food that you eat day-by-day, but your overall eating habits that are going to enact a change. If you don't eat enough one day, try eating more the next. It'll all even out in the end over a week, and over the months (and a lifetime, I guess!)

    I posted something similar to this today, and was reminded to eat more calorie-dense foods. I already try to cook with coconut oil, olive oil and eat fatty fishes like Salmon more often. But also adding avocado and eggs to dishes, drinking a glass of milk are simple ways to add healthy calories and fats into your diet when you need it.

    Good luck!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Why would anyone ever want to ingest something that was created to be ingested by cows, not humans. Hello. Fall for cheap marketing ploys if you will.

    I also never said everyone who drinks milk is fat. Obviously.

    And those vegetables you're eating were made specifically for humans to eat?

    Fail logic is Fail.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Why would anyone ever want to ingest something that was created to be ingested by cows, not humans. Hello. Fall for cheap marketing ploys if you will.

    I also never said everyone who drinks milk is fat. Obviously.

    Because Ice-cream and lattes, obviously.
  • MandySparklePants
    I think it's so funny that on a site to promote weight loss through friendship that many of you are just waiting to pounce on anyone who has an opinion that yo do not agree with. Way to go.
  • lisabundy5
    Drink less water so you can consume the calories back. Add almonds to your diet, or chia seeds to just about ANYTHING....I was doing the same thing, cut back my water, added more calories and what do you know? I started losing again, and NOT muscles! =) But remember to consume GOOD calories back, not just crap to add up!