Do you "lie" on your food diary?



  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Nope it all goes in... the good, the extra treats and the endless carbs, full fat cans of coke/ginger beer, alcohol... who would it benefit if I cheated?

    Now if you're asking if I am always 100% accurate... at home I measure as reasonably as I can (Dig scales)... and out and about I try and find the actual, or the nextr best thing on the database.

    But in the grand scheme of things - I am still losing so... I must be doing something right!
  • wbfd22
    wbfd22 Posts: 65 Member
    I just started MFP this week, and although I have yet to meet my calorie goal it's set out for me, I record EVERYTHING that touches my lips. Even spices, oils, butter and wine!! I find I'm not hungry, I'm always eating or munching and drinking lots of extra water. I don't see the point in lying to myself or anyone else who reads my diary. I'm the only one it hurts in the end!!
  • scadgirl20
    scadgirl20 Posts: 134 Member
    Except for something extremely small in calorie, I log everything even usually the small small things. I'll only be hurting myself if I don't. I do not care what everyone else thinks of what Im eating. Its my body and in the end I'll be the one screwing up if I fudge it
  • amandaecee
    amandaecee Posts: 1 Member
    They may be exercising regularly, and maybe they aren't eating back the calories they burn...or maybe they are really eating that little calories. I know i try to eat at least 1500 calories but sometimes i eat less and sometimes i eat more, i usually dont update when i binge just because i dont want a reminder of it. but maybe they arent lying they may just really be eating that little or burning a lot of calories and cant eat them all back.
  • 5hellz
    5hellz Posts: 63 Member
    I log everything I eat, no matter what it is and I have been regularly logging less than 1000 calories per day. But good or bad, I do not lie about what I am taking in because I really need to know what my pattern is. I know it's hurting me and I need to change it but I am not hungry and don't know what to do.

    I posted a topic on it and have gotten a lot of good advice on how to fill the void of those extra calories.
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    I record everything even if it looks bad and keep my diary open to friends so I stay accountable!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    no. lying on my food diary would defeat the object of keeping it. It on occasion does not reflect reality, e.g. sometimes I forget to log the last meal of the day, this is because I eat that meal, know I've had my calories for the day, and stop eating, but forget to log it. What counts is what goes in my body. My food diary is a tool to let me know when I've put enough food in my body, and whether I'm not eating enough protein. It won't give me that information if I lie to it.

    People who are eating too few calories probably really are eating only that many calories, and my advice to them would be to eat more, but it seems there are a lot of people who want to be hungry and miserable in spite of the fact that they can lose without putting themselves through that. There's an "in place of a road map" thread for anyone who wants to know how much they should eat to lose weight while still feeding their body properly.
  • Justamom410
    Justamom410 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm a big person eating a steady 800 calories a day because I had weight loss surgery - these people may have had the same and are not sharing that aspect of their weight loss so I wouldnt be so fast to say that they are lying.

    I put "lie" in quotes for that very reason...I don't actually know if they are lying or not. And you're right, I don't know everything about them and whether they had surgery.
  • LGrill27
    LGrill27 Posts: 337 Member
    I have to admit I don't lie about my food, I get lazy tracking it. I have a genral idea of how many calories I've consumed. On the weekends when I'm out and about with friends I just skip that day.
  • trb85
    trb85 Posts: 81 Member
    It's one thing to "forget" to log a meal. But I see breakfast, lunch and dinner...and each meal is like 300 calories.

    I use other people's food diaries to get ideas for new meals. So it's frustrating when all I see is "2 saltine crackers" or something.

    I'm just getting back on the wagon after over a year of being off. And I'm determined to get the weight off and keep it off.

    Get new friends.


    If you're not on a similar diet, then ditch those folks and move on. Let them enjoy their two little crackers.

    There are other people you can follow who 1.) actually eat and 2.) eat reasonably and to their goal.
  • Andaisy1
    Andaisy1 Posts: 306 Member
    Lie?!? Why lie, you're only hurting yourself. Although I love my MFP family this is my journey and I'm the only one that will (or will not) benefit from it.. I put everything down, good or bad and there are plenty of days I don't get over 1000 calories. It's not done on purpose sometimes life gets in the way.

    ^^ This! Well said!
  • MenaMena
    MenaMena Posts: 232 Member
    more likely they did not completely log. I have that problem sometimes. sometimes my days are so hectic I forget to log.
  • thepotz
    thepotz Posts: 34 Member
    I try and plan a day in advance that way seems to stop me eating sh1t :)
    no need to lie when you eat 3700 a day :)
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Nope, never have, I even count my 60 cal pudding cups every evening. Nom nom nom.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Nope. I try to log everything (e.g., gum, cough drops, three Goldfish crackers that my 2-year old fed me, etc.) and I overestimate to compensate for any mistakes I might make. Fudging on calories is an incredibly slippery slope that I do not want to find myself on.
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    No, that would be kind of silly...who would I be lying to but myself and myself knows the truth :drinker:
  • LisaMarie8713
    I've had low days myself, but I delete people who make a point of starving themselves regularly. I try to be sensible about what I eat and get some sort of exercise every day. I know I need the food to fuel my body and if I go over, I go over. I don't tend to binge though, because it just makes me sick...
  • never124get
    never124get Posts: 163
    I must log everything, sometimes I end up with a greater defect after a workout or whatever but believe me I eat lol and even if it's like a bite of something or a nibble off a cookie. I have to log it. Call it what you will *OCD* but....I believe that's what's gotten me to where I am now. I love logging and I don't think I will ever stop.
  • wannalose25
    wannalose25 Posts: 69 Member
    thanks for sharing!!:smile:
  • TomjsAj
    TomjsAj Posts: 45 Member
    My food diary may say as low as 600 some days but that is not true, it is low because I did not log everything. I don't get online every day and sometimes after a weekend when I do get online I forgot what I ate or don't feel like going back to those days to log all of it. So I would say some days are inaccurate but I didn't lie.