Do you "lie" on your food diary?



  • sometimes I go under a 1000, its not healthy and its not because I want to. A lot of my snacks during the day are veggies and are very low calorie. Last week I had 3 days I think where I was under 1000.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I see some food diaries where people are consuming less than 1000 calories a day...multiple days in a row. And these aren't "small" people. I'm wondering if maybe they are fudging it? I mean...can someone really be healthy eating 900 calories a day??

    I try to log everything that I eat. Even if it means admitting that I made a bad choice. I just don't understand how people can live on that little.

    I'm sure that some people fail to log everything. That said, there are a lot of idiots on MFP who like starving themselves everyday too.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    No. There are days I don't log. Days that I don't log everything because I have gotten lazy (mostly weekends), but during the week I log everything as best as I can.
  • happychic
    happychic Posts: 43 Member
    I don't "lie", i just don't record everything when I have really bad days. So If i have a 500 calorie day, I know it isn't accurate and I splurged at lunch and/or dinner.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Nope, what's the point? Aren't we tryin to get an accurate picture of what we are putting into our bodies?
  • mbelle97
    mbelle97 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm never that low in total calories consumed unless I'm sick. Ocassionaly I may be that low with excercise calories deducted. For me, a lot of my meals are 200-300 calories per meal because I like to save calories for a snack at night. And I like being to have a snickers bar or popcorn. Also, some people also have stright carb goals.. I find myself under in my calories but over in my carbs.. being pre-diab. and PCOS and I will have cheese or something to make up the calories.
    All that being said I log everything except spices, unless I'm doing a recipe.
  • I don't lie but I do regularly eat around 1000 calories a day and I don't starve myself. It can be done.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    No. Never. I am learning that I am the type of person who can never eat willy nilly and throw stuff in my mouth without thinking about it. As contorling as it may seem, I need to be aware of every single calorie because if I slide into lying or not paying attention, I will be right back where I was before. So no, I never lie. What would be the point of lying to myself? :noway:
  • divaindy
    divaindy Posts: 108 Member
    No, WHY lie to yourself?
    Maybe in the wrong order or spot but everything is there even if its higher calories than actual.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I'm new - could you please explain what 'Insanity' is?

    Its a high intensity BeachBody at home workout. Mega cardio with some strength 6 days a week. If you google it or searchnit, you'll find tons on it.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Unfortunately, I do know people who regularly consume less than 1,000 calories a day. *sigh*

    For myself, however, I never bother to lie on my log. Why? I would only be hurting myself. I'm not here to be held accountable to other people for what I eat, only myself, so it's pointless to lie. I might forget sometimes, but I always try and go back and add it in later if I remember, even if it's the next day, so that I have an as accurate as possible weekly overview.
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    I sometimes have a hard time getting to 1200 calories. But not because I am trying to starve myself, but because I am on carb restriction due to glucose reasons. And I def don't binge =p However I allow myself one cheat meal on fridays. It makes me happy and keeps my metabolism moving. I have recently upped my carbs a little since I was eating around 30g of carb per meal and 15g per snack. Not an easy task. When I start my exercise and strength training of course I will probably eat more. Although I sit back and wonder how a lot of people can just consume 1800 calories. I don't even think I was consuming that much when I wasn't on a diet lol.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Nope, what's the point? Aren't we tryin to get an accurate picture of what we are putting into our bodies?

    yeah...that's what i was trying to say. :wink:
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    I see some food diaries where people are consuming less than 1000 calories a day...multiple days in a row. And these aren't "small" people. I'm wondering if maybe they are fudging it? I mean...can someone really be healthy eating 900 calories a day??

    I try to log everything that I eat. Even if it means admitting that I made a bad choice. I just don't understand how people can live on that little.
    Healthy? Probably not. Doable, certainly.

    The only person you're lying to if you don't log properly is yourself. And what's the point in that?
  • shellykzoo
    shellykzoo Posts: 21 Member
    I think it is tempting for all of us but who are we cheating? MFP is my tool to make progress, reach personal goals and get healthy!
  • I have been logging everything and that is why I keep my food diary private. I think some people on here are too judgy (I mean it is the internet) and if I am losing weight and working towards better choices, than it works for me. I'd rather have a private diary and log everything than make my diary look pretty but not accurate because I care too much about what my MFP friends think.
  • Telleup
    Telleup Posts: 6
    I try not to lie on my diary and if anything I over estimate my portion size because I am really trying to hold myself accountable for what I consume. In addition to that it helps me to know how long I need to work out at night to account for any extras I might eat. I guess my question to you is does it really matter what others do? Focus on you because this is your journey - not anybody elses. Do what you need to to do to get to the point you need to get to!
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    Most of the time I can only log in what I eat while I'm at work because when I'm at home, my son takes up all of my time. The only time I get without him being right under my feet is after he has gone to bed at 8, but then its time to do the house work like dishes and laundry which I cant do around him because he just pulls everything right back out! He turns 1 this Friday so it is about impossible to get anything done with him around. I usually know what my calorie count is for the day once I leave work and I usually eat around that. I know if I had more cals than usual durring the day, I'm only eating a salad for dinner, but if I had too few, I will have my regular dinner with my hubby. I always mean to put it in the next morning, and always forget. So far I have lost 7 lbs in about a month. So far so good, right?
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    NO!!!! I may not log something because I forget, but I do know whether it fits in with my calories or not. I have not SUBMITTED my log at the end of the day due to not remembering what all I ate, and I do that because I just don't want to LIE to myself or anyone else for that matter. It's not worth it. And if I can remember and I do go over, I log it. I beat myself up about it, but begin a new day the next! You only hurt yourself when you lie about it. Now I have just logged in QUICK calories for something I've eaten to avoid judgement from my MFP friends. I joined MFP for support and for myself, not for others to judge WHAT I eat (unless I ask them to), so I have gone the easy route and logged quick calories instead.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    No. *polishes halo*