Do you "lie" on your food diary?



  • angiecullifer
    angiecullifer Posts: 13 Member
    Nope. I log everything I put into my mouth.
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    I see all these postings from people "bashing" others for consuming low calories... come on people not everyone is the same! I try to consume 1000 or less calories a day just to maintain my weight. This has been working for me now for the last few months... which is why my weight does not change. At 108 lbs, you have to watch your food intake and keep calories low otherwise the weight will creep back on...

    Yes I do cheat a bit when recording my calories... I will have gum, some sugar free candy, tea, sugar free jello, e.g. and not record it in my diary and I don't precisely measure my meat and potatoes... but then, I never use milk or butter in my preparations. I pretty much use calorie tracking as a guideline for what to eat and when to stop eating. I figure tracking calories, unless you measure and weigh everything is not an exact science. Yet it still is a great tool to help stay on track.
  • Darlin8893
    Darlin8893 Posts: 10 Member
    I don't because I am only lying to myself... I try to eat right and stay under or at the calories, but I'm not perfect and there are days that I don't.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I would never lie. I am here to make a lifestyle change I wanna see in writing everything I take in!!
  • even though I am new to MFP, and only a couple days here, I have already been warned that I am not eating enough and my body could go into starvation mode, making it harder to loose. Maybe they dont understand it and continue to eat less to loose more, which wont be the case. I know that was always my problem with Diets and is why I am so excited to learn to eat the right way with MFP.
  • Darlin8893
    Darlin8893 Posts: 10 Member
    Fantastic! Will definitely be using that quote!
  • Mimisam45
    Mimisam45 Posts: 132 Member
    I would love to lie about that Steak & Shake Mushroom Swiss burger that I had yesterday!!! But I didn't and it was over 900 calories!! I was still within my calories because I was "forced" to grab fast food because I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and it was 3:00 pm. Then I didn't eat anything after that either and I had worked out that morning!!! :blushing:

    My first wheat (or other grain) product in over two months!!
  • jboss1989
    jboss1989 Posts: 25
    Why bother? The people I know won't fault me for making a poor eating decision once in a while, and who cares what the people I don't know think? Yes, there are plenty of days where I forget to log, or l don't log my entire day, but just because I am forgetful. I usually over-estimate my calories if I don't know the exact number for sure. At the end of the day, this site is a tool to help you lose weight and eat more healthily. If you choose to binge yet not log that, that's fine, but you lose weight based on what you actually consume, not what you log, so you are only hurting yourself.
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    I try to over calculate the calories I eat so I know I'm within the deficit. If I had a cup of yogurt I'll say I had one and a quarter. Things like that. Often I log around 1,000 calories a day... which because I'm a healthy eater can be a pretty significant amount of food. Sometimes it's 1300 sometimes 1700, but most days 1000. The only thing I can think of that I forget to log usually is my coffee but I drink it black so that's about 8 calories which is usually covered anyway from over logging something else. I do have friends that don't log their cheat days, but since they consider it their day off they don't feel they should. They're in good shape so I don't feel it's causing them any harm.
  • jess6741
    jess6741 Posts: 107 Member
    I record everything I eat. However, I don't always believe the number of calories are accurate especially if it's from a restaurant. I assume that calories in food are underestimated and calories from exercise are overestimated. So it's not uncommon for me to have a day under 1200 and really uncommon for me to net 1200 or more.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I don't lie, but there are days I purposely go 'Off Track" and don't log. I have plenty of +700 calories days though.
  • janeeley68
    janeeley68 Posts: 40 Member
    I log ALL my foods for the day before I leave my house each morning. I am a planner and I know exactly what I am going to eat from the time I get up until I eat my last meal of the day.

    I teach the principles of the Body for Life program and planning your meals is key with this program.

    Another reason it is good to log your foods all at once instead of waiting until you eat them, you can tweak your foods. Let's say my fat is over the top for the day. I can remove a food I logged and replace it with a lower fat food instead. Not only are you looking at your daily calories, you must look at what those calories are made up of.

    It feels good when I get to work each morning and know I have all meals on me and I have logged all my foods into MFP database. Just another task I can mark off for the day.
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    SOmetimes it's scary (and daunting and quite a chore as well) to log a bad day of calories. If I get off track, I find that I start obssessing too much over the numbers and then the stress alone packs on pounds. So thats why Ive started eating intuitively, and log my calories at the end of the day (once or twice a week, just to see how much ive eaten), rather than track calories and plan my meals around them.
  • bellalyfe
    bellalyfe Posts: 13 Member
    i take phentermine so its normal for me to consume between 800-950 calories max on average. i log everything, even the gum i chew.
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    I don't lie, but sometimes if I know I am not going to go over my calories for the day then I get lazy and don't log dinner. That is also why I keep my diary private, so people don't ask questions!
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    Nope. If I eat it, I put it down. Even if it's after the fact. I will go back the next day and put it down.
  • I don't lie on mine. I am brutally honest even when it hurts.

    I need to get here ^^^

    I don't lie but my weekends are my weakness and I tend to not log because I know I've been bad and feel guilty about it. I need to log even if I do go over my calories....that is my challenge for the rest of this month...log even if it's the weekend and even if I eat horribly....I'm good at getting back on track once Monday starts....but I want to be healthy on the weeknds too....

    thank you for saying this. You have made my mind "click"
  • no i don't. what would be the point of even having one if you would lie on it?? I had a lot of trouble getting my eating habits under control but now that i am I NEVER eat more than 1000 calories a day and that's with working 8+ hours a day, working out whenever i have time, and walking as much as possible. It's called self control and I've worked my *kitten* off for it and my results are the best reward :)
  • laurie41565
    laurie41565 Posts: 64 Member
    No I don't lie on it. Kind of defeats the purpose of tracking. I don't see how anyone can function on 900 cals!! . I would think that they have absolutely "0" energy.
  • Julem22
    Julem22 Posts: 107 Member
    Nope and today is a day I am not proud of.