Help me lose and get lean!

Hi guys and girls I'm currently trying to lose a few pounds of fat to uncover my muscles and get lean, I started jan 1st,lost 14lbs by feb but now it's stalled..........I've been between 163lbs and 161lbs for the whole of feb and start of march, I increased my calories 7 days ago and don't feel as hungry but am still not losing! How can I lose the fat quicker and get the lean look I want? And how long can i expect it to take? Any tips be very helpful

5"10 male
Very active....8hrs day painting and decorating,weights and cardio(20mins) 3 days a week,90 mins football on sat, 3hrs fishing 1-2 nights a week.
Was eating 1400 cals now up to 2160

Please help or at least tell me I'm doing the right things!
Thanks in advance


  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Quick bump
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Give your calories increase more than a week, and even then with your activity level you may still be under eating where you want to be.. At your weight your gonna want to focus on weights more, eating correctly and right amounts of protein.. your probably looking to drop BF% more than weight being 5'10 / 161
  • Stoli24
    Stoli24 Posts: 14
    What kinds of foods are you eating every day? Also, what's your protein level look like?
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Have a look at my diary bud, I'm struggling to eat full protein even with shakes, I'm getting around 120-140g at most! Should I take more shakes?
    I alternate eggs/porridge for breakfast
    Nuts natural yog mid morning
    A lot of chicken breast/tuna salads for lunch
    Dinner varies a lot
    Apples and bananas as snacks
    1-2 protein shakes with skimmed milk a day
    Cereal snacks/jelly evening

    Do I need to build more muscle then? I want rid of my BF% more than weight!
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    My BMR is 1856
    TDEE is 3527
    So -20% of TDEE leaves me with 2821 calories a day, does that seem too high? Should I just try and do more weights and intake more protein at my current 2160 cals and give it a few weeks?
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Weights 3 times a week!!!! Try Stronglifts 5x5 program!!

    Cardio just 1-2 times a week!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Slowly lower your deficit.

    Strength train.

    Do a reasonable amount of Cardio if things like VO2 max and stuff like that is important to you

    Get adequate protein
  • Donna_Olsen
    Donna_Olsen Posts: 20 Member
    I was like you, got rid of the carbs, even fruit! But I'm eating lots of greens, and only fullfat product like cream, fullfat (10%) fat youghurt or cream and so on. Now I'm AT LAST getting thin! And I feel great, have more energy than ever! :) I changed my life to LCHF (low carb high fat), and I'm NOT changing back! :) Try it! Here is a link if you wan't to know more about it!

    At least don't eat any carbs in the evening! They'll go right on your stomach, bacause you'll not have a chance to burn them.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    My BMR is 1856
    TDEE is 3527
    So -20% of TDEE leaves me with 2821 calories a day, does that seem too high? Should I just try and do more weights and intake more protein at my current 2160 cals and give it a few weeks?

    Eat at 2821.

    Give it two weeks and if you're not losing increase your deficit.

    If your TDEE is 3527 and your only eating 2160 you're undereating and as a result will lose more lean body mass.
  • Donna_Olsen
    Donna_Olsen Posts: 20 Member
    And I just realized that my calorie intake is much more than yours... I'm more active now, under lunch (45min) and in the evenings, but still sitting infront of the computer all day at work..
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I was like you, got rid of the carbs, even fruit! But I'm eating lots of greens, and only fullfat product like cream, fullfat (10%) fat youghurt or cream and so on. Now I'm AT LAST getting thin! And I feel great, have more energy than ever! :) I changed my life to LCHF (low carb high fat), and I'm NOT changing back! :) Try it! Here is a link if you wan't to know more about it!

    At least don't eat any carbs in the evening! They'll go right on your stomach, bacause you'll not have a chance to burn them.

    1. Carbs aren't the problem. It all breaks down to calories in vs. calories expended. I'm not saying that this doesn't work for you and many other as when people cut out carbohydrate dense food they do tend to feel 'more full'.

    2. The theory of cutting out carbs before a certain time is a complete myth. Your body stores fat because of unused energy over a period of time. As long as you're eating at a deficit you will lose weight. As long as you're eating at a surplus you will gain it.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Leave the calories where you have them set and give it 4 weeks. You were undereating at 1400 for sure.
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Thanks for all the advice.....

    I usually feel hungry at work and late evening, with my job if I cut out carbs I'd have no energy atall,I get very tired as it is, should I eat more of my calories during the day?

    So to recap, keep my cals at 2160 and up my protein to hit target each day and lift more weight?
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Weights 3 times a week!!!! Try Stronglifts 5x5 program!!

    Cardio just 1-2 times a week!

    I like the look of this but is it really just squats/bench press and dumbbell rows 5x5? I was about to buy a bench for home so would this suit me in my garage?
    Do it mon/weds/fri with cardio (my spinning bike)tues and thurs
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    Weights 3 times a week!!!! Try Stronglifts 5x5 program!!

    Cardio just 1-2 times a week!

    I like the look of this but is it really just squats/bench press and dumbbell rows 5x5? I was about to buy a bench for home so would this suit me in my garage?
    Do it mon/weds/fri with cardio (my spinning bike)tues and thurs

    Not exactly - There are 2 alternating days.

    Day One: Squats, Bench Press, Pendlay Row (little different then a dumbbell row)

    Day Two: Squats, Overhead Press, Deadlift

    Trust me - this gets hard FAST. I started very light because my deadlift form is TERRIBLE...but adding weight every lifting session makes this extremely challenging!
  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    Anyone got a link for the actual routine and how to do it etc?cheers
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    Anyone got a link for the actual routine and how to do it etc?cheers

    If you scroll down a bit, it goes through Workout A & B.

    Personally, I know how to do the lifts, so I downloaded the app that tracks all my lifts, plus automatically updates the weights when you need to progress. It also has a built in rest timer, which is good for people like me who struggle at keeping track of time!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Options has guided routines that might interest you. You can take a short quiz over there regarding your goals, and it will suggest workout programs for you to follow. I recently started the Jamie Eason routine (to lose fat and build strength); it's very challenging. You can print out your routine for each day.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Are you taking any supplements? B.C,A.A.'s or glutimine?/