Over 40 & taking care of yourself?



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    46 and training hard for my first marathon..love to have friends in their 40's, please feel free to add me..anyone, not just the OP :-)
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I'm "only" 38 (ha!) but I completely understand what you mean about people who just seem to have given up already!
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    42 and trying to improve and get my sexy back so I can be Fanfreakingtastic at 50! :drinker:
  • 1Mrsmcdilbert
    1Mrsmcdilbert Posts: 44 Member
    I am 47 but feel like I am so much younger. My kids are just about all out of the house and I am doing this for me. Feel free to add me.
  • RomanaW
    RomanaW Posts: 108 Member
    Yes, I am 45, feeling 25, but weighing 30 lbs more. Pls add me, I am sure we have lots of common things :)
  • fitnessgal1318
    I'm 47 and feel fit and fabulous.....at least on most days ;) ...would love friends that feel the same! Feel free to add me too!
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    Im in!! Im 43, soon to be 44 and like many others, am in the best shape of my life. Feel healthier than I ever have. Im doing a Tough Mudder in June and would NEVER have considered THAT in my hay day...lol
  • kaekencoffee
    kaekencoffee Posts: 81 Member
    48 and working hard to take 'stress' weight off. Working out every day, eating healthy so I can keep up with the 3 year and 5 month old grand babies! Feeling amazing how things are going and looking forward to getting my 'sexy' back!
    Add me if you'd like!
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member

    Truth: 40 is not dead.

    Truth: It may be that it has taken some this long to feel the effects of being out of shape and/or of poor eating habits.

    Truth:There are truly OLD people running marathons!

    Give 'em this link: www.c25k.com and tell them it's time to start training! ;-P
  • Ocean174
    Ocean174 Posts: 1
    What up to all! New on the message scene and looking to motivate and be motivated!
  • suaku
    suaku Posts: 45
    Turned 50 last year and dropped 140+ pounds through nothing more complicated than more exercise, smaller portions, and the help of MyFitnessPal.

    And you're right that attitude makes a big difference. Went to two reunions this past year and some people looked 10+ years younger than their actual age while some others looked 20+ years older than they really are -- a positive attitude, daily exercise, healthy diet, and not smoking seems to make a big difference (good genetics don't hurt either -- LOL!).
  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member
    I have had my 40th birthday party 3 times. Not because I am sad to be 40, but because its a great excuse to have fun!!

    Anyone is free to add me for support!
  • mattyb1971
    41 and having a great time changing my crappy habits. Feel free to add me!
  • Louiseisme
    I'm 43 and in better shape than in my younger years. I'm here and enjoying life every day. Friend Request Sent.
  • CrazyAnne
    CrazyAnne Posts: 217 Member
    Hey everyone!! I want to interact with other people over 40 who don't think that life is friggin over or that we are "old". Sheesh. I went to my 20 year class reunion and could not believe all the people who just totally let themselves go and think that 40 is half way to dead. That's totally not my attitude! I have just as much energy and I am just as healthy (minus the baby weight lol) as I was in my 20's and I want to keep it that way! If you are positive, and are working toward fit and healthy - friend me!!


    Just turned 40 this past November. Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • RobfromLakewood
    Funny enough, I was in great shape at 40 and not because of the age, but lifestyle turned fat and lazy, now I'm 46 and almost reversed the 5+ years of getting fat and lazy. I've run a few marathons, but this decade is when I go under 4 hours! It would be nice to have some more friends my age, since my wife just turned 30. :laugh:
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I'll be 44 in July and it doesn't bother me a bit. I'm still VERY young at heart. I don't feel like I did much living until I was in my late 30s. I'm just getting started!!!

    Just the other night my 2nd oldest daughter (17) said "I wonder what it would be like if you got all ripped? It would be weird to have a mom that people call a MILF". I said I'm not now??? bahahaha

    I'm hoping she gets a chance to find out!! :tongue:
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Uh ...... Yeah!!!! Never felt so sure if myself!!! It does help, of course, that my children are almost grown:)
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    40 is halfway to average US max lifespan but the key word is average.
    60 is the new 40,.80 is the new 60.
    Rock on people. Take care of yourselves.
  • CasiiD
    CasiiD Posts: 22 Member
    42 here and finally feel like I'm coming into my own! I can run a few miles more than I could at 20 or 30 too. ;-)

    Add me if you can stand hanging with another forty-something, lol.