*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • PaliDNAnge
    PaliDNAnge Posts: 81 Member
    Hi All. This is definitely a group I may be able to benefit from. If I have my way, I hope to lose 150 pounds or more. I've been overweight my entire life, including birth since I was almost 11 pounds out of the womb. Blame gestational diabetes. There have been a couple of times i tried some kind of diet, but it never lasted for more than a month, and of course, whatever weight I had lost, I gained back and then some. I finally reached my max weight a couple of years ago (290-300lb range). Well, this year i have a big trip overseas for my cousin's wedding, and I celebrate my 30th birthday. Thinking about those events, plus knowing that I've had enough of my current physical state, I started my quest at a thinner me in mid-January. Something's different this time around since I'm still on the weight loss band wagon. At this point, though, I've realized I need a better support system than what I currently have. Sure my friends and family are supportive of my efforts, but it's not the same as the support from people who are in the same boat as me. Having said that, I'm excited to meet more of you and share success stories! =D
  • msalec33
    msalec33 Posts: 10
    Hi Everyone, I hope it's not too late to because apart of this group!

    I'm 27, I started at 279 lbs and my goal weight is 160 lbs. This is the heaviest I've ever been in my entire life. I've currently lost 13 lbs so far, but i feel that I could do much better as my eating habits continue to improve. I think I am an emotional eater and stress really sets me off. I am a single mom to a 2 year old, I work part time, and I am a full time graduate student. Moving 1300 miles away from "home" and reevaluating my life prompted me to work toward changing my life. I really want to lose this weight and keep it off for so many reasons. I love reading everyone's stories b/c it reminds me of the common goal we all share. :)
  • vancelycans3
    Hi my name is Vance Im an airborne infantry soldier in the United states army and destoryed my back and now have problems keeping my weight down because im unable to run I want to get down to 180 within the next 3 months hopefully anyway idk if that will happen im stationed in italy and workout every weekday for more than an hour but have problems either eating not enough or to much what the hell should i do
  • Forever85
    Hi all, I'm new here and could do with some new friends. Please feel free to add me :-)
  • Tammy22274
    Tammy22274 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey Tammy, sorry to hear that. I've been the victim of similar, it hurts. D t eat your feelings though. Get a therapist.

    Thanks, and I am sorry you had to go through this as well. Honestly I never eat my feelings. These times are hard and I still stay under my calories but it is just the lack of exercise because I feel drained with the crap I am going through. I am staying positive and looking forward. Better days are ahead!!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello new faces: come back and post often

    Becky: I hope things get sorted. Sore feet are the worst thing. I have to wear insoles because of flat feet and if I don't wear them I end up practically crippled.

    Been an ok couple of days till the end of the yesterday when chocolate and peanut butter won out and I pigged out. So today trying to be super good. It's also thirsty Thursday so drink up!! It's 3 pm here and I've had 8 glasses so far. Bottoms up!
  • sue4981
    sue4981 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Sue, 45 years old and looking to release at least 55 lbs. I've struggled with weight my whole life, but the past five years (after 40) it just has been piling on like mad. I stared with MFP a few weeks ago and have been making some changes: adding exercise and trying very hard to stay within my caloric range. Lost a few pounds -- and with exercise I've lost five inches since January. I have some major life stressors going on which often results in comfort eating. A behavior I've been working on changing my whole life. Unfortunately most of that emotional eating takes place at night. So I am trying to find other things to do -- like joining this support group and sharing -- instead of sticking my head in food :P

    Looking forward to meeting everyone! So glad to find this group :)
  • brookeboule
    brookeboule Posts: 16 Member
    Hello all and happy weekend!

    So this week started out terrible, working 13 hours and then Monday I binged on thin mints. BUT I made up for it and ran my *kitten* of this week. I ran a 10k on the treadmill for the first time in my life, so that was pretty amazing. I am getting very anxous for spring and ready to try running outside!

    Very happy with this weeks loss of 3 pounds, biggest number I have had in the almost 8 weeks of doing this. I am now only 3.4 pounds away from my record low weight. Can't wait to beat that barrier! I hope everyone has a great weekend :)
  • brianafaye2
    brianafaye2 Posts: 166 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Bri. I'm turning 20 in may, and I want to lose around 50lbs. I'm having a hard time because of my hypothyroidism, so I would love some more friends for extra motivation! Feel free to add me :)
  • MissNordicLight
    MissNordicLight Posts: 140 Member
    Ouch, I just downed the rest of the cake that we had last night. And now my daughter was asking for some and I lied and told her i threw it out .... BAD!!!
  • JamieRebecca23
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Jamie. I'm a SAHM to a 5 yr old and a 9 week old. I think I've battled with weight since I graduated high school. I had my first child at 24 and gained an insane amount of weight. I was living in a different state than everyone I knew. Hub was in the Air Force. I initially lost 15 lbs after my daughter but gained it back and then some.

    I've always battled depression. I basically self medicated with alcohol from 21-24. When I married and became pregnant that changed. I then started self medicating with food. I had always been super athletic so I guess I was shocked at how much I had let myself go. I don't feel like I'm in a battle against the weight. I feel like I'm in a battle with myself mentally. I'm a chronic quitter. It's hard admitting that. I quit workouts, diets, friends, responsiblities... etc. My excuse is basically, because I can. I'm not just tired of the fat. I'm tired of myself. This journey isn't about losing weight for me. It's about evolution as a person. I want to be more reliable, driven, active. I want my daughters to be proud of me.

    My husband works a lot so sometimes I stress eat because my baby girl does NOT sleep. She refuses to nap during the day unless she's in the car. She wakes up a lot through the night. So I'm pretty tired. A few weeks ago I exercised a lot more. It helped me with energy. I was able to take care of both kids and get my 5 yr old back and worth to pre-k. Now I just feel exhausted. I feel like I'm using the baby as an excuse to not exercise, but even with that knowledge I can't get her to sleep to find time to exercise.

    I used to be in "accept me as I am" mode. I basically used God created me the way I am as an excuse to be lazy, *****y, etc. Now I realize that was lazy me talking. God expects evolution, kindness, growth. So basically I'm looking for a soul overhaul here. I've had a lot of AHA moments the last year and somehow I FINALLY feel driven to make a difference. It's not enough to want something, you have to take the first steps towards getting it. I need friends and accountability... BAD. I refuse to quit. I think if I quit this after quitting so many other things, that I'll lose whats left of my self respect. Sooooo that is my story. Sorry so long. It just feels good to get it out. xoxo
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    We are going to switch over to a new thread in just another 8 posts... if you are the one to switch it over -- PLEASE DO AN INTRODUCTORY POST for the first one in the new thread... I'll try to remember to watch to see if it can be me...
  • KetoDebbie912
    KetoDebbie912 Posts: 105 Member
    Hello and Happy Monday,

    This weekend the weather was nice so I decided to try and transition from running (C25K) on the treadmill to outdoors. It was much harder than I thought so I ended up doing intervals of running and walking. Today my legs are so sore!!!

    Saturday night was date night. The guy I am dating wanted to go to an authentic local Mexican restaurant so I allowed myself to eat what I wanted and have one margarita. It wasn't off the charts so I felt pretty good about it.

    Today I am up a pound. More than likely water retention from sore muscles and sodium from the Mexican food. Either way, I am okay with it and will work on getting it off this week.

    I am 53lbs from goal weight and working hard to change my lifestyle in order to get the weight off in a healthy manner and to maintain for life.

    How was your weekend? Any goals for the week?

    Mine are: Concentrate on drinking all my water, focus on healthy clean foods and to run outside whenever possible!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    We are going to switch over to a new thread in just another 8 posts... if you are the one to switch it over -- PLEASE DO AN INTRODUCTORY POST for the first one in the new thread... I'll try to remember to watch to see if it can be me...

    oooh i've never flipped a thread over to a new thread before...i hope it's not me. do i have to do anything particular?

    Also I'll just copy-paste an edit of your intro, with an added *this is not a group, it's a thread that requires you to come back and post about your highs/lows/successes/failures and boringness of life....come back, post often, become friends*


    Everything is up in the air chez penny. I'm in a grumpy mood about it too, especially as it *should* be a good thing, but it doesn't seem to be feeling like that in any context.
    Basically, bf freaked out he was going to be homeless on Tues (I get where he was coming from but it was a massive over-reaction). So he immediately applies for job, and by the end of the week he already has 1 definite interview, and 3 others to be confirmed today...most of which are in London or just outside (great location close to me, and significantly higher salaries). The other is in Plymouth (very south coast of England, 250miles away and ~4.5+hrs away....also plymouth is where he grew up and his family all live). So not only am I quite jealous that he's finding it this easy to potentially move jobs (he doesn't even *need* to...he still has a job allbeit in a location that he hates and at a salary that it pretty crap...) btw he also works in the building industry, so although we're in different disciplines and different roles etc, it took me 7 month of hard graft to beg/borrow/steal a job and he's got 4 interviews in under a week.
    but also, he's basically either going to end up needing to move so close that the only sensible thing is for me to move out of home to move in with him...(huge scary scary step), or we'll end up splitting up coz he'll move home and it's not really doable relationship-wise.
    I'm not really sure why he's even taking the interview for the job in plymouth...it's not something he wanted prior to applying, he didn't even want to apply...he only did it to get his mate (who works for the same company) off his back, he always wanted to move towards London, rather than massively away from it... Also he's all super-stressing and worrying about these "massive life decisions" (that havn't even happened yet! there is NO WAY he'll get all the jobs offered, that'd be too lucky,) I keep telling him to calm down and wait until the interviews/job offers before he starts freaking out/worrying. But already he's not sleeping and panicking. *sigh*...so yeah I dunno. Stay tuned for updates.
    Also food was a bit crazy this weekend with mother's day, and cold/stress/too much exercise induced migraine, but I'm trying to be good again this week. It's FREEZING cold with strong icy winds, but still cycling in and walking lots etc. Hope the snow that's falling doesn't settle. GAH,

    Sorry for not such a positive update! Hope to be more supportive of everyone else later in the week x
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    We are going to switch over to a new thread in just another 8 posts... if you are the one to switch it over -- PLEASE DO AN INTRODUCTORY POST for the first one in the new thread... I'll try to remember to watch to see if it can be me...

    oooh i've never flipped a thread over to a new thread before...i hope it's not me. do i have to do anything particular?

    Also I'll just copy-paste an edit of your intro, with an added *this is not a group, it's a thread that requires you to come back and post about your highs/lows/successes/failures and boringness of life....come back, post often, become friends*

    Just what you said there Penny! You do just that... nothing else special. And, yes, that's a GREAT add for the intro o the thread... that and perhaps, this isn't JUST a dumping/downloading zone, while we want people to do that, this is a place to comment and "talk" with others... so feedback is highly encouraged?!? I don't know... LOL.


    Penny... if you see 3 or more? Just do a "posting so I flip thread" for the 4th & 5th... I want someone to actually "introduce" the thread, so to speak?!?

    Sorry for my absence... I'm just not feeling myself. Had a pretty heavy deal go on, and it's created some distance with the guy I've been seeing for the last 9 months. In an effort to prove I didn't care? I went out with The Drummer that I've seen off and on over the last... oh, 4-5 months. Only? I felt bad and guilty. So, I ended up ending things there... *sigh* ... poor guy didn't expect it, and I'm not sure if I did either. Wouldn't be so bad except my guy here is all distance'y and that's frustrating me! And, when he does that? I just go into shut down and wall building mode... I'm ready to be on an "ending relationships" spree... Have a tough friendship going on in2 past relationships too. I don't know why or understand what/why things seem to be such a trial these days... I'm not liking it!

    OK, going to sleep... or I'll get into thinking and feeling... and I'm tired of the sad!

    Thanks Penny for helping watch the thread...
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Hi ladies.

    Penny - Hope everything settles down with ur bf and his interviews. It's hard to be stressing about yourself then add in another person. That's double stress for you. At least you had the energy to exercise which is a good thing. Exercise brings i happy hormones so it might help you cope up with these things. As for the food, well today is a new day.

    debbie - congrats on the weight loss. By looking at your ticker, it says you already lost 46 lbs. I'm green with envy. I haven't even lost 5 lbs. It seems like a very loooong stretch for me. My goal for the week is to continue eating healthily and exercise. I've been a mess two weeks ago with the cough and colds and some work-related stress.

    To the new ladies, welcome.

    Well as for me, the past weekend was too tiring for me. I had to work until Saturday so I failed to exercise. Sunday, I did the Shred and well, the food was blah. Monday came and my work is pulling me towards different directions but I'm glad its over. Also, TOM visited which made my day even crappier.

    As for today, I woke up at 4:30 am, to squeeze in a round of Shred. But my baby decided to join in the fun. Good thing, he was just watching me and he cried when I was done. He's just 4 months BTW. My hubby drove me to work today. We only have one car and can't afford to buy one anytime soon. ANyway, instead of having some quality time with him, we ended up arguing over my supposed new job. I just learned that I was a nominee for a prosecutor (it's like the DA) in the States. I'm currently a Public Defender. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get the job which would mean a higher pay and a flexible schedule.

    Oh well until next post.

    Have a great day everyone....
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Definately need a disclaimer at the thread flip. It's not enough to just say hello and never come back. If you say this is the support group you need...duh, come back, post, be supported and supportive!!!

    Jehan: I take my hat off to you getting up at that hour and getting a work out in!!

    Debbie: great weight release!

    Penny: I know it's so hard not to stress. Try and keep it at bay until a decision has been made. I once heard at a church service some very wise words (and not religious). When you are lying in bed or sitting worrying, ask yourself is there anything I can do about this right now. Is there anything in my control about this. It sounds silly but I find if I actually ask myself this, I'm able to put in a mental box so to speak and relax a bit.

    Well this weekend I decided to take a break. The reality is I just couldn't be bothered to try this weekend. And yesterday when I got on the scale it showed a gain of 5lbs. Now I know I didn't was enough cals for that so some of it will be sodium and I know some of it is due to the stupid anti-inflammatory I am taking for my hand. But those are also excuses. And yesterday I used them to say I am already failing so I might as well keep failing. Today I have changed my attitude and am doing my best to get it right.

    Goals for this week: get out for week 1 of c25k, drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, get at least 3 servings of fruit and veg a day.
  • kellyw036
    kellyw036 Posts: 58 Member
    Good Morning!

    I'm 27, from MN, FT working Mom of a toddler...looking to lose 60lbs! Any and all support is motivating, especially to chat with those who are on the same journey!

    Please add me, would love to give/receive support! :happy:
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member